Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why You Should Take a Digital Communication Technology Class

As fall quarter is coming to an end, I start to reminisce about the courses  I took this quarter. One class in particular was not only fun and educational, but it is a class that teaches you about web 2.0 and how it can be beneficial in the real world.  Communication 395: Digital Communication Technology, taught by Kathy Gill, is honestly one of the most useful classes I have taken at the University of Washington. At first, I was skeptical about this class because I thought it was unnecessary but after my roommate Melissa convinced me to go to the first meeting and I found that this class would be very relevant to my future.

Professor Gill is one of the most tech. savy person I have ever met.  Although, us college students live on facebook, twitter, and other networking websites, Professor Gill brings a different perspective to social media. The assigned readings in class helped me to understand what an advantage it is to have web 2.0 and how it can help us in the future.  Google analytics was introduced to the class and it is a tool manages your websites or blogs. Google analytics is a great way to track down traffic, the number of clicks made my visitors, what’s the most popular link on your page, the number of unique visitors, etc. Working for a clothing industry and being in charged with the online site, Google analytics taught me how to track what’s working and what’s not working on our site. This helped me to increase sales since I could visual see what the customers like or dislike.  Another hot topic that I had little knowledge in is Twitter. Professor Gill is a Pro at Twitter, she knew more stuff about Twitter than most of the students in the class! I learned that Twitter is more than just a status update tool, but it is a great tool for marketing, finding out what trending topic are and of course, a great way to social network.

Although I did learn a lot about web 2.0, I also found that this class is very beneficial to anyone’s career who is interested in communication.  COMM 395 teaches internet etiquette on what you should publish on your blog or facebook, and the consequences on how it can hurt your reputation if  not thought out properly. Because web 2.0 is mostly about social networking, by having accounts such as facebook, linkedIn and twitter, it can help you connect with people who are in the specific industry that you are wanting to work for. Developing a blog can be used to show companies that you can be devoted to a project (that is if you continue the blog after class) and because the whole purpose of having a blog is to update it daily, it also shows your obedience and dedication.

This class has taught me that the internet is your friend and there are millions of ways it can help you. Without this class, I would be clueless about all the online software and how to use it. Thanks to this class, I now have my own blog and has started another blog with my roommate, EmeraldBites. I highly recommend this class to students in all majors!


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