Sunday, February 28, 2010

Facebook: Indonesian update

I had a response!

I think this is the beginning of love…

“hi kryzler, thanks to replay my massage. well, i know a girl how can give you love n all the thing that can make you happy, n forgot about your sadness. it was ME. heheheh kidding. if you want, i can help you to find that girl but i cant promise. so….hope we can be good friend always. btw what was that UPS? ok. see u…. GBU”


Self Promotion- A.K.A. Meet Aaron-Michael Fox

Long before social networking and user-generated content sites, how did people promote themselves? Beats me. But I do know how they do it now. I’m going to give you a great example of a guy who is great at self promotion through social networking sites, and in the process hope to help with his promotion.

Meet Aaron-Michael Fox. He is a stand-up comedian based in Huntington, WV, but travels all around the country. Aaron-Michael is trying to break out into the big time, and is using social media to help him.

He has a Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, and FunnyorDie account. Online, he is known as WVfunnyman. He is very funny, and I encourage you to check him out. His most popular video on YouTube is “Do I want to fight?” it has over 84,000 views, and is posted below. (WARNING- foul language is used, if this offends you please do not click play. Please do not get mad and leave me negative comments if you are offended- I warned you!).

But I digress, this post isn’t really about Aaron-Michael, it is about the social media he uses. User-generated content sites such as YouTube let him to post clips of his comedy at no charge. This along with his other social media endeavors allow him to be more accessible to people who would like to book him for an appearance. He can also show his skills to millions of people who would never have seen him otherwise. He doesn’t have to pay for the services of an advertiser or public relations specialist.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Apakah Facebook Akan Menggunakan Sistem Berbayar !

Apakah Facebook akan berbayar? Ini berita baik ataukah buruk? Karena akhir-akhir ini banyak kasus atau masalah di Indonesia gara-gara Facebook. Banyak penculikan gadis, pemerkosaan, penipuan, pelajar suka bolos, dan lain sebagainya. Itu semua salah satunya hanya gara-gara Facebook. Dengan di adakan berbayarnya Facebook mungkin ini lah salah satu usaha yang jitu untuk menghilangkan Kecanduan Facebook. Orang Indonesia pasti akan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan Facebook jika berbayar. Dan ini bisa jadi berita gembira jika Facebook berbayar. Semoga saja rakyat Indonesia bisa sembuh dari pengaruh negatif Jaringan Sosial. Berikut adalah penjelasan Dari si pembuat Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) : Ini adalah rincian biaya yang akan dikenakan di Facebook mendatang : Kita tunggu saja, apakah benar rencana ini akan dijalankan.

(maaf kalau ada berita yang salah) :-)


Organizing Social


I always go to my igoogle page first. Always. Looking at this athlete first thing in the morning  inspires me to get moving! I have several sites such as Huffington, CNN, a few blogs, You Tube, my Google Calendar,  that automatically load here and I check my Gmail.

Google is becoming more social but I am not active on it except Chat and just starting messing with Buzz. I wish I had more friends on Buzz, so if  you’re on, find me!


Next I open Tweet Deck which I am huge fan of. I check for any directs or mentions and try to respond. Next I run through the lastest tweets find information I’m interested in, click and add to my Google Reader for later reference.


Then I wander over to Facebook to catch up the lives of my friends, I don’t want to miss anything that may have happened over night! I am using this site for IRL (in real life) friends. All of my facebook friends have been friends of mine at some point in my life dating back to grade school at St. Marys to 2010. What an amazing collection of people I have gathered along my journey of life! I have found a lot of friends from high school as we look forward to our, a-hem, 25th reunion. There are friends from previous jobs, my church, my kids’ schools, neighbors, my family, my husband’s family and lots of cousins.


I love Twitter more and more. The more I use it, the more I love it. But my “audience” here is very different from Facebook. My  favorite people on Twitter are super smart, local,  social media marketing types, bloggers, runners,  news and anyone I know personally. I only have 3 people from my facebook  that I follow on Twitter  so it’s easy for me to keep the two groups separate. My most favorite use of Twitter is the real-time element, gathering a lot of great resources and interacting with “followers.” I have learned a lot from Twitter on new media and how to write more succinctly in 140 character or less! I use Twitter to gather and spread information that is important to me and hopefully useful to my people. The more people I meet IRL,  the better. I have been a little shy talking to people here but I’m working on it!

Running Training LogDaily Mile

Daily Mile is where I go next, hopefully to post a run! I have a hodge podge of peeps here, all people I enjoy following but have not necessarily met. There is limited interaction and of course it all has to do with running. There is a local group that meets once a month and I’m looking forward to joining them for evening runs. Daily Mile is the place to encourage and be encouraged in daily struggles with fitness goals! And it’s a great way to track your progress.

Google Reader

If I really have some time on my hands I will go to my reader looking for recent blog posts on social media, marketing, running, Catholic Church and writing. I am looking to stay on top of what is the latest and greatest, blog ideas and things to tweet. I love, love Reader but haven’t spent much time on it. I don’t share or follow people. I didn’t even know it was possible until my daily mile (Dave C) and twitter friend @davecriswell posted something about sharing on Reader. I use delicious to tag articles to my reader.

How are you organizing your social? I would love to hear which sites you can’t live without. Leave a comment below!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Site Update!

I just wanted to give a special thanks to everybody who has commented on, read, or contributed to my blog in any way. In less than a month, I have gained almost a thousand views! This is an amazing start! I have also met some wonderful fellow bloggers and read some excellent reviews. I’m seriously enjoying blogging and connecting with all of you, and I look forward to continuing this! So, again, thanks to everyone!

As you can see, I have changed the layout to something a little more basic. I like it better; its not as busy as the last theme.

BTW, if anyone would like to connect outside of the blog universe, I’m on Facebook! I can’t believe I didn’t say that earlier.



Men are from mars and women are all over social media

If the differences between men and women are widely acknowledged in best selling books, why do social networks still talk with a unisex voice?

