Sunday, December 13, 2009

Al Gore's Argument With Sarah Palin Reveals Inconvenient Truths For 'Climate Change'

Someone put it this way:

Al Gore has it exactly right. If Republicans can use Sarah Palin as a source, then Al Gore, who has actually studied this issue, deserves a hearing too.

I’ll bite on that.  Al Gore has a right to be heard.  After all, we’re not like the vindictive global warming “scientists” who suppress the work of those who disagree with them in what has all the appearances of a fanatical effort to persecute anyone skeptical of their religion.

From the largest and most trusted newspaper in the land, The Wall Street Journal:

Some emails also refer to efforts by scientists who believe man is causing global warming to exclude contrary views from important scientific publications.

“This is horrible,” said Pat Michaels, a climate scientist at the Cato Institute in Washington who is mentioned negatively in the emails. “This is what everyone feared. Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for anyone who does not view global warming as an end-of-the-world issue to publish papers. This isn’t questionable practice, this is unethical.” [...]

In one email, Benjamin Santer from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., wrote to the director of the climate-study center that he was “tempted to beat” up Mr. Michaels. Mr. Santer couldn’t be reached for comment Sunday.

In another, Phil Jones, the director of the East Anglia climate center, suggested to climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State University that skeptics’ research was unwelcome: We “will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!” Neither man could be reached for comment Sunday.

So I as a global warming skeptic am willing to let Al Gore be heard simply because I am a more open and honest person than the global warming alarmists.

But it’s not just that.  I’m also willing to let Sarah Palin debate Al Gore even though Al Gore “has actually studied this issue.”  After all, I’m willing to bet that Sarah Palin, unlike Al Gore, knows that the temperature of the earth’s core is not the “several million degrees” that Al Gore wrongly and frankly idiotically claimed it was.

I’m sure that Al Gore has studied something, but it wasn’t actual facts, it wasn’t truth, and it certainly wasn’t “science” by any legitimate meaning of the word.

All I want from Al Gore when he gets his “hearing” is that he actually tells the truth, rather than making false and misleading statements.

Here’s one for instance:

Al Gore has studied the Climategate emails with his typically rigorous eye and dismissed them as mere piffle:

Q: How damaging to your argument was the disclosure of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University?

A: To paraphrase Shakespeare, it’s sound and fury signifying nothing. I haven’t read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old. These private exchanges between these scientists do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus.

In the interview above, Al Gore repeats this lie about all the emails being more than ten years all three separate times.

But here’s the inconvenient truth that Al Gore would tell if he were being honest or factual:

In fact, as Watts Up With That shows, one Climategate email was from just two months ago. The most recent was sent on November 12 – just a month ago. The emails which have Tom Wigley seeming (to me) to choke on the deceit are all from this year. Phil Jones’ infamous email urging other Climategate scientists to delete emails is from last year.

The emails Jones wanted deleted were related to a Freedom of Information Act issue.  The “global warming skeptics” wanted research so they could do their own review.  It was unethical and contemptible to try to destroy such evidence.

The most damaging emails were from this year, not from “more than ten years ago.”  In point of fact, the latest email was dated 12 Nov 2009 19:17:44 GMT.  They weren’t just cheating, lying, colluding, conspiring, demagoguing, concealing, and distorting ten years ago.  They were cheating, lying, colluding, conspiring, demagoguing, concealing, and distorting only last month.

Here’s an inconvenient truth: global warming “scientists” such as Phil Jones were manipulating the data to get the result they wanted:

“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Now, the global warming alarmists are trying to say that “trick” is being used colloquially as in a clever thing to do, but what’s the purpose of the “trick”?  “To hide the decline.”

Why would they want to “hide the decline”?

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.

We’re not the ones using “tricks” to “hide the increases.”  It’s the global warming alarmists who are using “tricks” to “hide the declines.”

There is an obvious pattern of deceit and corruption from politically- and ideologically-involved scientists who will get far more grant money hyping global warming and trying to solve the manufactured crisis of climate change than they would get if they said there wasn’t a problem.

