Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear Facebook: Where’s Our Group?


Saturday, January 30, 2010

2:00 PST

Contact: Shelby Gifford, Cox Family Spokeswoman


SUBJECT: Friends & Family of Susan Powell Facebook Page Mysteriously Disappears

The Cox Family and administrators of the Friends & Family of Susan Powell Facebook page are asking for the social networking site’s help in restoring a page dedicated to the disappearance of missing Utah mom, Susan Powell, who was last seen December 6, 2009 in West Valley City, Utah.

The page contained information about Susan and her disappearance, and was a place where members of Facebook could come for up-to-date information about the case. “An entire database of people willing to help with searches and provide other services was deleted from Facebook as of approximately 2 PM Friday, January 29, 2010” said Shelby Gifford, family spokesperson for the Cox family and an administrator on the popular Facebook page. “Additionally, our page had over 45,000 members, all of whom can no longer see the page and who are not able to get or distribute information about Susan’s disappearance.”

The Facebook page has also been plagued by a “troll” who continues to visit the page under assumed identities, even pretending to be Susan Powell herself at one point. The Cox family and the Friends & Family of Susan Powell page administrators have made repeated complaints to Facebook and have not received a response. Susan’s father, Charles Cox, even applied online for a job with Facebook to try to get the company’s attention, but received no response. Other Facebook sites that strive to provide information about Susan have experienced similar problems.

“Obviously, our reason for using Facebook is that it can reach such a large audience quickly. This was proven in our successful Find Susan Media Blitz conducted earlier this month, during which the site grew to over 43,000 members in just a matter of days,” said James Hofheins, Social Media Coordinator for the Friends & Family of Susan Powell group. “We would like to talk with a representative from Facebook so we can remedy this problem once and for all. Their lack of response is causing great frustration among Susan’s friends, family and supporters.”

Various law enforcement agencies have been contacted with regard to threats made to the individual administrators of the Friends & Family of Susan Powell Facebook site. “We will continue to pursue those avenues as needed,” said Gifford.

NOTE: The Cox family had previously planned (but not announced) a press conference for Monday, February 1, 2010 in Puyallup, WA. THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED. When the conference is rescheduled, members of the media will be notified via an emailed press release. To add your contact information to the Cox Family media database, please send an email to


Week Two A Success!

This week was FarmVilleValley’s second and was very successful! We’ve got over 400 views in less then ten days which is above my wildest expactations. So it’s time again to thank all the pepole and websites which have sent us visitors! This week WordPress blog searching has gotten us 20+ views, Google 10+, and FaceBook 30+. As well, I have started handing out ads in school which has dnoe it’s share. So as well as those, we here at FarmVilleValley thank:

Panic Button Blog Steelowl Anticscheats NeopetsValley


Remember that link could be your’s next Sunday if you refer to us.

Thank you all! I am looking forward to another wonderful week!




Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Paranormal State" turns to these New Jersey PROs

By Ava Gacser

In a world where reality television is the norm, and for many, Andy Warhol’s prediction of everyone getting their 15 minutes of fame is often attainable, it’s unusual – and pretty darn sweet – when fame literally falls into your lap.

Yet that’s exactly what happened to Greg Papalcure, who – along with his fellow New Jersey Paranormal Research Organization (NJ-PRO) co-founders, husband and wife Andy and Christine Rivera – will be featured in Tuesday’s episode of “Paranormal State” (10 p.m., A&E), entitled “Lost Souls.”

And it’s all thanks to a seemingly innocent conversation Greg had with a Pennsylvania woman named Kathy.

“‘Oh, my house is haunted,’” Greg, 23, recalls the woman telling him back in 2008. “Do you want to come in?”

Did he ever. With his NJ-PRO colleagues in tow, Greg – who serves as a lead investigator and tech specialist for the Central Jersey-based group – took Kathy up on her invitation. And then they came back, again and again.

“Every time we were there we uncovered something,” Greg recalls.

“Everything was escalating,” explains lead investigator and case manager Christine, 34. Unexplained events (which allegedly began during home renovations several years earlier) were disrupting Kathy’s daily life and negatively affecting her relationships with friends and family, as well as impacting her son, Michael.

“She was being locked up in her own home because nobody wanted to come visit her,” Christine says.

Things took an even more serious turn when unexplained phenomena began happening while Kathy’s infant grandchild was visiting.

“The baby was interrupted sleeping,” lead investigator and audio specialist Andy, 27, says. “(Something) was taking the covers off of the child.”

It was then that the team decided to contact Paranormal Research Society (PRS) at Pennsylvania State University. Founded by then-student Ryan Buell in 2001, PRS and its investigations have been the subject of the hit A&E program “Paranormal State” since 2007.

The evidence NJ-PRO had amassed in a year of documenting Kathy’s case – which includes electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) and the physical manipulation of objects – was enough not only to intrigue PRS but convince Ryan to check it out for himself. A week after sending off an email, Greg received a response: PRS was interested.

The investigation of Kathy’s home took place in September 2009 and includes impressions by Michelle Belanger, one of PRS’ go-to psychic mediums. Filming lasted three days, and Christine, Andy and Greg were present on one day. Christine and Greg were interviewed on camera by Ryan and his tech specialist, Sergey Poberezhny, but the team was not invited to join PRS’ investigation of the property.

“We were getting updates from PRS throughout” the day, however, Christine explains.

PRS has often expressed a willingness to work with other paranormal research groups. In an A&E online video, Ryan explains, “The great thing about having a paranormal team that’s already worked on a case is that you suddenly have a lot of information.”

NJ-PRO’s members say they appreciated PRS’ involvement in the case. They also enjoyed watching how the seasoned team works, which Andy says is similar to how his group functions – with one main difference.

“They tend to go with psychics, and we try to stay away from that,” he says.

Greg agrees.

“We deal with more of the scientific side of the investigation,” he adds.

However, all three admired how PRS relates to the people it is trying to help.

“We really like the way that they are more client-based,” Greg says.

Being so close in age – the PRS members are in their teens and 20s – certainly helped the groups get along, too.

“Everybody was really nice,” says Andy.

“They were very approachable – individually and as a group,” agrees Christine.

The two teams got along so well, in fact, that PRS last fall invited Greg, Andy and Christine to attend an advance screening of the film “Paranormal Activity” on the university’s State College, Pa., campus.

The positive experience with PRS has whetted NJ-PRO’s appetite for a show of their own.

“We are working with a producer in developing episodes we hope to market to TV channels,” Christine says. “It’s a new field that’s been opened up to us.”

And while the status of PRS’ investigation into Kathy’s home remains uncertain (the conclusion of Tuesday’s episode will hopefully shed light on that), NJ-PRO says its case remains open.

Contact NJ-PRO

In the meantime, the non-profit group is actively seeking clients. If you are experiencing unexplained phenomena and live in the tri-state area (or beyond), you may contact NJ-PRO by visiting its website, Facebook and Twitter pages, or by calling (908) 4-HAUNT-0.


Bras on Facebook and the Batsymbol

Here’s a story from a couple of days ago…I’m very proud of myself as I was able to use the term ‘batsymbol’ in a joke. It’s very hard to work that phrase into a joke. But there’s no joking about breast cancer. I was sent a Facebook request to post the color of my bra as my post with no explanation and to not send it to men. The whole purpose was to keep men in the dark for a while as it is women who have to be vigilant about what goes into our bras.  So I post the word BLACK. One of my African American friends responded to my post at the speed of light as if he was, indeed, Batman, and said “Yes?”…Had to let him in on the joke. So, thus, it was like I had sent out the Batsymbol in the sky, and my good friend wanted to come to my rescue. Thanks, David. You’re the best.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Facebook Privacy Policy

The facebook privacy policy, or lack thereof, should be a pressing issue for all facebook users. Many users do not know that whatever is said on walls, uploaded, or commented on is owned by facebook. When you sign up for the service most people just click I accept the terms of the privacy policy without really taking a look. Well what they do not know can really hurt them in the long run. When applying for jobs and such employers can view any pictures or inappropriate groups to see if you would be an ideal employee. Most people on facebook have things they would not want their employers seeing.