It’s already well known that women make 85% of the buying decisions in this country but did you know:

  • 65% of people using social media are women
  • 60% are boomer women
  • 55+ is the fastest growing segment on Facebook
  • 52% of searches women do are for someone else
  • 85% are looking for an independent review by another woman

The numbers get even higher on the subject of health care where virtually all health care buying decisions are made by women, not just for themselves and their families but as caregivers to parents, relatives and extended family.

I work with a woman named Kelley Connors who is doing something about it.  Kelley started an online community called Real Women on Health ( ), a place for Baby Boomer women featuring candid conversations and expert commentary about health and wellness.  Kelley has shown me study after study where women who talk with other women about the same health interests or conditions actually have better health outcomes.

As a testament to women sharing their collective wisdom in social media, in just a couple of months, Kelley has built a multi-channel social network of over 10,000 members on her community web-site, blog-talk radio show, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and received a content sponsorship grant from the National Women’s Health Resource Center, the largest clearing house for women’s health care information.  When linked to affliliate partners, Real Women on Health’s reach is 5,000,000.

Kelley is using Real Women on Health for moderated conversations with health advocates and the messaging, sampling and sales of health and wellness products and services that can benefit this high value group and the network they influence.  What I like most about  Kelley’s approach is her ability to listen to her constituents and ask questions like “what are the health topics you’re most passionate about?”  These serve as a roadmap for future development more than a business plan and keep new and existing users coming back to hear what she has to say.

Listening skills are important because women don’t feel listened to by:

  • 59% of food marketers
  • 66% in health care
  • 77% in automotive
  • 84% in investing

According to the Harvard Business Review, their primary sentiment with marketers in these categories is frustration.

If you don’t believe me,  just ask the woman up top.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Social Media News 2/22/10

It’s back! Social Media News has been on hiatus for a couple weeks, as my client work (and spending time with my Valentine) always comes first- but I am getting back on track with this week’s update.

In the social media sphere, change happens in a blink of an eye. While I was on break from blogging a lot of big things happened in this space, most notably the release of Google Buzz. The buzz about Buzz is that it’s Google’s latest life-streaming social media portal. Like Twitter and Facebook, Buzz allows users to keep in touch with friends and by sharing status updates, links, photos, and more.

Is Buzz a formidable threat to Twitter and Facebook? Maybe, but probably not. Buzz is integrated with Google’s email platform Gmail, and I’m guessing Google thought that would be a good way to gain immediate adoption en masse. But for many internet users, email use is in decline as social media use continues to rise. If Google had released Buzz two or three years ago it could have gained real traction, but unfortunately many would-be early adopters have already abandoned their Gmail accounts in favor of Facebook messaging (which is moving towards a full webmail service, code named Project Titan).

Also while I was off the grid, I missed a couple of birthdays. Flickr and Facebook both turned six years old this month.  That’s a pretty long time in Internet years; do you think they’ll make it another six?

Google Buzz

If Google Wave Is The Future, Google Buzz Is The Present – TechCrunch

Google Buzz: What It Means for Twitter and Facebook – Mashable

Google Will Ask Buzz’s Early Adopters to Confirm Privacy Choices – Wired

Google Buzz May Help Its Rivals More Than Itself – MediaPost


PayPal and Facebook Credits Will Play Nice After All – Mashable

The Fun of Facebook Measurement – Gilligan on Data

Facebook Moves Towards World — Not Just Social Networking – Domination -MediaPost

Social Media: Strategy

5 Ways Airlines and Hotels Can Drive Revenue with Social Media – Mashable

HOW TO: Deal With Negative Feedback in Social Media – Mashable

How Much Blog Would a Blogger Blog If a Blog Chucked Its Comments? – MediaPost

Social Media: Consumer Electronics

Official Twitter App for BlackBerry Looks Really Good – Mashable

Fashion Show Goers Purchased Clothes Straight From the Runway Using a BlackBerry App – Gizmodo

Motorola Backflip Will Be the First Android Phone on AT&T – Wired

Digital Advertising

Online Video Gets an Ad Exchange – AdAge

Live TV’s Alive as Ever, Boosted by Social Media – AdAge

Pre-Roll Video Ads Still Hated, Here to Stay – AdAge

Beyond the Badge: Big Media Brands Strike Foursquare Deals – AdAge

Internet Trends

How Social Media Is Changing the Super Bowl – Mashable

Walmart Buys Vudu, Jumping Into Online Movie Rentals – Wired

School District Halts Webcam Surveillance – Wired

It’s Official: Google Can Sell Power Like a Utility – Wired

Checking In, Checking Out [a great article summing up the latest location-based mobile/social apps] – MediaPost


My Separated-at-Birth Photos in Facebook

DOPPELGANGER WEEK IN FACEBOOK: This week change your profile picture to that of someone famous (actor, musician, athlete) who you’ve been told you look like. Post this to your status.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Facebook hidden Phone book

Ever since facebook changed there theme I have found it really hard to access my phonebook. I recently lost my phone in the snow and lost it. I found it a week later, microwaved it to defrost it. Let’s just say I have done smarter things before…

So today I just got my new phone. Don’t ask what phone it is, because I won’t tell you its an LG rummer 2. I looked in every facebook file I knew, searching for the oh-so-useful phone book. After searching I finally found it!


Picture Perfect: A digital weight loss diary

Alright mamas, how many memory cards have you filled with pics of your wee ones? What about you aunties? How many pics of the little monkey have you Facebooked? No doubt we’re all snapping shots of the kids. But leave a place for yourself  in the album too. When trying to lose weight or reshape, photos are a great way to monitor progress and reach your goals.

I am far from camera shy. Hello, aspiring fitness cover model here. I see the flash of a bulb and respond instinctively with a full smile and  three-quarter pose. You know, that red carpet pose that does all women justice. My Facebook page is filled with fun party pics and vacation photos. But I also have several personal folders documenting my physical changes through competition training, pregnancy and now, post-pregnancy.

