First and foremost, I’m looking for the next big thing in communication. Twitter and FaceBook are not it though. Anyone who tell you otherwise is full of shit. I’ve had my own experience with Twitter and FaceBook and both are barely adequate when it comes to true communication.
As of Tuesday of last week Twitter suspended me. Why? Good question. I don’t know either. According to their rules and regulations, I have not violated a single one. But I’m suspended all the same. And from their automated response , their almost non-existent customer support, I don’t think they know either. But I’m not alone. Apparently, there are a couple of thousand of us in limbo while Twitter not only doesn’t respond to our pleas but they haven’t put out any release as to why there are so many of us who were suspended around the same time. So from a company that just received $100-million in financing last month, I say fuck’em. They haven’t a clue what they are doing.
Twitter is just cb-radio with 140-characters.
Oh, and why for the love of god is anyone talking to any executive from the antiquated, bloated AOL. No one who had an ounce of grey-matter ever took AOL seriously. Unless you were an executive from Time-Warner that was about to have a huge pay day. But of course, where are they today?
FaceBook. Really? As pleased as I am to be re-acquainted with grade school and high school friends, the site is very intrusive. And is FaceBook the answer to our communication wants and needs? With all their bullshit games, and soul-sucking applications I’m surprised that GameFly isn’t endorsing them. And do we all need a dose of ginko biloba to recall all the times someone has hacked into their system.
Is there something out there that’ll save time while improving, or just delivering communication better? Or just suck up more of it?
Since I operate on a Mac I’m not familiar with Microsoft’s SharePoint, but if it does what Mr. Teper claims then I know for damn sure the company my wife works for, that is so heavily dependent on email, could utilize it.
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