In the privacy policy on facebook there is a section about how they use the information. They use it for personalizing advertisements to target the user. For example on my facebook they advertise a lot of clothes and shoes and specifically say for 19 year-olds. Also “some information” is public to help “friends find you.” This is where the “privacy” policy looses its security. The information is shared to anyone on facebook that could be your friend. There is no safety in this.

I work at a summer camp and I’ve had campers friend me who are younger than the “required” minimum age of 13. These girls are very vulnerable and probably do not even know it. A lot of these kids will friend people they don’t even know because to them facebook is a popularity contest. Some of them have over a thousand friends! The general public needs to be aware of this issue to help prevent the easy access to these young kids.

Overall the facebook privacy policy does barely anything for its users. Even if you decide to “delete” your facebook it will never permanently be gone. Facebook saves everything and anything you’ve done. They claim to save your account “in case” you want to reactivate it at a later date. This is both good and bad because they still have all of your data and can use it to your disadvantage.


Encounters with Angry Idiots

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As the pole turns... another day at the club.

I have to admit, a friend and fellow DJ actually use the “as the pole turns” name before, I always thought it was pretty funny… Today was definitely a better day for the bar than that of last Monday. I was pleased to have more than one dancer for the first part of my shift, in fact, I had five of them for the majority of the day. The customers were coming in pretty steadily, and I had a rotation going almost non-stop, but, the customers weren’t really tipping or getting dances. The bar, however, rang a pretty good number of sales, and that is, at least, positive.

My plan to be at the gym this morning did not go as planned. I have not been planning and doing things properly to minimize wasted time. I am, before I go to bed tonight, going to prepare my lunch and dinner for tomorrow. I just don’t have enough time to do it the same day. I need to start getting up at 7am again and getting to the gym no later than 8:45. That will allow me to have the 1.5 to 2 hour work out and then home to shower and dress and go to work. I will be working, as far as I know at now, every day this week with only Sunday off. I do need the money, I just don’t want to get burned out on the club too soon. I hope that we can find another DJ to handle the swing shift.

I have written a total of 3 articles for, and I have to say, I have had some positive responses. I am really considering pursuing something in the writing field as a source of income. I believe, with a little perseverance, I could really succeed. I am also planning on starting the rough outline of the book I want to start writing. I lay awake last night for at least an hour just thinking of possible titles and directions that I might go with it. There are a lot of possibilities, I just want to choose wisely so that I can write something that many people would like to sit down and read. Of course, that is the goal of any author. I know that the likelihood of my writing a best seller is fairly slim, I still have the passion and urge to try.

I am pretty tired and still have to prepare my food for tomorrow and hop in the shower. I will check back in tomorrow with a bit of a longer post. I am trying to learn how to balance all that I am doing now. I want to record another video this week as well, I really enjoy doing that too!

Thanks to all of you for your continued love and support.

As always, take care and remember…

Every day is a chance to turn it all around!

- Kenny

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The Community Manager Role Is Essential

I’ve been putting off a new post for a while now and was inspired by this post from Jeremiah Owyang on “Community Manager Appreciation Day”. Within the organization where I am employed the community manager role has evolved as an essential role with our launch in 2009 of an external community for clients. Even more, I read about it every day thru Twitter, Friendfeed, articles from major publications and the blogs of those that have evangelized and basically created this space we call social media.

At the end of 2009 I carefully aggregated percpetions and preditions on what would happen in digital/social space in 2010. Social network aggregation and growth, video, and mobile were the key trends that I found. Although I do agree, I’ll put my bets on community building online (via paid community platforms).

Community building can be looked at a few ways. There are external communities that are housed on networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook, but I see a big play in the organizationally created community. This would be something on a community platform such as Jive, KickApps, Telligent, and Awareness (to name a few). These types of communities can be structured to meet every organizational goal, which is something not easy to do on a “free” social network. They can be used internally and/or externally.

Home-grown communities can be driven from key initiatives in the orgnaization through the collaborative nature of these platforms. If it be to drive sales, deliver thought leadership, customer support, consulting, or just giving a platform for customers to talk to one another, these platforms will be able to support it. Even better, you will have all of the acitivity on one dashboard, tailor promotions around one community (rather than multiple i.e. facebook, linkedin, etc.), and more importantly, moderate [and in a way] control the message – at least this is the tactic you can take to get executive buy-in.

When making this move it is essential for organizaitons to designate a community manager to be the “go to person” in building out  more communities within the organization – did I say that these platforms are very scalable! In talking to colleagues from various industries, I am seeing the creation of one community spark ideas and interest from many business units and groups within the organization that may have shyed away from the original idea of talking to customers online. And a community manager can facilitate all of this giving best practices and leveraging one platform across the organization.

The role is real and essential to build the proper roadmap and strategy for the entire online community envolvement of the organizaiton. I put my bets on seeing more and more community manger roles evolve for both internal and external roles. What are your thoughts?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Collectable Minifigs Series 1 available June 2010

I mentioned in November about the possibly of Collectable Minifigs coming this year. Well now Brickset has posted detailed pictures of both the figures and the packaging.

I was already excited before I saw the close up images, but now I’m practically drooling (okay, not really ;) ).

Apparently Mike Rayhawk was one of those who came up with this idea. He recently stated on Facebook:

They finally did the collectible minifigures idea that James Knight and Eugenia Chen and I pitched years ago – they told us it would never, never happen, but that was before Joergen took the helm. The luchador and the magician were part of my contribution to the original pitch; my caveman was still sitting on Cephas’s shelf last time I was in Denmark.

The only “problem” I see is that at the rumored $2 per unit price, people will be buying entire cases to ensure that they get all the figures or so that they can turn right around and sell the figures at outlandish prices.

The hardest thing to predict is what will be the most popular. I’m sure everyone who has seen these figures already has their favorites. Of course any of the exclusive elements that have never been produced before such as the cheerleader’s pompoms, the clown’s wig and trumpet, and the spaceman’s helmet and gun will go for more on the second market (i.e. Bricklink).

They are all exclusive, and the “Series 1″ indicates that there will be more to come. I just hope that LEGO will be smart enough to not make them too exclusive so that everyone can get some! :)


Does UVic ComSci Department need a blog or facebook group?

Does a department like UVic’s (stands for University of Victoria) department of Computer Science need a blog or a facebook group?

Very general question ey. But as with most questions of that kind: “It depends.”

Let us take a close look at what UVic’s CS department want: “More good graduate students.” I won’t talk about what the CS department considers to be a good graduate student I’ll only go over how they want to attract them.

To attract a larger number of students the department wants to established a better public presence that is more social, active and informative than the current one. A great problem is currently that a great portion that we think is interesting to current and future students alike is simple not there or hard to find. What are those information students seek? We came up with a small list that we hope to refine with your help:

  • Information about ongoing research.
  • Current Events.
  • Live style.
  • Information about what Alumni’s do.

You see the list tries to cover three dimensions, the work life, the social life and the future. Most students come because they want to be part of a great research team pursuing interesting projects. There is always the way to read the papers of research groups but they are not always easy accessible (e.g. due to ACM and IEEE restrictions) but reading paper is often for starters on the master level to much effort.

Its even worse with the social life. Unless there are students that find the time to write something about their hobbies on their home-pages the only way to get to information about the social life in and around the department is often to ask students directly. But most often people are to afraid to disturb people or start conversations with strangers.

With alumnis it is kind of mixed, because the University itself is more and more concerned about it, but tracking down and keeping in contact with alumnis specifically to computer science is often not easy. So getting information about what a typical UVic Computer Science alumni (if something like that exists) does for a living heavily depends on the whether the alumni is still in touch with the department.