Early in my pregnancy I decided to take monthly photos of my growing bump. The first shot was taken at eight weeks. The last shot was taken at eight weeks. LOL. I didn’t really follow through on that plan. Luckily, I managed to get other shots over the course of the year. Now I can look back at my 1-,4-,5-,6-,7- and 9-month belly. Very cool.

While training for my figure competition (prior to pregnancy), I was much more disciplined about the process. I photographed my front, back, and side poses each week. The photos were reviewed regularly by me and by my coach. This process was extremely helpful in evaluating the changes in my musculature and shape. What I didn’t see day-to-day, I definitely saw week-to-week and month-to-month. The progress pics were a great motivator when I didn’t think my body was changing. They revealed that my midsection was progressively becoming leaner, my upper body more built, and my legs better defined.

4 months postpartum

7 1/2 months

7 1/2 months

I’ve adopted that process again. As I work toward new fitness goals, I am documenting the changes with monthly pics. (See my 3-month and 4-month postpartum updates). It’s already working.  I’ve been looking back at my maternity photos. Wow, there was a 6 lb baby in there! I’m not so hard on myself when I see how big my belly actually was. It’s surprisingly easy to forget. And I’m already seeing slight changes in my post-pregnancy photos too. Step up, and see the incredibly shrinking stomach!

I wish I could lay claim to this ingenious tactic. I would patent it and pay for a tummy tuck. Just kidding. The photo thing is actually suggested by many fitness pros. Funny enough, I received an email this week from Tosca Reno with this very suggestion. Her “Focus on Fitness” detailed seven fitness tips. Number three on the list was tracking progress with before and after photos.

I found a similar suggestion in a blog by fitness model, Jennifer Nicole Lee. Taking a ‘before photo’ was step one in her four-week plan. Local trainer Lyzabeth Lopez includes before and after photos in her “Hourglass Workout” 3 month challenge. Plus we’ve all seen those “holy sh*t” before and after pics on The Biggest Loser, right? How awesome are those?!

So as I’m documenting the growth of my little girl, I’ll be documenting the changes in my body too. I look forward to sharing the results with you as I go.

If you’re inspired by this post, I encourage you to give the digital diary a try.  Get your camera, get in front of the mirror and start snapping. Keep the pictures, even if you hate them. Nobody else has to see them. Unless you decide to blog about it, LOL. It will be SO satisfying to look back and see how far you’ve come!

What images inspire you to work harder toward your goals?


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Sorry, had to use this photo of FB Victim #5 even though it reminds me too much of Ralphie & Janice in the Sopranos. However, it does fit perfectly with the post.

One of our proudest moments was when we opened MRR one day and saw Alfred E. Neuman’s face superimposed over Marc S’ in those pre-PhotoShop days, courtesy of the commie staff. Headed by Tim Yohannan.

War was going on. No, not overseas, but between the Tesco’s and the Fuck-Ups, who wouldn’t bow down to Lord Tim. They were among the few who didn’t decide to go “peace-punk” to get airplay or a good review.

I liked that they said “Fuck You” to the PC punk rock establishment in the same way I do to Facebook and its followers.

Bored is being on Facebook Greg. And sad would be what you’ve become. An amalgamation of what Huxley, Burroughs and Gibson portended. How do you play your set? Do you post the songs on your “wall”.

Have fun being a Facebook fag…I’d rather be a pussy.


Biweekly Links – 02-19-2010

1. Cookies, Supercookies and Ubercookies: Stealing the Identity of Web Visitors

This is a two part post by Arvind Narayanan on identifying the identity of a person using a variety of techniques. The first part is here and second part is here . The techniques include using a more sophisticated version of cookies, using browser history in a more intelligent fashion , using data from social networks and social bookmarking . There were some interesting observations in this post like the set of Facebook groups that you are member of is more or less unique. He also talks about federated identities which are convenient but makes it easy to track.

He also gives two useful links – One which uses browser history to find the Wikipedia topics you are interested in. The page is here. Beware, once you visit the page it starts analyzing your history – so visit it only if you really want to. That said, I felt I got a lot of interesting info from my previous pages ! The second useful link is a page where if you give your email id , it tells which of your online identities are linked – Check it out here . I have to say , I was pretty impressed with the results.

2. Please Rob Me !

This was my favorite site of this week. It uses information from Twitter and with some simple processing tells if the house is empty ! I am sure no robber is going to take its word but still it was a fun project and hopefully serve to raise awareness ! A BBC article is here.

3. Some Fun Stuff

I got some positive comments about including comics in the post. So here are the comics that impressed me this week. XKCD  talks about tautology   , Abstruse Goose on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems  and probably the most relevant to us is from Calvin and Hobbes.

4. E-mail Provides Interesting Insights Into Social Networks

An interesting article . Has some discussion on triadic and focal closures.

5. Facebook directs more online users than Google

What happens next ? They are already one of the largest link or image sharing site and now they are becoming a bigger referrer. I am not sure how it is going to impact the users but I only hope it doesn’t increase the number of crappy ads they show ! (at least don’t show the ads i have actively rejected earlier !)

6. A 50-Watt Cellular Network

Hmm interesting. I think (i have not cross checked) Times rated the CEO of this company as one of the top 8 people to watch out.

7. Mirror symmetry broken at 4 trillion degrees

I don’t really know the significance of it. But the fact that we can generate temperature of up to 4 trillion degrees is mind boggling. I was naturally curious how they measured the temperature , which is detailed in this post titled Hottest Soup in Universe . "Technology has improved so much" !

8. Bloodied By Warner, Redbox Also Damns New Releases To Piracy

After the Amazon-McMillan row comes Warner Vs Netflix/Redbox. Basically, both of them will hold off on the release of new Warner Brothers DVD and Blu-ray movies until after they’ve been on sale for 28 days. Bad time for consumers !

9. Forbes India: Why CEOs want Govt job

Nice read !


