Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Star Wars - Medstar II: Jedi Healer, A Clone Wars Novel' - Chapter (Part )

Well, it’s Monday and it’s the last full week before Spring vacation.  I hate to say it, but I really think I need that upcoming vacation!  I got up this morning and was exhausted because I had taken another cold pill around midnight last night and then only got about six and a half hours of sleep.  Of course I should’ve expected to be exhausted after having done that to myself.  I got up and got into the shower and took another nice long shower to help my stuffed up head.  It did eventually help to expel some of the stuffiness in my head.  I got out of the shower and felt a little bit better and then headed out to the kitchen and had a breakfast of cereal and orange juice as I watched “The Early Show” on CBS.  All I can say is that it seems as though ALL of the news media in this country is very SMUG right now over the passage of the Health Care Bill last night.  They all act like they personally were responsible for the passage of the bill and that they somehow had something to do with it.  I really don’t like the idea that this health care bill passed last night in the late hours.  First off, the bill was rushed through.  Second, the bill does nothing to resolve the real issues at hand.  The real issue has to do with the insurance companies and their horrible practices of not granting procedures to those that have health insurance.  But, this bill does NOTHING to address any of those issues.  Hey, here’s another thing to think about.  What about all the illegal immigrants in this country?  Will they be required to get health insurance, and if they don’t, will we fine them?  There are a lot of questions that remain.  And it does not appear that anyone has thought that through before passing health care.

So, anyway, getting off my high-horse, I got myself ready and I was off to work while the kids were off to school.   I got to school and set things up for my day today.  I taught the last in a series of music theory lessons to all of my classes and I am happy with how my instructional day went.  My students worked hard and got a lot of their work done.  I think it helped that I explained to them how urgent it was that we get things done before vacation.  I got done with my instructional day and had my first day of tech crew rehearsal with my tech crew.  They seemed to work well together and I think I may have a nice tech crew this year.  The real advantage is that I have a lot of repeat students who are already knowledgeable on their stations, so they’ll be able to handle taking care of things and making sure they run smoothly.  I got done with tech crew rehearsal and found out that Heather’s car broke down at work.  The mechanic at the garage believes her truck now needs a water pump and timing belt.  Well, that will cost some bucko bucks!  So, I drove home right away.

I got home and we had dinner together and then we cleaned up after dinner and I went into the basement and played “Call of Duty 4″ for about a half an hour and then watched “The Office”, and then two episodes of “Two and a Half men” while I had a spirited debate on Facebook about the Health Care Plan.  It actually was a nice spirited debate and I really liked seeing everyone else’s point of view on everything, even those that agree with the plan.  I do think that we all need to start talking in this country more so we can all agree that the parties in this country are BOTH broke!  Anyway, I got done with my debate and continued watching TV including “How I Met Your Mother”, “Rules of Engagement”, “Two and a Half Men”, Big Bang Theory”, and “CSI Miami” before heading to bed.

Okay, let’s talk about Part of Chapter of “Star Wars – Medstar II:  Jedi Healer, A Clone Wars Novel” by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry…..

[Via http://thegalaxycast.wordpress.com]

More Waiting - but another song!

Monday, March 22, 2010 – No news today from Iowa City. Last week the first call came on Tuesday so we are thinking this week will be similar. Kellee was in the basement today recording another song and he heard the dogs barking upstairs and found out it was his G-ma working in the yard.  Turns out – Heidi’s mom came over and began the task of cleaning up the gazillion sticks from our trees. She completed the front yard and we are very much appreciative of her hard work and her support.

So yes, Kellee wrote,  recorded and posted another song today. This one is called “Never Comfortable.” He took some of the lyrics directly out of Job 38:4-7.  It was the first one he wrote on this journey in which Heidi & I did not cry after the first listen. http://www.myspace.com/kelleevanhemertmusic

We received a nice card today from a family from church, in it was a quote which spoke right into our situation, “Patience is not passivity, its concentrated strength.”

Tonight, Heidi made a meal to place in the freezer while I went to the Barefoot Warriors prayer at TRC. There was more prayer offered up for healing for Kellee and patience for Heidi & I. Once again I was glad I went besides the prayer, there were nice words of support! When God’s people gather to pray, it is a good thing!