So in order to connect and reconnect with former, current and future students the department is thinking of building up a web presence through a blog and/or facebook group. This should allow to distribute information about ongoing research and event in and around the department as well as offer a platform for more social exchange as well.

I personally think we should go for both a blog and a facebook group. The blog enable a newspaper like style of providing information about current research and makes everyone aware about what research is going on in the department. The facebook group on the other hand would offer a platform for social exchange were people could talk about activities that are not necessarily related to their research but about the life you can live here in Victoria.

So what do you think, does something like a facebook group or blog make sense for a computer science department and what would you put on that group/blog?


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is there a need for professional journalism?

Last week the New York Times announced that from 2011 it would be charging its readers for full access to its website. According to reports, it would appear that many UK papers will follow suit. So where does that leave us?

On Radio 4’s Today programme Professor Tim Luckhurst expressed his optimism for the future of journalism. He believes people are accustomed to the idea that you need professional journalism, and that in the new era of the Internet, social media networks are beginning to drive people towards professional journalism. He added that the culture will have to change if people want edited, professional journalism. (Follow the link above to hear the whole interview.)

I would beg to differ.

There are, as he says, plenty of people who want professional journalism. If you want to know the news and know it’s correct, you’ll go to a respected source such as the BBC, as discussed in Tasha’s last post. Therefore those people will be willing to pay for it.


These, however, are people who are already interested in news. Who already read The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph… But going back to Giles’ previous post. Who is the future audience? Children, teenagers. I can’t imagine many of them will be paying for a subscription to The Times any time soon.

If online newspapers do become subscription only, I think there could be problems for professional journalism. People could grow up getting their information from other, less reliable sources, and that will become the norm. According to this article, 18 to 24 year olds are already heading elsewhere. By the looks of it the need for professional journalism is on the decline.


At the moment if you search for a news story, apart from television-related sites, and the likes of Reuters, the majority of top results will be linked to a newspaper, be it local, national or international. Take all but a few away, and you’ll start hitting blogs, Facebook and other sites.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so long as the information’s accurate. So is there any way we can ensure that the news people are accessing is correct? Another question for another day.


iPhone, uPhone, We All Love The iPhone

Christmas came and went in its usual manner – five or six days of familial films, pine needles in the socks and the exchange of gifts squirreled into the house under jumpers, in plastic bags and camouflaged by elaborate cloaking devices. One of those gifts given to me was a huge surprise: An iPhone 3G S. This, I was informed, was a combined birthday (which was in May), graduation (which was in November) and Christmas present. While it led to my having to abandon the excellent Meteor network after four and a half years of service, it nevertheless excited me beyond belief. The element of surprise was only one reason for this excitement.

See, I have that same envious side to me that inhabits the minds of children who holiday in the country but who see their friends jetting off to exotic climes. I have that jealousy which twentysomethings with Toyotas feel towards fatcats in Ferraris. I bear that grudge which exists between Bebo and Facebook, MSN and Skype, TV3 News and RTÉ News, Steve and Alec Baldwin, Pluto and the other planets, Bert and the other Sesame Streeters. Yes, it’s true: I have the PC-user’s heartfelt desire to be an Apple.

Apple are just the coolest of cool. They look sleek and sexy, bright and shiny, with pretty ways of operating, fancy futuristic programmes and they are the computers of Douglas Adams and Stephen Fry for whom my admiration is detailed elsewhere. They are the anti-clunk of Microsoft and PCs, with their constant need for Ctrl-Alt-Deletes and restarts. They are the sports car of computers, the Lambourgini to PC’s Volvo. They have been see-through and glistening white, they were flatter, thinner, quicker than any previous computer we’d seen. And they have a cool logo!

The only thing stopping me from converting to Apple was the fact I was brought up with PCs and, having reached the level of proficiency on Windows at which I am currently, I didn’t have the patience or time to make the change while in college with essays to do. But now I have finished my college education, I’m questioning my computer-sexuality. And the gateway to that conversion came in the form of my new iPhone. It’s touch-screen. You can drag the Apps about. It makes future-into-whooshing noises when you send messages. It IS the future.

Having been brought up with Star Wars as a central cultural reference point in my life, before moving on to the anything-goes future-vista of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, the sci-fi world has always fascinated me. Not in the Trekkie-anorak way, not in the pedantically-correcting-someone-when-they-give-the-wrong-circumference-of-the-Death-Star way, not in the World-Of-Warcraft-is-my-life way. But I loved programmes like “Tomorrow’s World” – yep, flying cars and TV glasses, all that stuff was eye-candy to my pre-teen eyes.

I grew up during the advent of mobile phones. I’ve watched them shrink from bricks to Lego. I remember when Nokias only had the BIG point on their chargers. I’ve made that coming-of-age journey from Nokia 3210 to iPhone. When I opened that present on Christmas Day, it was like I leapt into hyperspace. And when I discovered the Bump application (where you simply bump two iPhones together to send files) I was giddy with glee. This is surely how Luke Skywalker would send photos to Han Solo. Of course, he might not spend as much time updating his Twitter as I do…

@bazmcstay tweets: Just written a blog post. Lol.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

15 Funny Facebook Fails...

Lesson #1: Don’t trash talk your boss.

Lesson #2: Always be thankful for what you’ve got.

Lesson #3: Family always comes first.

Lesson #4: Love letters should be kept secret.

// //

Lesson #5: Don’t skip Geography.

Lesson #6: I mean, really, dear, don’t.

Lesson #7: Don’t skip English either.

Lesson #8: Don’t ruin surprise parties.

Lesson #9: You can’t assume anything.

Lesson #10: Keep the jargon to yourself.

Lesson #11: Always make your mom proud.

Lesson #12: … by don’t telling her your plans.

Lesson #13: Keep some things to yourself.

Lesson #14: Not everyone is your friend in this world.

Lesson #15: And yes, men are always men.


Is Social Media killing "friendship?"

In today’s world, we focus more and more on digital tools and social networks to, as the old Bell Systems ad goes “reach out and touch someone.” Email has for the most part usurped the written letter as our primary means of long distance (and not so long distance) 1:1 and 1:few communication; Facebook, and to continuing lesser degree MySpace are becoming the preferred means for keeping in touch with friends and family – even over the mobile and text.

So as a class mate of mine recently queried: “Is social media making us anti-social?” I decided to write briefly on this question in the context of friendship given a recent class discussion on the topic.

The concept of friendship certainly has evolved (or devolved) since ancient times. In William Deresiewicz’s article for The Chronicle entitled Faux Friendship we see that the ancient concept of friendship implied true intimacy between friends, and was a rare commodity. Once found, love and loyalty to a friend was almost supreme. As an example, he cites the friendship between Archilles and Patroclus. Achilles, Greece’s greatest warrior weighs his loyalty to Patroclus beyond his loyalty to Greece itself as demonstrated  when he quits the Trojan war, and chooses to return to battle only after the death of Patroclus, and for the sole purpose of avenging Patroclus’ death.

 With the rise of Christianity, the classical idea of friendship began to weaken (except for a brief resurgence during the renaissance) with the Christian belief intense personal bonds should be discouraged in favor of a “heart… turned to God.” So as Teri questions, is social media furthering the deterioration of the original idea of friendship? Just thinking in terms of Facebook, how has the concept of friendship changed? Some things to consider: the temporal nature of FB friends; willingness to share personal thoughts with our entire FB universe via The Wall; what having 312 FB friends says about our concept of “what a friend” means.

 Leisa Reichelt offers a counterpoint to this perspective with what she coins Ambient Intimacy. Given the nature of this forum, I won’t get into it, but you can read about it on her blog, disambiguity.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am working on presenting an accurate collection of my photos for your viewing pleasure.  In the meantime, you can find me (Laura Trommer) on Facebook.  Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned!