Thursday, February 18, 2010

PleaseRobMe: Exposing the Pitfalls of our Social Media Obsession

The other day, I heard about a website called FourSquare for the first time. I was intrigued so I did some research to see what it was all about. One of my first thoughts was ‘why would I want people to know where I am at all times?’ I’ll admit this was also my first reaction to twitter, but twitter has changed tremendously from its initial launch. But FourSquare, as far as I understand, is really just a game based on the places you visit (businesses, restaurants, attractions, etc). Which means you are updating the world on where you aren’t. Probably not a good choice, right?

The people at ReadWriteWeb (more on the site later) apparently agreed. In a story published earlier today, they talk about a website that has risen in response to FourSquare and the explosive popularity of social media - PleaseRobMe. This site publishes a constant stream of individual’s check ins from FourSquare under a category that reads “Recent Empty Homes”. The site is clearly a commentary on how willing we are to divulge our every move to people we don’t know or have any reason to trust.

I don’t know much about the law in general, let alone within the complex subject that is the web, but I would say that this is totally legal. People are publishing this information freely elsewhere on the web, so PleaseRobMe has every right to take it and use it however they please. The nature of the site is a bit disturbing to me, but I understand that they’re trying to increase awareness. It just seems like a harsh wake-up call, especially when you consider that some people might suffer in the name of increasing awareness.


Google Buzz or Google Bust??

On February 2, Google introduced their latest product Google Buzz.  This added “social” feature, which is built right into Gmail, allows users to start conversations and share information (pictures, videos, links, etc.) with those they contact the most.  Google Buzz is essentially designed to evolve Gmail into a social networking platform that simplifies the process of sharing both public and private information with those on your contact list (aka: your Gmail address book).  You can follow anyone who has a Gmail account by searching for them by name or email address.  You can instant message, as well as post your latest “buzz” in real time (without a character limit, may I add) and this is all done through your Gmail account. Voila! It’s email, Facebook and Twitter all rolled into one.  Genius.

Yeah, not so much.

Over the past week, as Google continues to work out the kinks of its new interface, many feel as if they have fallen victim to an invasion of privacy.  With all of the noise we keep hearing about protecting your “online image,” especially in this job market and economy, when a private conversation is accidentally publicized…well, you can put two and two together.

In a recent interview with CNBC regarding the privacy issues Google Buzz has created since its debut, Eric Schmidt the CEO of Google Inc. said,”If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search engines –including Google –do retain this information for some time and it’s important, for example, that we are all subject in the United States to the Patriot Act and it is possible that all that information could be made available to the authorities.”

So, maybe Google Buzz will be what the next buzz-worthy addition to social media.  Or, maybe Mr. Schmidt should prepare for his own little buzz-worthy bust.

Laura Ann Klinedinst


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

didn't expect that.

I’ve just quit smoking.  Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking, “mike, wow, best person ever.” And yep, bang on, but that’s not what we are here to discuss today.

I’ve smoked since I was 14. I’m now a month off 29.

I’d always seen a sense of smell as some kind of inherited weakness a real man would strive to dissuade his body of, but now that mine is slowly returning, I like it. The last time I actually smelt anything was more than half my lifetime ago.

Thus, I am sat on my couch reading something far too serious for the amount of beer I’ve drunk and suddenly, I’m 12, living in Kuwait, in love with Vanessa Shaw and her blonde pony tail, facing a long, lonely summer holiday in France with my family, willing this youthful innocence to flower and enjoy all that it entailed.

Since then I’ve lived in seven countries, I’ve loved three utterly perfect girls and three guys I wouldn’t be me without. I’ve done nearly a thousand skydives and I’ve drunk more alcohol than Bulgaria produces in a good year. Every scar on this freckled tapestry is the indelible echo of something learned or won.

Still, I can’t help but wonder which of the girls on Facebook I don’t recognise is her.

All from the smell of a book.


we respectively crashed your party....

ever have one of those nights where you wanna go out but you’re in too much of a funk to actually get off the couch. well that was my situation this past friday. i’m not going to go into detail about my funky-ness so yeah …… anywho. its friday and its “snowing” in ATL. i must have been experiencing a slight case of cabin fever because i couldn’t take being in my house any longer. thank goodness for our numerous methods of communication.

i was fb chatting with a friend and i told her how epically nuts i was going to be if i remained in my house. she said come over. i said when. she said now. i said “ok! lemme put on some pants!” so i braved the slushy roads, the idiots whizzing by in their trucks/SUVs, and a full bladder (i was in such a rush i forgot to pee) …on my way to my friend’s. well…we didn’t exactly go out friday night because ….well where were we gonna go when a city locks down with any sign of snow?

ok so… forward to sat. still at my friend’s place. we literally spent the whole day on the couch watching television programs you wouldn’t readily admit to the average person. night comes and we both wanna go out . however, because of the current state of our wallets the list of things to do were limited. but my friend sends me a txt about an art show over at wonder root and the possibility of a party afterwards. so jumping for joy, right? nope. it was more like an “eh”. as an artist i should be out and about and shakin my groove thang, right? i am a self proclaimed homebody and sometimes i think i get in my own way. but after some coaxing my friend telling me she’ll pay my friend’s and i way we put ourselves together, brushed our teeth and headed out the door. best decision i’ve made in a minute…ok well when considering being social.

after driving past the place three times we finally found it and met up with my friends. we walked towards the back of the place and walk through what appears to be a house transformed into a gallery. already there was live music and crowds of 20somethings sipping on miller lite and PBR. first thoughts….hmm i hope there is more to this. and yesss there was. with a beer in hand we walked upstairs to see some art work. the show was entitled the femme fatale show so basically it was a lot of sexy, sometimes scary works of women in soothing or kick ass situations. there were paintings, drawings, photography, and sculptures…oh my! some i liked…some not so much. on painting was of a woman with an exposed womb with a cracked egg in it….kinda disturbing but to each its own.

so we head downstairs to listen to some music. please check out Naomi Lavendar and Allison Weiss . i chatted with Naomi before she went on and i must say i wasn’t expecting that voice to come out of her. i literally cried listening to her…ok not bawling my eyes out but her music is so relatable that it touched me. now days i don’t feel as if musicians try to make a connection with their audience….i could be wrong. and allison….funny gal. i loved her introductions to each song.

