Thursday, September 10, 2009

Technology Hates Me

I don’t think anyone knows what it feels like to be hated by technology.

Just a simple daily routine of those that suffer the despise of technology:

First you wake up in the morning to look at your blackberry and you’d have to press the unlock button a gazillion times until it actually opens. More struggles into checking things. You go downstairs and you look for your laptop’s charger. You get pissed at whoever misplaced it. finally, you find it hidden in somewhere you would’ve never thought of – just because it wants to annoy you (the charger – it hides in that place on purpose).

You turn on the laptop, and you go on Facebook. Facebook chat is open and people start talking and the browser freezes and you’d have to close all tabs – including those that you were using for purely study-purposes. You get pissed and you decide you don’t want to use Firefox anymore. But hey, you’ve already decided you didn’t want to use Internet Explorer or Safari because you had issues with them before anyway.

You download Google Chrome (thanking God there’s a new web browser you haven’t had a fight with already). Of course, you have issues installing it.

You then decide that Facebook might be too risky at first. You try to log in to your WordPress account (which you had trouble doing using Firefox) and, surprise! You can’t log in from Google Chrome either. You’ve had posts saved on your computer piling up, and you still can’t post them.

You get pissed, as usual, and decide I don’t want to study physics anymore! So you try to find ways to procrastinate, and you go on YouTube. Well, another surprise! Videos don’t work.

You think that this may be a sign you should go back to physics, so you go on Gmail to chat with your physics buddy and ask her questions of things you need to know. Ah well, you’ve already gotten used to this by now. Gmail chat is not working. Your mind brings your blog back to thought, and you think, hey, why not contact WordPress support? You look for it, and don’t find it. You decide you want to try Skype, but your friend says every time she adds you it says you’re unavailable.

You get pissed and you decide you need consultation from your geek friend, so you try to use your super-awesome Blackberry to bbm her, and ha! Your Blackberry stops working. No bbm, no internet browsing, no sending (or receiving) emails, no text messaging, not even calling.

You think of contacting STC, but ah well, you already know the end of that so you don’t even bother.

You just go on stupid Facebook again and write stuff on her wall.

You find out that your friend’s Facebook account was abused by her friend and she read all the things you wrote for her.

You curse your life and the day technology was born.

I know, being hated by technology sucks.


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