PS.  If you’re bored, go check out Shore Alternative.

Starry Night by Laura Trommer


Save 25% on Autographed Copy of Facebook and Your Marriage

Be one of the first to get a copy of Facebook and Your Marriage!

Place your pre-press order,  SAVE 25% on Facebook and Your Marriage! and it will be shipped straight to you when the books come off the presses.  (And you’ll get it signed by the authors too!)  But hurry, this special offer lasts only until February 15, 2010. 

Get the Facebook and Your Marriage pre-press order form.

Facebook and Your Marriage can best be described as Dear Abby meets Facebook.  As an active, experienced, Facebooking married couple,  Jason and Kelli respond to people’s questions about Facebook, from the general how-to’s to helping husbands and wives deal with the relationship issues surrounding Facebook.

Different than most marriage and relationship books which read from cover to cover, with Facebook and Your Marriage, the reader determines where they start, where they end, and gets the answers to the questions they need help with.

Facebook and Your Marriage is due out in late February, 2010.


Facebook and Your Marriage ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS

Jason and Kelli respond to 125 pressing questions and issues Facebooking couples face on the popular social network.  Here’s a sampling of  some of the questions dealt with in Facebook and Your Marriage:

Get answers to basic questions:

  • “Should I really exchange passwords with my spouse?”
  • “How do I protect my marriage on Facebook?”
  • “What are boundaries my wife and I can set up?”
  • and more!

Get help for common  issues:

  • “Should I friend an ex?”
  • “My husband is chatting with an old girlfirend. How do I talk with him about this?”
  • ” How do I address the amount of time my wife spends on Facebook each day?”
  • and more!

Get hope for tough situations:

  • “Where are all these feelings coming from when I see my old boyfriend’s profile?”
  • “My wife is having an online affair. What do I do?”
  • “My husband has left me for someone he met on Facebook. Help!”
  • and more!


Facebook and Your Marriage is a MUST HAVE FOR MARRIED FACEBOOKERS

Whether you’ve never been on Facebook, just getting started or are an avid Facebooker — Facebook and Your Marriage is a great source of tips and insights to make your Facebook experience  fun for yourself and stress-free for your marriage.

Whether you’re happily married, on the brink of divorce, or somewhere in between – Facebook and Your Marriage provides principles and practical advice so your relationship can survive and thrive on Facebook…and in real-time.


Facebook and Your Marriage is JUST ONE HALF OF THE RESOURCE YOU GET

When Facebook and Your Marriage (the book) is released, readers will have access to (the website) to get even more out of their Facebook experience!  (Note: website will not be live until the book is on the presses).

So what are you waiting for?  Get the Facebook and Your Marriage pre-press order form.


K. Jason and Kelli Krafsky have been married since 1994 and have co-authored Facebook and Your Marriage (due out in late-February 2010). Jason and Kelli have co-written three blog articles (Our Top Dozen Do’s and Don’ts for Facebooking Couples, Is Facebook a Cyber-Threat to Your Marriage?, and How Facebook Can Improve Your Marriage) that have been widely distributed, written about and reposted.   Jason also authored Before “I Do” – Preparing for the Full Marriage Experience, an interactive premarital book for engaged and seriously dating couples. Jason and Kelli live in the foothills of Washington’s Cascade Mountains with their four children. Contact them at, on Twitter or through Facebook.

Find out more about the Jason and Kelli and their marriage efforts at their website ( and blog (

Copyright © 2010 K. Jason and Kelli Krafsky

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Private Sketch Diary of Sarah

I found this yesterday in my cleaning spree, I have to say, it’s brilliant.

I particularly like that this one says "Touch and Die." My sister pointed out that she used to look at this a lot and never once died.

The drawings in here are HYSTERICAL.  In the back, there are about 40 pages of “Before” and “After” style makeovers, sort of like my own version of “What Not Wear.”  I scanned some of the drawings for your benefit.

A self-portrait

There are about 2o self-portraits in this sketchbook alone.  I really love the fact that this one features me in one of my favorite outfits, a pair of white denim short overalls with purple flowers, which I believe were from OshKosh B’Gosh.  I’m not sure why I loved these things so much, but I wore them everywhere, they showed off my tan, they hit my fat stomach (or at least I thought they did) and they were easy to throw on with a pair of sandals and a t-shirt.

I’m also going to go out on a limb here and say for a picture that was dated 1995 (for whatever reason, my younger self was convinced that one day there would be a retrospective of my work, so dates are EXTREMELY necessary), that my 8 year-old self did a pretty accurate impression of me.  I was certainly no Picasso, but this is a pretty accurate representation.

You’ll also notice that my arms are folded behind my back.  In later pictures you’ll see that I do this a lot.  I probably still do this when I draw people because I inevitably screw up the proportions and they end up having giant King-Kong sized hands on normally proportioned bodies.

A portrait of my dear friend Kate

My "other best friend" Lauren, or La

This picture on the right is a portrait of my dear friend Kate.  My note in the lower right-hand corner calls Kate “My best friend.”  This is accurate, in fact, she’s still my friend.  On the next page, however, there is another picture of my friend Lauren, with a similar note, only it reads “my other best friend.”

When I put these on facebook yesterday, La wanted to know if being the “other” best friend meant that she was in some way inferior.  On the contrary, I was just apparently so popular that I was lucky enough to have not one, but two “best friends” to split friendship necklaces with and to dance around play with that I needed to let the world know that they both existed.  Something tells me if I had drawn Lauren on the first page and Kate on the second, Kate may very well have been the “other best friend.”  The beauty of this finding though is now I don’t have to worry about what to get my nearest and dearest for their next birthday or gift-giving occasion.  They’re getting one-of-a-kind Sarah Morgans, framed, and signed by by 8 year-old self.  Lucky them.

For my last masterpiece of the evening (fear not, there will be more, this was just one sketchbook and I got tired of scanning), I leave you with “The Friends Music,” which I’m certain was inspired by the Spice Girls, even though we’re dressed like ABBA.

Matching outfits? Bell-bottoms? Big hair? I love it.

I vaguely recall plotting with my friend Alex, on the left and my sister about starting our own girl band.  I’m certain this was influenced by the Spice Girls and our desire to spread “Girl Power” far and wide.  I cannot, however, carry a tune in a bucket (though I don’t let this stop me from participating in karaoke), but this is probably not enough to prevent me from being a member of a successful girl pop band.  It would seem as though this isn’t really a problem for the Jonas Brothers either.   If we had become a band, you can be assured that we would have dressed like this, Kate with her beehive, Alex with her processed crunchy curls and me with a haircut that looks like I should be in the cast of Beverly Hills 90210.

Perhaps I ought to consider these sketches as a starting point for my A-Ha! moment hunt.  Maybe the secret lies in ranking your best friends or wearing matching outfits and starting a girl band.


Cross Genre Recording Artist RhythmLife

Okay, What exactly is meant by cross genre. Well it is what the group RhythymLife uses to refer to their style of  song writing and performing. Meaning that they show no allegiance to any specific music genre. Funk, Soul, Reggae, Jazz, Pop, Gospel. They touch on it all and let the listener decide where it goes . They just want to make memorable music. Having said that they have now released four titles of their new Cd on their Ourstage music site. Go by the site at and see what the cross genre  buzz is all about.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

issue 002 of sublime rush hits the digital shelves

My baby is growing up! You can now read issue 002 of Sublime Rush magazine at

It is full of all sorts of art-and-culture-y goodness, from intrepid nature photographers to fetish club performers to music you need to listen to. Not enough rush for you? Find us at…

- Twitter

- MySpace

- Facebook

At, you can find out how to get involved in the magazine (do it!) and register with our spam free mailing list of awesomeness. Our mailing list friends get to see everything first AND get their hands on some sneaky little between-issue bits that no-one else ever gets to see. Totally worth it.