was our night over? nope. we walked/jogged to our cars singing…something that i cant recall at the moment and was on our way to Java Lords. interesting folks…but thats the way i like ‘em. met this one dude who kept telling me to find him on twitter, facebook, likedin, and myspace…before i even knew his name. music is playing and we’re dancing in the middle of the coffee shop. my bf once told me i attract indie musicians and well im not gonna say the other…so anywho i met two guys (maybe one…i think) from the band The Falcon Lords. funny guys. awesome music. they kept telling us where were the best places in ATL to go dancing.

so. after partying it up at the coffee shop/bar we attempted to find a house party. got lost but it didn’t really matter. the ipod was blasting in the car and we apparently could have cared less. so. found the house, asked if we could switch out the ipod already playing to ours and thats when the party really started. everyone rushed the living room to dance or what their definition of dancing was. the party was so happenin that a stray cat from outside decided to crash…unfortunately some dude threw it out. :(  well 3am hit and we figured it was time to go. so we took our curly haired selves to the car and headed home.

so yeah. awesome night. you should have been there but you weren’t. your loss. :)


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Social Media: Monetization & Creativity

We have all watched and questioned what are, could be and will be the best monetization strategies for our favorite social media sites. There have been the obvious ways, selling targeted ads like Facebook, and the less obvious, licensing search engine technology to the giants. We can’t forget the old standbys like the real dollars one can spend for a virtual presence and for improving an avatar on sites like SecondLife. There are even ways to generate revenue from popular Facebook gaming applications like Farmville.

We too have our list of options for our social video Facebook application Vpype, and there are days when we add new options to our list and delete others. These lists include options for broadcasters to create, share and publicize their own content.

Go to this web link to add Vpype app to your Facebook profile:

The Missing Link: Social Media Creativity

It’s possible to engage with a social media site to socialize and connect. In fact we all have some idea of these mechanics and how to execute. What’s been missing – how one can do this more creatively and authentically in a network of authenticated identities. With Vpype, we are looking at ways our broadcasters and viewers can express themselves, tell their story and can be found and discovered. Our live social video platform give them a way to exploit their talents, let their faces and voices become part of their story, get real time feedback, and help with being more authentic to a selected group of audience or everyone on Facebook.

Most recently, Vpype Chief Marketing Officer Arnold Waldstein’s interview on social video was featured on Huffington Post. Please click here [Huffingtion Post] to watch the video. In addition, please click here to watch my interview on


My Love/hate relationship with Facebook

I go back and forth whether social networking sites like facebook are a good thing or a bad thing. Part of that is because I go back and forth on every damn thing, because I like to think way too much instead of just making a decision and sticking with it. Indecision is worse than a bad decision. Actually, I don’t know whether that’s true or not let me think about it for awhile.

(Stay on topic, dummy)

Oh yeah Facebook. Here’s what is good about Facebook. You get to re-connect with old friends. Here’s what is gay about facebook. I didn’t give a shit about any of your lives before why should I start now?

This is how it usually goes when I log in. I check my messages. Check out a few of my friends pages. Accept some dumb ass clown gift or a new tool in farmville that someone I don’t know sent to me and then I get bored and write some dumb shit on people’s pages.

Then I see what certain people are up to with their status updates. I think, “Wow that looks like fun I need to get down there and do that, that will be bad ass.”

I’ll start thinking, hmmm do I need to call these people or just show up? Why did they tell everyone where they are? You do that too Mike, why do you do that?

Don’t know.

Then I’ll get jealous for a minute and think if I don’t go then I’m missing out and they will have more fun than I will.

My inner voice will then say, “What are you talking about homo? You just did a somersault, ate a bunch of candy, cranked one out, read a book and did a bunch of push-ups. You were having a blast. Why the fuck would you stop doing what makes you happy and head to a bar when you don’t even drink anymore?

Ummm because there’s girls there.

“So what dummy? The fucking last thing your dumb ass needs right now is a relationship.”

“I know but they are hot and smell good.”

“Shut up Mike, there’s millions of em. You work with a bunch of girls like that. Take one home from the club if you want to and then kick her out of the bed.”

“Don’t want to.”


“That’s not how I was raised.”

“That’s gay.”

“Well maybe my dad raised me too well then, because I just can’t be an asshole to women until they break my heart. Then I can be a vicious angry asshole.”


Ummm they made me mad.

So what?

“I don’t like it when people make me mad.”

“How fucking old are you man that’s immature.”

“So what?”

This inner battle goes on for another 20 minutes and it’s usually too late to go anywhere anyway and I decide to just stay home and do exactly what I was doing before facebook and people having fun interrupted me having the time of my life.

The other thing that bothers me about facebook is you start doing the life comparison game.

“Wow that fucker has a million dollars and a hot wife that I want to bone. I’m so jealous of that dude. I used to make him eat pigeon eggs in third grade and now look!”

Then I start to think, “So the fuck what Mike? How does that affect you in the least You are completely happy not being married until you start to think about it. You are happy just being an amazing uncle to that little shit Alex who you could spend 84 straight hours rough housing with and you’d be the happiest man in the world. Why do you care what some dude has?

“Umm because I want to bone his wife.”

“Then go do that.”

“Can’t wasn’t raised that way. It all goes back to…”

“Shut the fuck up Mike. God why do you think so damn much man. Get a lobotomy if you have to. You just said that you don’t care about money right?”


“You just said that you are happy when you are single right?”


“The things that make you happy are riding a bike, playing sports, reading books, watching movies, beating up your 5 year old nephew and then going out meeting new people right?”



“Good point brain, but in all honesty I want to tag like 95 chicks that are my friends on facebook. And the only way I can do that is if I go see em and talk them into having sex with me. Right?”