[Via http://braintumorparent.wordpress.com]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Leaving Facebook

你们好 or Greetings,

I have been toying with this idea for a long time. In some ways it was one of the harder decisions that I have had to make in a long time, but nonetheless I have done it. I have removed myself from the largest social networking site, Facebook.

I used to be a huge promoter and supporter of the website. I loved how you can see updates, pictures, and videos from all of your friends. I liked that people could see what I was up to without me having to be at the computer or phone the same time they were. I liked the idea of FB so much that I bought a $60 service so I could update it while I am in China.

I liked Facebook, but does it add any real value to my interactions with my friends and family? Does the one thousandth request for Mafia Wars do anything for me? Do I really want to be friends with that person I met once ten years ago? Do people care what I did over the weekend or what I am going to eat for dinner? Is it good to have passive relationships with hundreds of people and not really e-mail, call or write to those who are supposed to be close to you?

I have found out about death, marriage and children via Facebook. These used to be meaningful events in peoples’ lives that used to warrant a letter, a visit or a call. Now it seems all information is routed via Facebook and open for the world. I suppose I am nostalgic for the times my mailbox (real and digital) had some substantial information in it or when people used to talk and not text. I also realize that it has been a long time since I have put much effort in my correspondence. With these things in mind I took the leap.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not holier than thou. I like surfing FB and FB stalking my friends as much as the next person, but does it make my friendships or me any better? I suppose we will see. I deleted my account without the contact information of a lot of my friends so I hope this hasn’t disconnected us indefinitely. The plan is to try to stay off FB and see how it goes. Is it possible to be unplugged and still keep up with friends and family? We will see.

I hope to hear from you soon and you can expect a letter from me.


[Via http://kandm1.wordpress.com]

Remembering Barry on Facebook

For those of you who knew Barry and would like to share memories, photos, videos or anything else you can now do so on the In Memory of Barry Andrew Henderson page on Facebook.

After almost four years, I still receive messages from his friends telling me how much they miss him and I thought the Facebook page would be a perfect way for everyone to share. Thank you to everyone who has contacted me. Your thoughts mean so much to me.

[Via http://crumblingwalls.wordpress.com]

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Social Media - How to Efficiently Plan Your Time


When bombarded with ALL the social media sites, how often does the little voice in your head scream this fearful reality?

You can *conquer all obstacles* and stifle this fear by learning how to manage your time.

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management<

Today, I’d like to introduce my guest blogger who sets his schedule very similar to mine. Actually, when I read his post, I thought it was mine…lol.

Colin Welch

COLIN WELCH is the Training Manager at Silicon Beach Training in Brighton.

How to Manage Social Media Activity

Your Social Media Management Schedule:

Ever feel a bit intimidated by the fast pace of social media and the sheer volume of it all? Our Social Media Training, Blogging and SEO Training courses are a good starting place if you’re new to blogging, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn WordPress and the like. But once you are up and running it’s still very easy to feel alarmed – but have no fear we have a solution!

It doesn’t matter how many tweets you make a day or how often you write a blog, as long as you plan your activity and break it down into simple stages. For those who struggle with this, consider our Time Management Training. A recent blog post listed the 50 most common social media mistakes and number one is “lack of planning” – planning your social media activity is crucial!

If you find yourself wondering “how do I manage my social media activity most efficiently?” then read on for our example schedule of what you can do throughout the day, once daily, weekly and monthly.

An example schedule for managing social network sites and activity: 1. Social Media Activities – throughout the day
  • Tweet and respond to tweets/retweets: Tools such as TweetDeck and HootSuite are great ways to manage Twitter (see our blog post discussing the benefits of each), and if there’s a topic you want to keep an eye on you can create a search column using the related hashtag.
  • Respond to blog comments on your own blog posts

A handy tool such as TweetDeck will create a pop up notification for new tweets as they happen – this helps you to keep on top of your tweeting and retweeting throughout the day. Although if you find this distracting, it can be a good idea to put aside a couple of short time slots during the day and do a quick blast of retweets, replies and link-sharing. HootSuite is a useful tool here too, as it allows you to schedule your tweets for later.

