I’m a little into NLP, but a whole lot less so when I encounter some NLP ‘experts’. Neuro Linguistic programming helped me move from a sad point in my life to a whole new level. It’s not that it was responsible for my change and NLP made no decisions for me. It was one of the things I used, successfully accessing its tools, for my own self improvement. Not the only tools I used, but certainly, NLP has been good for me. So I still get curious about how some people use NLP and what they do to help others. I am certified as a Master Practitioner, but I’m happy to leave the practicing to the people that hold a passion for such things.
Whist on Facebook just yesterday, I stumbled upon an NLP person. I’d seen her Linked In page before as we have many mutual friends on Linked In as well as Facebook. Kimmi Jasper is located in the UK, is a Coach and a Therapist as well as an NLP Trainer, so when Facebook recommended her as a potential friend, I sent my friend request through, knowing we shared many common threads.
This morning, I received the following response,
05 March at 20:29 Report
Hi Chris,
I do not remember meeting you and there for am not accepting your request, please stop contacting me or I will report it as abuse.
Okay, so I may have busted someone’s view of protocol on Facebook, but I’m not thinking anyone deserves this type of response. I blocked Kimmi out of my Facebook life, including her comments made on mutual friends status updates that have invaded my personal Facebook space, but not before reading a few more to see what I was missing. Man, I should have looked at what she writes before I asked her to be my Facebook friend and none of this would ever have happened!
In years gone by, when I was a complete bastard, more bastard than I am now, I’d have sent her a note to let her know the word therefore is not two words and actually ends in an ‘e’. That I didn’t shows I am a little less ‘bastard’. I’m still bastard enough to point it out in this blog and question her ability with the linguistic part of her profession, but we all have faults.
I have very quickly adjusted from being made to feel a stalker and come to accept that Kimmi Jasper is far too important for yours truly and I am now very certain that hell might freeze over before I’d ever think of sending her a client. I’m thinking I’d be sending them to Christopher Howard or Joanna Martin anyway.
My personal freaky Jasper incident has taken my natural ability to be friendly and seek friendships on any minute levels and turned it on its head? Was what I did so wrong? Are there rules with Facebook friendships? I’m seventy percent of the way to the Facebook maximum number of friends and this is the first time I have encountered a ‘kimmi’.
Anyway, if you want to be my friend come to http://www.facebook.com/chris.gibson1 and I’ll be happy to accept your request. That is my nature. I’m friendly and I’m open and, perhaps, far less of a bastard than I say I am.
Fat Bastard Out
PS, I’m happy to answer any questions and direct people to Chris Howard and Joanna Martin and I do so and have done without any benefit other than knowing I put people in good hands.
Chris Howard – Click Here Please for His Info
Joanna Martin – Click Here Please for Her Info
Chris and Joanna both have Facebook pages and welcome friends and fans.
If you want to feel like a stalker or simply feel the need to be treated incredibly poorly by a professional therapist, then google Kimmi Jasper, go directly to her Facebook page and send a friend request. Go on. You know you want to…
Bastard – Really out now!
[Via http://fatbastardthoughts.wordpress.com]
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