“Umm that’s a fair point. But why does it have to be girls you are friends with on facebook? Look around man! There’s tons of em. Don’t you always complain that because you dated a little troll from Gateway for three years, that a bunch of your facebook friends know, that you are afraid that all that drama will come back to haunt you and they will not be able to resist the urge to see what it was like to be in a relationship with you?”


So don’t date chicks from Gateway then dummy! There’s more to life than Gateway. Yes some of them arebeautiful and successful and you really wanted to nail em when you were 17. But you didn’t man, move on. Look in your phone. There are over 35 girls in there that have given their number to you. Some want to get to know you because you seem nice. Some just want you to nail them, Mike. Some chicks are like that. Stop looking on a computer for what’s right in front of you in real-life. Stop chasing women dummy! Now go do some more push-ups read The Fountainhead again and see if you can pull off that front flip onto your bed. Finish this long meandering blog that no one should a give a fuck about, walk outside reflect for a minute while having a cigarette and then go back inside, watch the all-star game festivities and rest up for work tonight. Then if you want to go on facebook and dick around for a bit at 4 a.m. when you get home. Deal?”

“Deal brain.”

Final judgement. Facebook is neither good nor bad. It’s just a thing out there that you can choose to participate in or choose not to. Doesn’t matter either way. You aren’t missing anything if you don’t give a shit about it.

So all that to say I don’t know the right answer. I’m going to make one hell of a politician one day.

“Mr. Nicholls, What are your plans for health care reform?”

“Don’t give a shit to be honest. I figure just stay healthy and you won’t have to worry about it. If you get cancer then that would really fucking suck balls. Go the Dr., Get treated then never worry about paying for it, is my advice. Why beat cancer and then let trying to pay back the hospital kill you. Fuck em,you got your health. Aha Universal health care is what I meant to say. Ignore all that babble and swearing.”)

Ok time to go post this link on Facebook so all my very best friends in the whole world will read it!

Hypocrite Mike.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

The sad, slow death of

I remember sitting at my desk in New York when News Corporation announced that it would acquire powerhouse social networking site for $580m in cash. The move was heralded by many as a savvy reinforcement of News Corp by Rupert Murdoch, giving his old-line media firm of movies, newspapers, and tz stations and solid foothold in the digital entertainment space.

At the time, I thought that Murdoch was making a wise move. Remember though, this was in mid 2006, before the ascent of Facebook, and before the leadership of MySpace and their News Corp. overlords ran the company into the ground.

Fast forward: It may have seemed like a good deal at the time. Now, it’s early 2010 and I don’t think I have logged into my MySpace account for well over a year, perhaps even two years; I cannot remember, because it has been so long. Facebook now permeates the public consciousness, oftern being one of the first websites people visit at the start of their day. Indeed, many people simply leave it open in their browser window, refreshing it constantly so that they can see and respond to the live updates posted by their friends. With its gorgeous, clean, well-designed user interface, and much less advertising, I don’t think MySpace ever stood a chance. The rush to Facebook by many was breathtaking and unstoppable. The execs at Fox Interactive Media must have been fighting back panic, but did not choose to recognize the incredible value offered by Facebook and the obvious flaws in their own product.

Where MySpace failed and Facebook succeeded is a question of differing views on who the purpose of their product. It is obvious that managers at MySpace viewed effective monetization of their surging web traffic as a core business strategy. They must have thought to themselves, “With the ad revenue we will realize from this new web property, we can add X to the bottom line of News Corp.” Not long after the deal, the $900m ad deal MySpace signed with Google, the increase in advertising on the site was evident and contributed to a tolerable, but unpleasant user experience defined by ubiquitous ads, ugly design and lots of prostitutes.

Facebook, on the other hand, turned down astronomical buyout offers and made profitability a secondary concern as it focused of providing users with a pleasant forum to interact with individuals whom they choose to. All business decisions were secondary to user experience and providing enjoyable features. The stratospheric acquisition of users over the past few years validates this strategy. Only now, after becoming one of the most trafficked websites in the world, has Facebook become profitable. Mark Zuckerberg and other senior leaders at FB should be commended for their long-term vision and commitment to providing a quality product above all else.

Now, we learn that Oven Van Natta, a former senior Facebook executive brought in to save MySpace has been dismissed after nine months on the job. In January 2009, ComScore reported that Facebook drew twice the global internet traffic that MySpace has. The company’s fall back strategy of becoming an online hub for music (given MySpace’s popularity as a forum for upcoming musicians) resulted in the purchase of online music networks and Imeem under Van Natta’s tenure. Infighting among management and incoherent strategy have resulted in the company falling short in their ad deal with Google, producing a $100m loss.

Its a tough lesson in not being to greedy and focusing on what your customers want. Facebook, the social network the burned through investor cash and endured widespread criticism for not taking buyout offers, is triumphant.

MySpace chief executive resigns (LA Times)

UPDATE: News Corp Sees 2010 Oper Earnings Rising In Low 20% (WSJ)

Google Crashes Facebook IPO Party (The Street)


Gaji Dah Masuk, Yeah! :)

Hahaha. Per punye tajuk kat atas tue. Takde kene ngene pun. Ape ko excited sangat wani? By the way, seronok pulak rase bile gaji dah masuk. Hutang terbayar. Janjiku tunaikan buat mama tersayang. Syahdu jek bace mesej di bawah nie. Huhu.


Tapi, apakan daye, mama pulak nak tambahkan selera. Nak makan grill food katenye. Dah lame dia nak since dia usha seorang gurl sebelah meja kami di depan McD KLCC (about 2 months ago). Kecur air liur mama agaknye tengok grill food berasap lagi on the plate. Since that she approached me to try it. So, semalam saye bawa mama jalan-jalan di KLCC (walaupun selalu pergi, dekat jek dengan umah, naik tren selang 2 stesen jek). Tapi mungkin kali nie baginye paling berharge sebab anak sulung die nie baru dapat gaji kan3. Haha. Nonsense btw.

:: Tapi takpe mama, janji secret recipe cheese cake and cappucino tue akak akan segera tunaikan sebelum balik shah alam minggu depan. Hoho.