The content deadline for issue 003 (apr-jun ‘10) is 28th February. Bring it on!


January 15, 2010

Today was an especially dreary overcast and rainy mess.  Who feels like doing anything in that?!  Regardless, I went shopping today and picked up some sweat pants (is that one word or two?  I’m not sure) and t-shirts to work out in.  I wanted to make my get fit time comfortable and stylish as possible.  I got some cute shirts to wear, I think.  I want to feel my best when I’m on my journey.  I want it to be a happy time and not…  Well, a dreary time, really.  (I think I’ll start calling it my journey instead of get fit time.  I’m sure some would say that is silly…  But, it’ll make me feel better about all the hard work I’m going to have to put into this.  Baby steps, my friends.  Baby steps.)  

Yesterday, I made a playlist for my ipod to take on my journey (I’ll change it out periodically).  I chose upbeat hard rock, pop, and alternative to accompany me.  Well, here…  I’ll tell you what I put on there: Run To by Emerson Hart, Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol, One Time For Me by Reverend Horton Heat, When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000, Intergalactic Planetary by The Beastie Boys, A Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots, Abracadabra by Sugar Ray, I’m Your Boogie Man by White Zombie & Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind.  The upbeat music really does the trick!  It makes the time seem to go by faster!   

I have a Gazelle to work out on.  (My brother was kind enough to pull it out of hiding and clean it up for me Monday.)  I get a rythm going with the music when I’m on it.  It’s almost like I’m dancing.  I love to dance, so that makes the whole thing a lot easier to endure. 

I’ve decided that everyday I will devote half an hour or so to working out, be it on the Gazelle or walking.  I asked my brother to go walking with me twice a week.  I also asked my friends on Facebook if anyone would like to go walking with me.  At first no one replied, but then a wife of one of my husband’s co-workers said she would like to walk with me one day a week.  I can go walking three times a week and work out on the Gazelle the other days of the week.  Maybe, on weekends I can get my husband to walk with me, so I won’t have to use the Gazelle as much.  I’d much rather be out walking and enjoying the great outdoors! 

Well, that was my day.  Three days down on my journey.  I do already feel a difference, if you can believe that!  My mood is better and I’m not as achy as I have been in the past.  I’m really excited about what the future holds!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Online Dating, oh God.

We debated online dating over at the Perpetual Post this week.

As confused, shy and neurotic as human beings are, we don’t really want anyone else to know that about us. When it comes to letting other people find out who we are, we like to have creative control. That’s one of the exciting things about online dating—and even social networking in general: it offers a forum in which one has complete creative control over what they choose to reveal about themselves to others. Of course, we don’t want anyone else to know how important it is to us that we be shown in a certain light, so even if every inch of it has been painstakingly planned, it’s crucial to make sure that your online profile appears to be a casual reflection of who you think you are, and who you want others to think you are.

Personally, I think that a lot of what I find attractive in other people, I put there myself. It’s not necessarily there to begin with. Especially at first; when I don’t know the other person that well, there’s a lot of projection going on. And then I as learn more about them, and discover more about what they’re actually like, I kind of add bits and pieces of that reality into whatever perception-of-them stew I’m concocting which filters they way I view them and affects how attractive they are to me.

Granted, some of what I see in others is also probably what they want me to see. And I definitely I do the same thing to other people; trying to make them see me the way I want to be seen. The people I tend to like the most are the people whose perception of me, to the extent that I can tell, jibes with my perception of myself, and/or my perception of the way I want them to perceive me.

This projection is has been compounded tenfold by the advent of the social networking website. Based on the sketchy pictures and information provided by a person’s online profile, it is very easy to extrapolate virtually anything you want to about virtually anyone on the web. Are they pictured with a kid? They probably love kids! Do they seem to be doing a lot of quirky things with attractive other people in their photos? They are probably fun and have sexy friends! Do they have poor grammar and bad spelling? Maybe they didn’t take much time working on their profiles because they had to dash off to do fun things with their sexy friends! Or maybe they’re just careless. Or a sociopath. Who knows what they wanted you to see—maybe it was what you saw, maybe it was what YOU wanted to see. Really, you won’t know until you meet each other, if you ever do meet. Actually meeting someone you’ve only communicated with online can be a thrilling adventure or a staggering defeat. It’s very easy to build someone up and make them into your ideal match when all you know about them is filtered through the medium of text and pictures. It can be crushing to realize that the scrapbook person you’ve pieced together is nothing like the actual live version.

One thing I like to keep in mind when viewing people’s online profiles is the fact that had I seen my boyfriend’s online profile first, we never would have met. “No way,” I would have thought. This guy is not for me. We have nothing in common.”

Fortunately, we met in person first. It just goes to show you, you can’t judge a boy by his Myspace. We’re all wading through bullshit, but sometimes we find each other.


Replying Facebook Comments via Email

Facebook has this setting where you can receive email notifications of comments about your wall posts, photos and comments. Just recently, Facebook even leverage this functionality by allowing its members to not just receive email notifications but also able to reply to comments directly from email. Just hit the reply button and write your comments then send. The comments will be posted to Facebook even if you’re not accessing the site. So this is beneficial to those Facebook addicts who can’t access FB at work because the site is blocked. Kudos to Facebook admin. :)

See FB blog site for more details.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tentang sebuah blog

sepertinya eksis di dunia nyata sudah menjadi kebutuhan tiap manusia (normal).. lihat saja bagaimana Facebook dan Twitter merajai situs yang paling banyak diakses. malah sebuah penelitian menyebutkan,, jika facebook adalah sebuah negara maka dia akan menjadi negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbanyak ketiga didunia setelah RRC dan Rusia. benar-benar fantastis. selain itu,, sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu blog juga menjadi ajang eksis. lihat saja bagaimana Raditya Dika dengan suksesnya mendapatkan jutaan rupiah hanya berawal dari menulis sebuah blog!! yang kemudia blog itu dibukukan dan terakhir difilmkan. meski filmnya tidak se-booming blog dan bukunya,, tapi setidaknya itulah hari ini. yang bisa ngetop bukan hanya artis,,tapi orang biasa jg bisa. tidak harus cantik, tidak harus ganteng, hanya butuh kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi yang sekarang sudah sedemikian maju. itu lah hari ini.

internet sebagai suatu kebutuhan,,gadget sebagai suatu keharusan sepertinya tidak ada yang akan memungkiri. dan pemikiran saya berakhir sementara pada sebuah blog. blog sebagai buku harian,yang mana dulu buku harian merupakan suatu rahasia besar penulisnya. teringat anne frank yang mencatatkan sejarah yang dilihat dengan mata kepalanya sendiri dalam sebuah buku harian,, buku harian itu begitu rahasia. tapi saat ini sudah tidak ada rahasia. orang-orang cenderung membuka privasi mereka. baik lewat situs jejaring sosial,, maupun lewat blog. siapa saja bisa mem-publish pikirannya,,kegiatannya,,uneg2nya,, tanpa sensor.terima kasih pada teknologi yang sangat mengerti keinginan manusia hari ini. bagi sebagian orang,, blog digunakan untuk sarana menunjang bisnis di bidang marketing. tentu saja karena gratis dan bisa diakses siapa saja. meski sebagian blog sekarang mengenakan biaya untuk blog dengan kapasitas tertentu,, tapi blog-blog gratis seperti ini benar-benar membantu untuk bisnis. tapi tentu saja sebagian orang yang lain menggunakan blog untuk mengeluarkan pikiran terdalamnya. salah satunya saya dan banyak lagi yang lain. tentunya dalam hal yang positif mengingat Indonesia saat ini sudah ada UU ITE yang mengatur tentang hal-hal semacam ini (jujur,,saya belum baca UUnya). tapi tidak sedikit juga yang negatif. seperti contohnya pada blog saya benar-benar tidak mengerti apa maksud pembuat blog ini. isinya penuh kebencian terhadap agama yang saya anut,,yaitu ISLAM. entah dapet bahan dari mana penulis blog tersebut. tapi isi blog itu sungguh-sungguh membuat gerah pembaca. mungkin memang maksudnya untuk membuat geram dan marah,, tapi sungguh dalam hati saya ingin melakukan tindakan hukum terhadap penulis blog tersebut. tapi entah bagaimana caranya.. inilah salah satu bentuk penyalahgunaan blog menurut saya. yaitu menyebarkan mosi negatif yang menjurus ke SARA. inilah wajah teknologi saat ini dan orang-orang yang kurang bisa memanfaatkannya dengan baik.


