Saturday, December 5, 2009

Separation of Church and Facebook

So lately, I have spent more time on Face book having to trudge through piles and piles of religious spam. This stuff ranges from “God’s message for the day” to “If you are not ashamed to proclaim Jesus as your savior, do so by pasting this as your status!!!”. Well I am not ashamed….I don’t just believe it’s true..That’s why I’m not posting it.

What to do here?

When I say wading through it, I am talking about items posted on my newsfeed from my friends. I am not talking about messages spamming me to join a group etc. This creates a weird scenario. I should develop a chart which outlines a threshold, exceed it and feel the wrath of my “hide” button, stay within the limits and bask in eternal glory.

I spend a majority of my time either hiding the religious content, or contemplating just posting how I feel about it. I don’t think I am ready to commit Social Suicide yet.  I have seen some pretty crazy stuff that almost makes me want to just let the chips fall where they may.


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