Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm Not Crazy...

I’m just a little unwell.

So, a big shot-out to my mother… well, to my family in general. It is a little crazy to think that this is the closest I’ve been to them (distance wise) since I graduated high school. Honestly, they are my biggest support group and have always had my back. However, being closer than ever to them has been fantastic!

I mean, my Dad’s been super generous and a great tech-guy, my mom is a financial guru (which is good because I am rubbish with numbers), and my lil’ sis with the big heart is my bestest friend (sorry Mia and Schelly, she called ‘dibs’). I’m really very blessed.

So, bad news… no choir for me. I can’t afford it… and that really sucks, because music and singing are a big part of my life, and a creative outlet that really helps me cope with stress. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to hope my neighbors don’t mind me belting something out every now and then; as long as it’s not after quiet hours I should be fine. My biggest concern, however, is that because I don’t have an activity that is more or less purely social, I’ll have a real difficulty finding friends. I saw some pictures posted on FB today of a recent little-get-together in my own old SLO house… and surprisingly, it felt like a little dirk had been poked under my ribs. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Cal Poly peeps, and most of my memories from college are happy ones… but I don’t want to look back with a heavy sigh and murmur “Those were the days–” because they really weren’t, and I’m guilty of romanticizing them.

Patience is a virtue… and darn if it isn’t one I lack in regards to this new chapter in my life. By the way, that is really ironic for those of you who understand just how insanely-patient I am was with some individuals who shall remain nameless (but acknowledged).

Anywho, I guess I just don’t want to live a life of routine and checked-off-To-Do lists. I mean, sure, I’m getting work done, but it still kinda feels like my life is as unbalanced as Dorothy Parker (for those who don’t get the reference, she was a brilliant writer, with a sharp wit, and a love of hooch). Ultimately, I’m worried life will end up distinguished, perhaps even entertaining, but empty. Ah well, that’s what happens when you’re one of a species of creatures that are social by necessity. Speaking of which, check out this awesome new anthropological find!

Yes, that’s how this post is going to conclude, and I’m aware that any basic writing course would give it an “F” for Fabulous.


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