Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 1 Introduction

The theme for this week was “Whats in a name?”  The lecture was skimmed the surface of what we should expect, and for me this helped to encourage my brain to wake up after years not studying! It gave me somethings to reflect on such as what sort of impression you give people out there in webworld when you post something anywhere online. This is not something I had thought about much at all in the past.

Some of the other issues raised include

  • Facebook content and the security options within the programme – who owns the content people post?  This leads to  further thought about who owns anything on the web. Once its out there – its out there – sometimes there is no taking it back as the Star Wars Kid YouTube clip has shown us. It pays to be careful what you put online…
  • Political statements made through Twitter… is it just pointless “follow the leader” activity, or is it actually an effective way of making a political statement that can actually lead to change (whether for better or worse)? If its an actual statement of political stance then the potential for global change (and hopeful improvement) is monumental!

There were other issues raised  but for me these two were the most thought provoking and ones I will happily think about and chat about  in the future.

The task for this week involved usernames. There seem to be quite a few websites out there which check a variety of other websites to see if your chosen username is available. I had no idea these even exist – its such a good idea for someone wanting to develop their own online persona (and not to mention advertising for all the available social networking sites in the process!). is the site chosen for this task. My initial username was one I had chosen many many moons ago back in yahoo chat rooms as a 25 year old… where I met my husband actually. Its available across the board except for a couple of which are mine anyway. I believe we may use these chosen names to develop our own web persona’s advertising something perhaps so I am not sure whether to use that same name or not. Its more of a “playname” than a professional name. Lots more thought will have to go into that name perhaps…

A snapshot of the website was going to be shown but it would seem that I have to learn how to do that…


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