Sampai saje kat umah, mama cakap nak buat nasi ayam untuk dinner. Suke sangat nasi ayam mama. Sedap. Pergh. Masa birthday adik (hazeera) pun mama jamu dengan nasi ayam. SEDAP!!! Hafiz pun suke ;p











Akhirsekali, pic mama dan saye semalam. Hehehehe.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Facebook & Pandora = The Ultimate Creepers

Sometimes it surprises me just how well Pandora and Facebook know what I like.  Sure, I should be used to it, being an advertising major and all, but I can’t help but to think it’s creepy just how accurate they are.  For Facebook, the stupid, obvious ads that tell me my age and where I live don’t surprise me, but there are definitely some that make me do a double-take.  Pandora, however, surprises me in a good way.  I only have one channel on my Pandora, which has a combination of everything I like – from Beyoncé to Phoenix.  So when someone new comes on, more often than not, I am pleasantly surprised.  It’s amazing. Bottom line:  Facebook – stop creeping on me, and Pandora – keep bringing more good music and don’t drop to Facebook’s level of creepiness.


Facebook Lemming

Maybe I’m being harsh, but I am tiring of the “It’s (fill in the various blanks) week! Change your picture/status/whatever to something because someone else thinks it will be cool, or 93% of people won’t like you any more…” I find myself resisting on principle – My Facebook page and profile and status are mine. I refuse to be prodded to become a lemming and jump off of that cliff.

Popularity was never a high priority for me, so I can’t see any reason why I should be cajoled into sharing anything beyond the hundreds of mundane posts I already write. After all, if I shared any more, I’d be typing:

Jenny: breathed in

Jenny: breathed out

Jenny: breathed in

Anyhow, Jenny: is ranting, but 93% of the home viewing audience might care even if they don’t post this as their status.

Good night!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Singer, Estelle, Designs Jewelry Collection

We’ve seen singer, Estelle, in ads for clothing and handbag brands.

Today I learned that she is switching it up and working from the other side of the fashion industry, adding “jewelry designer” to her growing repertoire.

Apparently, the British Grammy award winning singer has partnered with designer, Rachel Roy, to create a capsule jewelry collection.

Going on sale in March 2010, the collection is limited edition, with limited quantities, and includes necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings.

If you’d like to preview the collection and shop an edited version of it, fan Rachel Roy on Facebook.

The pop-up store closes February 11 at 6 p.m.

After that, you’ll find the collection, moderately priced between $34 and $195, exclusively at Macy’s and at


Facebook Home page got a new Look!




This is great news for me.Awesome!

Because I hate it’s OLD look.

But I don’t know about you! To me, Its very simple and cool interface.


Founder Mark Zuckerberg , officially announce the site’s redesign on July 23.

According to the Image,

1.See new requests, messages and notifications grouped together by the Facebook logo.

2.Easily access your messages, applications and chat on the left side of the page.

3.Manage privacy settings and log out using the Account menu above.

New Chatting sidebar get short and simplle.

Some people have had trouble getting to the new site. Log in in at the old and then go to to to see the changes.

(C) Udaya Shamendra


Sunday, February 7, 2010

FaceBook to offer email

Facebook is completely rewriting their messaging product and is preparing to launch a fully featured webmail product in its place, according to a source with knowledge of the product. Internally it’s known as Project Titan. Or, unofficially and perhaps over-enthusiastically, the Gmail killer.


More details here:


Facebook Friends "A"

The internet is a big place. Social networking is a phenomenon. Everyone has a Facebook page. Friends, family, and strangers upload photos of each other with no regard for the individual’s rights to privacy. However, once you post a picture on the internet, it is no longer yours.

Photos posted on Facebook can and will be used for every possible purpose: from keeping one from getting a desired job to prosecuting under aged drinkers to stalking  to worse. You do not know who is looking at your Facebook page right now. The internet is not private.The internet is permenant.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not opposed to social networking or having my photo posted online. I love twitter, Flickr, LinkedIn, and Facebook. It’s just, I know I have no control over any  image I upload to a website. I understand the dangers involved in posting my images on the internet. I do not like these dangers, but I am aware of and accept them.

I am not sure every person posting pictures and comments on Facebook understand these dangers. There is no privacy. That is the main theme to my next body of work.

I am going to draw every “friend” I have on Facebook.  Many of these people I haven’t seen in years. Some I’ve never met. While I am doing my best to draw flattering portraits, I have not asked permission to draw these people.

The drawings will be made strictly from photographs I have found on Facebook. Every drawing will be tagged initially. Should the subjects of the drawing choose to untag themselves, that is their right. The point is, I drew them. Without the subject’s  knowledge I spent time looking at his/her photographs. Then, I thoroughly analyzed and drew his/her face. All while he/she was off living life.  An image posted simply to entertain was used in a way never intended. That photo is now a part of my art. It is now mine.

Enough jabber. Here is every Facebook friend I have whose name begins with the letter “A”.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Facebook's Email could really Take Down Gmail Supremacy

Today, I read about Facebook’s idea of launching their own email platform: it is a genius idea.

Just a few days ago Facebook reached 400 Million users, and most of them log in every day. They definitively take a look at their Walls, the homepage, and check their messages. Facebook does not have to do anything more than setting up a few SMTP/IMAP servers, tell everybody that they now have an email and the deal is done.

For Facebook, this is a great move. They will be able to look into your email stream and figure out what your interests are to improve their targeted advertising.

[Full post at new address]


Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea by Guerlain Perfume for Women

Celebrating Guerlain’s fifth anniversary of it’s first edition in the Guerlain Aqua Allegoria collection, Guerlain presents a new wonderland of fairytale florals called Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea. Perfumer Thierry Wasser blended a beautiful assortment of citrus inspired blossoms and optimistic spring flowers. Release sparkles of feminity this 2010 as Guerlain takes you on a vibrant journey through all six senses. Fade away to paradise with Guerlain’s Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea for women!