2. Social Media Activities – at least once daily
  • Check Facebook: Check your profile, pages and groups and respond as appropriate.
  • Add bookmarks: Scan what’s popular on bookmarking and recommendation sites such as Delicious, Digg and Mixx and add your own bookmarks (read this handy blog post about building links for free and why bookmarking sites are so useful).
  • Check your subscriptions and RSS feeds: Netvibes is a useful tool for keeping on top of your RSS feeds and Google Reader subscriptions can be a good way to monitor updates – then make sure you share/tweet anything of interest to your followers.
  • Check your stats: Google Analytics is the main choice but there a other tools out there – try MyBlogLog for trending links and real time information on stumbles. See our Google Analytics Course and Advanced Google Analytics Course if you need help with this.

Ping.fm is a useful tool worth mentioning here; it allows you to update dozens of social media sites through its easy to use interface, so it’s a huge time saver – read more in this blog post summary.

3. Social Media Activities – weekly
  • Write a new blog post: Download the WordPress plugin for automatic Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed updates, and get it circulating. If you need help with WordPress, take a look at our WordPress Training.
  • Comment on blogs: Comment on relevant blogs – this is also an opportunity to promote your new blog post.
  • Check LinkedIn: Look out for relevant groups and discussions to participate in, and respond to Questions in your network – and again, promote your new blog post.
  • Organise Twitter: Organise who you’re following on Twitter by grouping them into lists (and update these lists regularly) e.g. industry leaders or favourite photographers – see our Twitter lists for ideas.
  • Scan Google Alerts: Look out for mentions of your name or brand – you can do this in a Google Reader RSS feed, and then respond as appropriate.

Weekly actions will require too much time to be doing them on a daily basis; things like writing a blog post may require keeping an eye on the news and trending topics, as well as research.

You may wonder why it’s worth taking time to participate in others’ discussions. Well the more generous you are, the more willing people will be to join your discussion or reply to your questions when you are promoting your services or a new blog post. See Heather’s post on the art of generous blogging.

As for how often you should blog, at Silicon Beach Training we aim to blog more than once a week, but it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re consistent – regular blogs will build your readership and keep them coming back (see Jodi’s post on keeping your blog regular).  If you’re on a roll with your blogging then consider writing a few in one day and scheduling when they’re posted.

4. Social Media Activities – monthly
  • Find new Twitter follows: Try using MrTweet for recommendations or have a browse on Yellow Pages style service Twellow.
  • Upload a video or photos: TubeMogul is like Ping.fm for video, a handy tool providing a single point for distributing videos to the top video sharing sites as well as providing analytics.
  • Share content: We share content on our Free Resources page but social publishing tools like SlideShare or Scribd (allowing you to share documents, PowerPoint presentations and PDFs) could broaden who you reach out to, as a helpful blog post explains.

The monthly actions will take significant time, and which ones you choose will depend on your business and interests. It can be helpful if you’re working in a team – that way you can share your work load and create a schedule for who’s doing what (see our Social Media Guidelines for an example social media strategy for businesses).

The various social media management tools we’ve listed are just suggestions and we only use a few regularly – you can see just how many there our on our comprehensive list of social media links – just choose the ones that work for you and, most importantly, don’t panic! Whatever you do it all comes down to two things: consistency and monitoring i.e. checking mentions of your brand and responding to comments.

Of course our social media action plan is limited – is there any action you would add or any tool you couldn’t manage social media without?


For more information about Colin Welch and Silicon Beach Training go to: http://www.siliconbeachtraining.co.uk


[Via http://joconquerobstacles.com]

The other thing the internet does

I decided a long time ago (November) that I wanted to write and so I am. I like writing. I also decided that what I would write would be for pretty much everyone I know to read. And to that end I’ve used Facebook as a lazy, mostly ineffective way to let people know I’ve written something.

Today I was going to write about Uni and how it’s been starting a new course and what people have been like there. But then I remembered that the next thing I wanted to write about before anything else is feeds.

Feeds (aka RSS) are a way of keeping up with any websites you follow. Any website or blog or youtube channel you check every now and then (or frequently) has a feed attached to it that updates every time something new is posted. This allows me to get just about everything I’m interested in reading on the internet sent to me as it’s published: TV shows, new youtube videos, news from The Australian (breaking news and Arts news), gadget news from Gizmodo and new posts from other writers who are actual people.

I use Google Reader to manage my feeds.

Just thought I’d mention this and I’ll make the feeds for my blog more public for anyone interested in using this other thing that the internet does to keep up with my sporadic posts.