Our Favorite Status Updates

Here is a short list of our favorite status updates.

“One of those days :-( “ — It sure is.

“I need to work on my McConaughey” – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this.

“When will I see my Thad again?” — That’s right.  “Thad”!

Video game updates — All day I was wondering if Donny completed the “Manage a Chop Shop” mission in Mobsters 2…  And now I know.

“Watching Jersey Shore” — Great show.

“Happy New Year!” — Can’t go wrong with a good old fashioned HNY.

“Just watched ‘He’s Not That Into You’…  Good movie wish I had seen it sooner!  Lol.” – What!?  He’s right, it is good!

“Out and about.  Where you at?” –  Is this a rhetorical question?

“Picking my nose… Can’t decide if I should eat it or not” — I swear I saw this and the person who posted it is older than 8.

“I just pooped my butt cheeks” – Different person, but again, older than 8.

“Staining my new book shelves” — Why on earth would you ever announce to the World that you are doing this?

And in the just when you think it can’t get any worse department:  When researching this post I came to learn that their are websites independent of solely dedicated to posting “funny” status updates…  I feel a little dirty.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Top 10 Social Media Blog Posts In 2009

Its been a big year for social media in 2009 with Twitter going mainstream, Facebook passing 300 million users, Twitter real time search being integrated into Google, Monthly online video views passing 25 billion a month, Pepsi forgoing it’s normal $20 million dollar SuperBowl traditional mainstream marketing spend and instead invest it on a social media marketing campaign.

I would also like to send a big  thank you to all my readers in helping me reach a personal milestone, with my blog passing 100,000 views since starting in March, 2009 (only 9 months ago).

In putting this list together it is fascinating to see what my readers have found to be the most interesting and engaging topics in 2009.

Two areas stood out

  • Surveys, reports and research on the social media made up 4 of the top 10 (40%). I think this show that people are hungry for facts and figures to validate and assist their efforts in the social media space and to see what the top companies andbrands are doing or not doing.
  • The CEO’s role in social media or lack thereof,  found traction in readership at 20%. This shows people identifying with each other in having experienced similiar experiences in trying to get the managers and leaders of brands to take on the new paradigm shift in marketing and trying to get their CEO’s to enter the 21st century, whether they be internal or external as consultants or agencies.

My Top 10 Social Media Blog Posts for 2009

  1. 9 Ways To Convince The CEO To Use Social Media and Enter The 21st Century (5,559 views)
  2. Report Reveals:15 Best Practices of Social Media Implemented by the Top 100 Brands (4,710 views)
  3. How Many Social Media Channels Should Your Brand Be Using? (3,514 views)
  4. 28 Reasons Why The CEO Is Afraid Of Social Media (3,372 views)
  5. 5 Case Studies on Companies That Win at Social Media and eCommerce (2,983 views)
  6. 13 Ways to Monitor Your Brand on Social Media: Do You Know What Is Being Said About Your Company Online? (2,723 views)
  7. Latest Study: How The Fortune 100 Are Using Twitter (2,714 views)
  8. 20 Reasons Why You Should Blog Before You Twitter (2,644 views)
  9. Marketing Trends Report 2009: Where does Social Media Stand? (2,442 views)
  10. Survey Reveals: The Top 5 Social Media Channels Companies Are Using (2,213 views)

So what do you think 2010 will bring in the social media ?


Unknown vs BNP

This is a Diary entry from a fictional journalist explaining how Britain is after the BNP take over. Ending is sad… :-( 24th July 2010 - Just over two weeks ago the BNP, or the British National Party, took control of Britain. They somehow won in the elections and have promised all of the ‘British’ people that they will once again be a pure country. Just over a week ago, after the BNP had partied and accepted the fact that they were now the top men, I received a official letter from the government stating that if I am not of white British origin, I have to leave. The BNP also kindly said that they will pay for our tickets and we have to all pack up and leave by the end of the week on Sunday. Many people fought, even a lot of white people fought alongside us. I was proud to have been a part of it, but then there comes a time when you just can’t fight anymore. My family packed and left for Pakistan on that Sunday, I asked to stay behind. It was so hard, so hard to say goodbye. My mother cried, scared that it might be the last time she sees me alive. I promised I would take care of myself, and I will. The BNP also stated that if any person not of white British heritage will be caught and killed. On top of that, the BNP threatened respective countries that if they did not take the prisoners that are of their race, they will let them loose in their country. That really pissed the different countries off. I am now living undercover although I  can walk the streets looking like a white person because of the colour of my skin. I may be Pakistani, but I am also a light skin colour which has mistaken many people in the past of my heritage. Now I can use it to my advantage. My mission is to stay in this country and find out exactly what is happening within the BNP. I can’t believe that freedom of speech has taken England into complete shutdown. Shouldn’t freedom of speech have a limit? Isn’t saying “only white British people” the same as saying “only white people”.  The BNP in no way represent all of the white population, my friend that helps me hates the BNP. They have cursed his entire life. Tommy, my friend, tried to get out of the country at the same time my family were leaving as he hated what the word ‘British’ had become. They didn’t let him leave. Can you believe it? The BNP have trapped all of the white British population in Britain and have forbidden them to travel out of the United Kingdom. That is absolute rubbish, it makes me sick to my stomach. Right now, me and a few other journo’s are staying in Epping forest…epic isn’t it. We pass information via our trusty little gadget that many of you have heard of called a phone. Read how sad this is, in the forest we have no electricity. Luckily though, we met a newsagent (off-licence happy chap) who was happy to help us. Within our little rebellion team there is me, Tommy, Shanq and Nathalie (the only girls), Ali, Lee and Theo. We have our joking moments, we also have the moments were we have to wake up really fast and run for our lives. Fun times (sigh). 2nd August 2010 - Yesterday my friend Theo was in his old apartment when members of the BNP force came in and performed a type of torture on him. They tried to make Theo tell them were the rest of us were hiding. Luckily myself, Tommy and Ali came just in time to beat the fuck out of the BNP force and drag Theo out of there. We got Nathalie to check his cuts, the bastards had made little cuts around his face, one by one. They shouted abusive comments at him and cut the words ’dirt’ into his forehead. They cut him so deep he passed out. How much longer will we have to endure this sickening torture. Just last week I had to walk the ’pure’ streets to find out when the leader of BNP was meeting with a leader of a racist group from America. The guards at the National Building started to get suspicious of me as I made sickening faces as I looked upon the BNP leaders. I had to literally fly out of the building as fast as I could. I have to go on a mission tomorrow, this time I have to find out what other country is conversing with Britain. 1st September 2010 - England are running out of their fruits, I haven’t eaten a banana in over two months. Their trade has gone to the trash and no country is willing to co-operate with them for other foods. Asia and Africa set words to the leader of the BNP along the lines of “sorry but we don’t want to send you our ‘impure’ food” . That pissed the BNP off. So much so that they refuse to complain and have now made a new rule that if anyone complains they will have to pay a fine. What the hell is that about? How far will they go until they realise that they are nothing without other peoples help? Damn, they are so arrogant. Apart from all of that bullshit, staying in the forest tonight, Tommy is going with Shanq to get some food from our trusty insider newsagent. 3rd September 2010 - Just realised that I should be in the 3rd year at University right now. I worked so hard to become a journalist. So many hours I have put into making my dream come true and now this. How could this happen? The BNP are sending a few people out to hunt the people that are secretly living in Britain. Its less then usual, so I think there is something bigger going on. Bigger then what has happened in Britain. I’m a bit scared, but I have to remember to keep my head up high, not too high, and live life. Oh well, at least my birthdays coming in about 3 days time! 6th of September will hopefully be a good day, without any chases, racism or hate. Fat chance that will happen in Britain. Alright I’m going to get ready for the next ‘Day-walking’! We decided to call walking out in the open  Day-walking…makes sense doesn’t it? Next mission is day before my birthday, I think the guys are throwing me a surprise and Tommy is going to tag along with me as we creep into the Nationals Building. I hate surprises, do you think I should tell them that? 5th September 2010 - Newspaper in other countries headlines. ‘Journalist killed doing an Angels work’ – America ‘Pakistani – British Journalist killed trying to make peace’ – Pakistan ‘A Son, A Brother, A Friend, A True Soldier has died trying to keep his people safe’ – Canada ‘Journalist killed brutally saving his friends life’ – Africa ‘Peacemaker found dead day before his 21st birthday’ – India ‘Another Fucker killed, good job!’ – Britain