And if that isn’t bad enough, we now find that these “scientists” have purged all their raw data – which had been sought by skeptics of anthropogenic warming for years.   Beyond trusting the massaged data of documented liars and frauds, we now have to merely take their word for most of their “research conclusions.”

I’d trust my newborn baby to a starving pack of coyotes before I’d trust these people to tell me the truth.

So when we give you that hearing you deserve, Al Gore, tell the truth.  Don’t keep selling the massive package of lies you’ve been selling all these years.

Al Gore says:

I’m not a scientist, so I’m not the best witness, but I have followed the debate for 40 years. It was a somewhat harder case to make 30-40 years ago, but it was still clear. So many of the details have been filled in now, it’s very hard to find a respectable argument contrary to the consensus on the main points about global warming. Some people don’t want to hear that, but it’s a fact.

That’s real interesting, considering that in 1971 – fewer than forty years ago if my math is correct – prominent global warming alarmists such as NASA demagogue James Hansen were predicting an ice age that would emerge from global cooling.

So it’s not “clear” in the way that science should be clear; rather, it’s “clear” in the way that radical judicial activists “clearly” saw the “penumbras and emanations” in the Constitution that showed that women should be able to murder the father of their childrens’ babies without the father of those same children having any say whatsoever in the matter.

Their “science” is as “clear” as their fecal matter, except for the fact that fecal matter would constitute raw data – something that they don’t have.

So we finally get to the current argument between Al Gore and Sarah Palin.  Palin wrote an Op-ed in the Washington Post that Al Gore emerged from his carbon-spewing private jet to comment on in an interview:

MITCHELL: Well, one of the things that she has written recently on Facebook is that this is doomsday scare tactics pushed by an environmental priesthood that makes the public feel like owning an SUV is a sin against the planet.

GORE: Well, the scientific community has worked very intensively for 20 years within this international process, and they now say the evidence is unequivocal. A hundred and fifty years ago this year was the discovery that CO-2 traps heat. That is a — a principle in physics. It’s not a question of debate. It’s like gravity; it exists.

Sarah Palin’s response to Al Gore was tantamount to a bitch slapping, only Al Gore was “the bitch”:

Steven Hayward has a great article in The Weekly Standard on the Climategate scandal. Be sure to check it out.

The response to my op-ed by global warming alarmists has been interesting. Former Vice President Al Gore has called me a “denier” and informs us that climate change is “a principle in physics. It’s like gravity. It exists.”

Perhaps he’s right. Climate change is like gravity – a naturally occurring phenomenon that existed long before, and will exist long after, any governmental attempts to affect it.

However, he’s wrong in calling me a “denier.” As I noted in my op-ed above and in my original Facebook post on Climategate, I have never denied the existence of climate change. I just don’t think we can primarily blame man’s activities for the earth’s cyclical weather changes.

Former Vice President Gore also claimed today that the scientific community has worked on this issue for 20 years, and therefore it is settled science. Well, the Climategate scandal involves the leading experts in this field, and if Climategate is proof of the larger method used over the past 20 years, then Vice President Gore seriously needs to consider that their findings are flawed, falsified, or inconclusive.

Vice President Gore, the Climategate scandal exists. You might even say that it’s sort of like gravity: you simply can’t deny it.

- Sarah Palin

Let me add a little more to Sarah’s incredibly good response to Al Gore.  Gore wants to claim that CO2 trapping heat is a principle of physics.  And it is.  But what he doesn’t account for – and what none of the global warming alarmist data-massaged computer models don’t account for – is that the planet has a means for venting vast amounts of carbon dioxide.

We have long known for a decade about the climatic heat vent over the Pacific that vents global warming gasses into space.  We have long known that greenhouse gasses are trapped in the “sponge” of the oceans.  What we find is that the vent increases the efficiency of rainfall when the sea surface temperatures rise above 28 degrees centigrade, and that the CO2 goes into the clouds, and then out of the atmosphere.  So Al Gore again demonstrates that global warming proponents don’t know very much about science.  CO2 traps heat, but only in a hypothetical closed system.  Which is simply not the case here on the “real world” of earth.

Also read:

What the Science REALLY Says About Global Warming

What You Never Hear About Global Warming


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