As I said, I’m writing for anyone who’s interested. It’d be interesting to know who actually reads this. Let me know in person, or in the comments if you feel so inclined.


P.s. I don’t read newspapers mostly out of how inconvenient I find them and I use Google Reader as a substitute for this plus all the other stuff it does. If you want a better explanation as to how to use feeds let me know and I’ll help!

[Via http://xxlna.wordpress.com]

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Join us on Facebook

I am increasingly finding that Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friends, and also services, such as cafes, music events, and products that I like and buy.

So we have created a Facebook page for Myrtle Cottage Findhorn.

Please join us, and become a fan by clicking here.

Findhorn Bay and Culbin Forest

[Via http://myrtlecottagefindhorn.wordpress.com]

10 Tips for Effectively Using Social Media In Your Business

By Monika Baraket

By now you’ve heard about social media, it’s quickly becoming the most important trend in business today.  So what is social media and how can you effectively use it for your business?  With respect to the former, social media is an opportunity to connect with your customers, drive traffic to your website, and promote your business by having what the experts call “many-to-many” conversations.  It’s a mix of blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and many other tools.  With respect to the latter, below are 10 tips for effectively using social media in your business:

1.      Create a strategy

Many of us are so excited about using social media to grow our business that we forget key pieces to success: definition of business goals, objectives and overall process for execution.  To build a strong Social Media network, it is critical that you carefully choose key influencers in your industry and choose your activities strategically.  The number-one reason that people feel lost in social networking is that they don’t have a strategy. 

2.      Find your voice and your audience

Decide what you want to say and who you want to say it to.   You must understand your audience and build goals that are realistic and possible. Knowing what your audience is looking for is fundamental in reaching your goals.  It is also important to remember that others want to know you, not just what you sell.

3.      Market your expertise

Sharing knowledge you’ve gathered through your trade can go a long way toward boosting your brand.  Casual social media users will not receive the same respect as those that have made a commitment to contribute quality content over time. If you take the time to build up a reputation for expertise in your niche area, this will result in your gaining the confidence of other members of your respective community – this is the best form of marketing.

4.      Invite others to become part of your circle

Follow people on Twitter, invite colleagues into your LinkedIn network, and make friends on Facebook. 

5.      Start talking

Post content regularly and comment on other sites.  Treat it like any other conversation… join in once in a while.  How often?  Contribute at least once a day on Twitter, and at least twice a week on Facebook and LinkedIn. 

6.      Reward Customer Loyalty

Through Social Media, companies can not only run promotions more frequently than coupons in the mail will permit but also devise more whimsical and engaging campaigns.

7.      Boost your credibility by helping others

For service providers, establishing yourself as an expert in the field can bring in a steady stream of business. LinkedIn’s Answers feature enables business owners to do just that.

8.      Be a member, not a marketer

Putting up too many links to your company’s website can turn people off.  What you want to do is build relationships.  This is a concept of push marketing versus relationship marketing.

9.      Integrate Social Media into your overall marketing strategy

Let people know that you are out there.  Link your social networking pages to your website.  Add badges to your e-mail.  Promote your social networking pages on print collateral.

10. Contribute Content

Be the one to create quality content. Studies show that people are reading much online, but a much smaller group is contributing content. This can mean good opportunities for you. 


Top social media resources to get you started





For daily business tips, become a fan on Facebook.

[Via http://acceleratebr.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is New Media a Revolution or Evolution?

I believe is both, an Internet Evolution and a World Revolution… A little over 5 years ago people were using the Internet to get information, do some purchasing but it was moving a little bit slow.  Until sites like youtube, and myspace came out.  Soon Facebook follow and everything started to change, and with twitter suddenly without even noticing we have an INTERNET EVOLUTION… That’s right all of sudden the Internet is fun again, and it’s changing the way we do business, the way we communicate and its GIVING US POWER.  Yes for the first time, US the people have the power to make changes.  Thanks to the Internet and Social Media.   Therefore Social Media is also a REVOLUTION.

How do we have power you may ask? Well if you have a bad experience with a product or a service you can posted online and within minutes all your friends will know about it, without calling each one of the them to tell them your story. And as soon as your friends are aware the friends of your friends will also know about it and the friends of those friends and on and on. The same goes with a good experience, and opinion.