By Hump(a)Monkey


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Facebook Gives Sibling Rivalry a Whole New Edge.

This is a story about revenge. Sister tells parents about brother hiding a 12 pack of beer in his room. In a fit of rage, brother scans her hookup list and posts it on Facebook.

An online battle ensues in the comment section of Facebook.

Sometimes we hurt the ones we love.


Don’t Miss These Twitter and Facebook Guides

Whether you are teaching a class, helping a friend or just looking for information for yourself these guides from Mashable are a great resource.

The Facebook Guide topics include:

  • Facebook 101: The Basics
  • Managing Your Facebook Wall
  • Using Facebook for Business
  • How to become a fan of Mashable
  • Using Facebook Applications
  • Facebook 305:Advanced Topics

Twitter Guide topics include:

  • Twitter 101 – The Basics
  • Building Your Twitter Community
  • Twitter for Business
  • Twitter Guide Book To Go: PDF Download and Slideshow
  • Sharing on Twitter
  • Managing Your Twitter Stream


Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Had a Dream That We Were Dead

Flyleaf, again. No, I didn’t have a dream that anyone was dead..I just like that song ^_^

Today started off really well, and continued to be a good day for most of the night actually. However, I found out that one of my youth kids lost their virginity a week ago…and it just breaks my heart. Plus, Dillon just emofies me. But what the frick…I’m done with that.

I got on facebook and saw that Brandon had tagged me in this note thing he had done. He considers me his best friend, tied with Kayla, which makes me feel better. He then went on to say the he didn’t think he could “have a crush” on any of his best friends right now. That the stuff between us was “a long story.”

There’s no long story! Just a long distance! I’m frustrated! And….really really emo. And I really don’t know why.


YouTube Video Promotion

Well, I posted Part one of the Webinar and discovered a lot about in the process.

They have an adwords type program where you can promote your video based on keyword searches.

I ponied up a whopping $1.00 per day to advertise the webinar (which I am not too pleased with the quality) and have had several clicks. With my whopping budget, I only get about 4 views a day, but I’m not here to get massive clicks, only to learn the mechanix of using the internet for marketing.

Also, I found today as well. There was a rant about an IM (Internet Marketing) program that I almost bought for $497 ( Lots of talk about the program and the dude and his past history with customer service and disgruntled customers, blah blah blah. I didn’t buy any of his programs but was glad to find the

Instead, I bought the new Google NEXUS Android phone. I get it tomorrow. I’m so excited. I can have all the coolness of an iPhone without AT&T. That means better customer service and 1/2 the price. Check out the phone at I may have to blog about that separately.

Back to Internet Marketing Automation. Here’s the deal. I have to go and invite my past interested folks to view the webinar recording tomorrow. That means that that one outcome will require several more steps.

Step 1, Finish formatting and uploading the other three sections of the webinar.

Step 2, Put them in a linked fashion in (and learn how to do that).

Step 3, Capture the correct link and send out the invitation to the recording.

Step 4, Create another link that I can post on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc etc etc.

Step 5, Work out

Oh Wait, that’s not a step, that’s just more on the schedule.

Ok, that’s it for now. I’ll let you know when the Nexus shows up.

Best Regards,

Dominic X Carubba, CPT


Center for Performance Solutions


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A quick post about war

In this post, I’m not promising anything special. I’m a bit out of it thanks to my good friends co-codamol and Captain Morgan. However, seeing a couple of friends on Facebook join the following group caused my angry-self to come out from hiding and start bitching:


First of all:

Group Description:

if these fuckers want to bring the war over here lets be having them

Let’s ignore the terrible grammar for now. Let’s just lower ourselves to the same level as a minority of people who disagree with the war and feel the need to take some measures to get their point across.

There’s nothing that says that the planned protest will be a violent one. It’s us that are instinctively rising up to “DO SOME DAMAGE”.

What fucking message are you sending out here?

There’s a tiny amount of Muslims in the UK that aren’t happy with the current global political climate, that aren’t happy with the fact that we’re at war* and want to let the government and the world know in a way that doesn’t involve shoving a petition through a letterbox. So what we’re going to do is storm into Wootton Bassett, a place which holds a fuckload of sentimental significance for the families of those killed and cause some trouble before the Muslims do. CAUSE IT’S OUR COUNTRY AND WE CAN.

Read some of the comments on that group. I dare you. It’s sickening.


Yes, it’s a terrible shame that people are dying. It’s a terrible shame that there’s so much conflict and mistrust between nations because of one horrible act of terrorism sparking an international crisis.

I don’t think I have any real conclusion to this. I’m thoroughly ashamed to be English when I see these kind of groups crop up – knee-jerk reactions and blatant racism, grouping all Muslims under ‘terrorist’. It’s exactly the same as saying all white people are Nazis.

Get. A. Fucking. Grip.

*If you hadn’t noticed, there’s a fair amount of British citizens that think so too. But, y’know, us liberals don’t count, do we?



Tevet 12, 5770 Dec. 29, 5770

So old biblical Jerusalem is once again under siege by our enemies. They are once again at our wall, hoping and waiting for our spirit to weaken. And if we lose Jerusalem again, only HaShem’s intervention will restore it.

Is it a coincidence that the 10th of Tevet fast and the anniversary of Operation Cast Lead (Gaza war) fell on the same day? The 10th of Tevet fast commemorates the start of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians, for any reader who may not be familiar. Since this fast is not so much for mourning but rather a reminder to make repentance to HaShem, is it also a coincidence that also during this time, only Jews are FORBIDDEN to build in biblical Jerusalem by Israel’s own call? Not in my opinion.

It is now two days after the 10th of Tevet, and I think Jews need to do some serious soul searching. I believe this fast actually holds greater significance now more than ever, and Jews need to be aware.

Since the world, especially the EU & the USA, are determined to force the Jews in Israel to give up ‘East’ Jerusalem willingly to our enemies, for a peace that everyone knows will never come.

Lets face it. ‘East’ Jerusalem is biblical Jerusalem, and if the secular, anti G-d of the old testament world can trick the Jews into giving away biblical Jerusalem, the very center piece of Judaism, it will be a tremendous victory for all those who wish to destroy Israel. This would, in their mind, also debunk thus destroy the concept of the G-d of the old testament.

It is common knowledge that a secular, socialist, internationalist movement is sweeping the world, and, like Nazis, it doesn’t want an ‘Israel’ to be part of their vision of the ‘one world order’. It wants no recognition of the G-d of the old testament and it rejects ANY connection to it, this is why Christianity is also rejected (a Neitzsche idealism).