Relax and take a deep breath! Your about to embark through notes of syringa flower and orange blossom. With beneficial honey on your side, each dabble soothes your mind. Sources say Guerlain Aqua Allegoria was “initialized by Jean-Paul Guerlain with a wish to illustrate poetry of natural notes and raw materials with a vivid watercolor of each composition.” Over 10 years of brilliance has been condensed into this elegant fragrance. (see more Guerlain)

Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea will be available in a 125 ml Eau De Toilette by creator Robert Granai. It’s beautiful bottle reflects the unique characteristics of a bee and it’s honeycomb. Reveal the fairy tail this April 2010 with Aqua Allegoria Flora Nymphea by Guerlain. Enter a new era in bliss.

Ultra has over 12,000 designer fragrances for men and women up to 80% off everyday! We are your one stop shop for designer beauty, hair, and skin care products fit for any occasion! Remember, at you get FREE SAMPLES with every purchase and FREE SHIPPING with orders over $80! Visit often for exclusive offers and contest details for your chance to WIN BIG and SAVE! Got Facebook? How about Twitter? Did you know fans receive special coupon codes and hot deals on this years fragrances including upcoming launches for 2010? – Add us below! Visit Ultra today; where luxury meets affordability!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

e Marketing element: What to do what to use?

e Marketing element: What to do what to use?

When deciding on the eMarketing element you want to use you need to Analise who your target audience is, how you are going to address them, and how you are going to build a small powerful network. You want to have consistency, know your goals, the message you want to send, and how or who is going to maintain your campaign/networks. Once you have decided on what eMarketing element to use you want to create a template you should follow to keep consistency; social networking is often misunderstood and misused if not used correctly and safely. It is recommended you do your research or have someone who is Internet and Marketing savvy to maintain and monitor your sites if not be sure to do your research and get the training you should have. Training is always to top recommendation considering the trainer is usually someone in that area of specialization. Now here is a punchline: the more and more people are becoming internet savvy more and more people are conducting seminars (webinars) through the internet and conducting business through web communication. For all we know they could be very well sitting in their birthday suit.


Internet Marketing (e Marketing)

Internet Marketing (e Marketing)

What is e Marketing? e Marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via electronic media; it is the process of marketing a brand using the internet. It includes both direct response marketing (emails, forums, blogs, etc), and indirect marketing elements and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers (social networks, feeds, applications, ads, etc). e Marketing encompasses all the activities a business conducts with the aim of attracting new business, retaining business, and developing its brand. It is stated that the average North American spends 4 hours a day on the internet. And during this time of recession, where are the majority of people going to be spending their time? -on the internet. Even though there is not much money to be spent it is a great time to be branding yourself and getting your brand out there. e Marketing has its advantages during this cost cutting time where compromising your marketing initiatives will not be an issue. When implemented correctly, the return on investment (ROI) from e Marketing can far exceed that of traditional marketing strategies. Why e Marketing? The Internet is a force that cannot be ignored. Currently there is a shift in the way we are marketing; Internet Marketing -the end of traditional marketing as we know it is here. There are numerous advantages that make e Marketing appealing to businesses, including cost savings, time savings, better response rates, communication, and tracking. Benefits to e Marketing: – environmentally friendly (paperless); – better reach (it is a means to reach literally millions of people every year); – measure your ROI (Google Analytic is a great resource); – better communication (interact more effectively) – ability to target your audience; – ability to get repeat exposure; – time efficient; – …and cost effective. Evaluate: – What does the average business spend to have a billboard up for a particular increment of time (e Marketing you can reach just the same amount of people if not more in one day for far less)? – What could be your cost savings? telemarketing vs traditional print marketing; consider the cost to mail (stamps, envelopes, etc), printing out the materials, and then consider the limited reach you get from traditional print marketing. – Time Savings -an email is instantly sent to the recipients mail box if you are doing direct emailing. Traditional print marketing it takes time to print, prep material for mailing, then days for the delivery source to deliver the mail. – Target your audience -Internet you can stress your demographic, opposed to traditional print that only yields to the specific geographic.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is your business intelligent enough?

 5 tips to consider

1.      Check your cash position

1.1.   Are you making best use of your overdraft? Banks will look to cut this facility where they can, particularly if there has been low usage.

1.2.   Check your margins – are they benefiting your business

1.3.   Get a grip on credit control

2.      Staff

2.1.   Cross train staff. This prevents quality dip in case of redundancy, but also helps increase motivation through the development of new skills

2.2.   Reward employees based on commission and bonus schemes

2.3.   Provide clear direction – winning teams know their goals

3.      Purchasing

3.1.   Look at your existing suppliers and check alternatives

3.2.   Do you have/make best use of your CRM system, this could easily increase productivity

4     Marketing. It’s proven that those who invest in marketing during difficult times emerge strongest when the good times return.

4.1.   Network – attend events and seminars

4.2.   Make best use of resources available – your database, referrals, innovate

4.3.   Negotiate better deals

4.4.   Target the right people

5       Online marketing.

5.1.   Is your web page doing its job – research search engine optimisation (SEO)

5.2.   Write blogs and ensure people can find them

5.3.   Making best use of social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)

5.4.   Integrate all your online marketing efforts to guarantee it goes viral

Stop and take stock and if you need any help please give us a call.


click here for link

This article talks about how many friends is realistic, especially when it comes to social networking sites like facebook. I personally have over 1,000 friends but rarely visit their pages or “connect” with them. I believe in what Dunbar says about having 150 true friends who you can stay connected with. Social networking sites make having this many friends possible. A person may have only a few close friends and then up to 150 people who are labeled friends. Then there is another ring of acquaintances who you never talk to but they are still someone who you know. Some people believe facebook is a popularity contest in which they have thousands of friends some of who they do not know. Since the launch of facebook applications there are users who will friend certain people to get ahead in the game. Friends on facebook are not necessarily real friends and therefore weak links may not even be a a tie. People now have massive amounts of friends on facebook who may or may not actually be “friends” or even “acquaintances.”