And, like the Nazis, it seems to embrace Islam, my thinking is for several purposes. First and utmost, it is staunchly anti Israel and radical Muslims are willingly the foot soldiers to physically attack Israel with impunity. Second, its a religion that is very oppressive, like Nazis, very controlling of the very personal movements of its followers. Third, once their purpose of eliminating the Bible based religions is accomplished, discarding Islam will prove easier in reality, thus eliminating all religions, because its followers will want freedom from such an oppressive and cruel belief system.

What of the other religions? u may think, such as Hinduism, Buddhism etc., well of course, they too would have succumbed to ‘Jihad’ and have already disappeared also, unless they can successfully resist, we can only hope.

However, my emphasis on the G-d of the old testament is due to the fact that it seems to be the main target as the world works tirelessly to persuade Israel to destroy itself. Strangely, they do not go in an make a major military strike to go ahead and destroy her. Why the hesitation? Who knows. Perhaps the fear that decent people will rise up from all aspects of the world, and permanently stop them. Or perhaps they really DO fear the G-d of the old testament and aren’t quite ready to find out if He really exists.

Eventually they’ll find out.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Visualizing the Web x.0 / Social Media Spectrum through "The Conversation Prism"

I saw the Conversation Prism for the first time last February at a MAGC social media presentation by John Wooden of Fredrickson Communications, who also taught my usability class at the University of Minnesota.

Since then I’ve used it in a few presentations I’ve given. It’s a good graphic to help show people how many niches and options there are in the web 2.0/social media realm.

I like to use it to point out that social media isn’t just Facebook and Twitter – there are a whole range of services and tools to choose from, which is why government needs people who are passionate and knowledgeable about what’s out there and what the possibilities are.

Anyway, cool graphic. Ch-Check it out.

The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and Jesse Thomas


Independent Beauty Consultant

Confucius once said: “If you enjoy what you do, you will not work again.” Don’t have time to start a home based business? Make Time. It is a fact it will save you tons of money just on your taxes alone! The biggest reason, however, is to spend more time with your family.

Here are the 7 Strategies. They can help you in starting a business to earn extra income.

1. Think about what you love doing. Search business ideas about jobs from home.

2. Ignore those who say you can make money fast without any work on your part. A successful business takes time and effort to succeed, just like anything else.

3. Do not join any company who makes you feel pressured.

4. Make sure they are up with today’s technology.

5. Once you find something, test the products and/or service yourself.

6. Find out if the company has a strong support and training system available in order to help you work from home.

7. Do your due diligence on the company and its owners before signing up for a home based business.

Remember: Those on their “death bed” never said — “I should have spent extra time at the office.” Instead, they do say, “I wish I had spent more time at home with my family.”

Living paycheck to paycheck is no fun. Making your boss rich is not either. That is what we actually do when we keep working “for the man” without opening up business opportunities for ourselves.

You can never “bring back time”. Think about what is important in your life, then make your decision.

Becoming an Independent Beauty Consultant is among one of the legitimate home based careers today. They are a far cry from just one of many cosmetics jobs. For those who want to become their own boss, being an Independent Beauty Consultant could be your home business answer. It is worth the time to find out if a home based business is right for you. As you know there is an abundance of “at home” jobs, it is crucial to choose a reputable one. Hear testimonials from those who are successful working at home. Take a minute to watch their videos about their careers in the anti-aging industry.

Jennifer R. Russell


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Facebook+Beer=Goodbye Secrets! Day 1 (1/1/2010)

I love being lazy, it’s my main hobby. I just love being able to lie in bed as the alarm clock rings and think “Screw you!” and then fling it across the room…After I do that I rush out to make sure that my iPhone is OK and then think that I am a massive, massive idiot for not only almost breaking my phone(people have babies, I have a iPhone. I’m happy with my choice) but also getting out of bed when I was going to have a lie in.

So the morning after New Year’s Eve, comonlly known as “New Year’s Day”, and after a steller proformance of being “Jimmy’s Lad” down the local for the begining of the year I decided that the first day of the year I would devote it to my brand spanking new addiction/game Football Manager 2010, I spend hours on this game like so many other men thinking your better than Shankly and getting Cambridge United promoted to the Premiership (sadly employers don’t take this as a good answer to “the most proudest moment of your life”…I’m so empty). But after playing it for 2 hours and only getting through a week, I came to the sad realisation that my little laptop is to weak to play the new game and I gave up. And I’m kinda sad about this, it means that instead of being able to play half a hour or a hour whenever I want I have to load up the monster in the corner of the dining room, wait for 20 minutes of it to finish whatever werid things the hamsters inside the box decide to throw up  and then play. This may help me get over my addiction and get me hours of my life back, or possibly cause me to start doing smack I’m not 100% sure yet.

I spent the evening with my extended family watching telly and eating Chinese, but there was a bigger reason for us all being there. There was a announcment! A big one! That my cousin got engaged! Sadly for him I didn’t look all that excited, not because I wasn’t happy for him it was just that he put it on Facebook  hours before in a drunken happiness. So instead of “Oh man well done I’m so exicted for you” or “she’s up the duff then?”(that was actually a response he got from one of our family members, such a loving family we have) he got “oh so you wern’t lying on Facebook then?” However his mum didn’t know so she got excited for all of us…well kinda, not really it was more of “oh well done son” and a peck on the cheek. I don’t think that kind of boring response was what he was looking for one of the biggest descions of his life. But this does bring up a good lesson, if you are trying to keep something a suprise DON’T POST IT ON FACEBOOK! Not the best of places to keep your secrets the Facebook status bar. It’s kinda like not wanting anyone to eat your cake, so you store it by gently placing a piece of it into the hnd of everyone you know and then hoping that they don’t look down into there hand and go “hmm cake”. Also that way of cake storage would be way unhygenic, it would just be better to put it in the fridge.


Facebook App Maker Hit With Data-Breach Class Action

RockYou, the popular provider of third-party apps for Facebook, MySpace and other social-networking services, is being hit with a proposed class-action accusing the company of having such poor data security that at least one hacker got away with 32 million e-mails and their passwords.

The suit accuses the maker of apps like “Slideshow” for MySpace and “Superwall” for Facebook of making its unencrypted customer data “available to even the least capable hacker.”

“RockYou failed to use hashing, salting or any other common and reasonable method of data protection and therefore drastically exacerbated the consequences of a hacker bypassing its outer layer of web security,” according to the Monday complaint in San Francisco federal court.

So-called SQL injection vulnerabilities are among the top online security defects. Hackers, for example, took advantage of such flaws to steal some 130 million credit card numbers from databases of Hannaford Brothers, 7-Eleven and Heartland Payment Systems in 2007 and 2008.

Redwood City, California-based RockYou admits the data was “breached.” The lawsuit claims a hacker known by the moniker “igigi” exploited an SQL injection flaw and “and removed the e-mails and passwords of approximately 32 million registered RockYou users.” (.pdf)

The suit also accuses the company of failing to promptly notify consumers of the Dec. 4 breach.

Wendy Zaas, a company spokeswoman, said in an e-mail that RockYou “plans to defend itself vigorously. The company takes its users’ privacy seriously.”

The company’s privacy policy said it “makes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of our system,” yet its user database was stored in plain text, according to the lawsuit.

In a telephone interview, Zaas declined to address the merits of the allegations in the lawsuit.

Michael Aschenbrener, the lead lawyer suing RockYou, said in a telephone interview that “there was a complete breach of RockYou’s database. It does appear to be a catastrophic breach. ”

More than a week after the breach, the company recommended that its customers “change their passwords for their e-mail and other online accounts if they use the same e-mail accounts and passwords for multiple online services. ”

The company said it was working with the government to investigate the illegal breach, and has begun encrypting passwords and “reviewing our current data security features.”

The plaintiffs are seeking a court order requiring RockYou to increase its security, as well as unspecified damages.

Original post