Well I don’t want to bore you with so much of my thoughts but check this YOUTUBE video of a BLOGGER… From http://socialnomics.net/ “Socialnomics”

Is your business ready to take advantage of this Internet Evolution and be part of the Revolution?

Ricardo O Villalba

for QueCreative Advertising and Printing…

New Media Specialist


[Via http://latinoplanet.wordpress.com]

Wessed Up History: 3/15/2010

* March 8, 1978: First Hitchhiker’s Guide radio episode airs. Millions panic, buying towels and chanting Vogon poetry.

* March 9, 1862: USS Monitor and CSS Virginia fight to draw in first battle between aquatic Transformers.

* March 10, 1606: Susenyos beats two armies at Battle of Gol to become Emperor of Ethiopia. Greater fame awaits with immortalization by Phil Collins.

* March 11, 1932: Violinist and World of Warcraft raid demoralizer Leroy Jenkins is born, aggroing the entire maternity ward.

* March 12, 1664: Lacking a decent toxic waste dumping ground in London, the British welcome New Jersey as a colony.

* March 13, 1930: Pluto’s discovery is telegraphed to Harvard College Observatory, but it takes another two decades to identify Goofy.

* March 14, 1879: Albert Einstein travels back from the 27th Century to stop 29th Century Albert Einstein from killing baby Albert Einstein.

[Via http://plattitudes.wordpress.com]

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Facebook Tracking & Analyse

Gedanken zum Thema Tracking und Analyse von Social Media Apps und Facebook Fanpages bis hin zur ROI-Messung durch Social Media Kampagnen werden im Artikel Facebook Tracking im Online Solution Blog veröffentlicht.

Wer sich darüberhinaus neben Facebook Apps auch noch für Shop Widgets interessiert, wird eher bei Visual (Shop) Widget . com fündig. Ob der Nutzer dabei Google Analytics oder ein anderes – evt. sogar eigenes – Tracking und Analyse/Statistik System einsetzen möchte, steht jedem frei. Die Standardlösungen gibt es kostenlos. Mit Caching und Preloading Funktionen für einen schnelleren Aufbau der Widget-Animation müssen sich die Shop-Betreiber momentan noch gedulden, da der Beta-Betrieb anhält.

[Via http://informators.wordpress.com]

Couture Organic Baby Blanket on Etsy

First organic baby item has arrived!

Couture Organic Baby Blanket

Visit the *Wildflowers by Paris* Etsy Shop

Become a fan on Facebook!

[Via http://wildflowersbyparis.wordpress.com]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

#199. social networking poem (more ghosts of ny


thou art

riding me to my homepage.

i am the electron

banging thru

the worldwide

with the ghosts

of new york.

see them now.

humble aware laughing

everyday informing

me thru the dark

underground surf.

speaking jostling crowds

of ghosts recognize

me as a trace

a shade in their life

a face in their book

as we connect

they fill in

my moments

in the Endless

subway ride pome.

[Via http://zevstar.wordpress.com]

The Gospel According to Your Facebook Profile

A couple weeks ago I started reading the book The Hopeful Skeptic by Nick Fiedler. I’m planning on posting a review of the book once I finish it up. For now, though, I want to point out something that makes this book unique from anything else I’ve read. This is the first theology/Christian life book I’ve ever read in which the author uses his Facebook profile religious views as the starting point for a whole book.

A couple years ago, Nick changed his “religion” in his Facebook profile from “Christian” to “hopeful skeptic.” Reading about this got me to thinking about how many people choose to enter something unique on the religion line in their profile, as opposed to choosing from one of Facebook’s preset, institutional options. I did a quick scan of 25 random Facebook friends (and by ‘random’, I mean the first 25 people to either show up on my news feed or comment on my status requesting help with this). Here are the ‘religions’ I saw listed:

“Pastafarian; Former Voodoohist”

“I’ve been relentlessly pursued and mercifully forgiven by the great Lover of souls, Jesus Christ. :)

“Evangelical Liberal Charismatic Catholic Christian”

“On the path…”


“yes. thank you. http://www.huronhills.org”

“anything in isolation cannot be God.”

“see the Nicene Creed.”

“and He said, Follow Me.”


Among the more traditional choices…

“Christian” Was listed by 6 people.

“Christian – Presbyterian” was listed by 3 people.

“Christian – Reformed – Presbyterian” was listed by 1 person.

“Agnostic” was listed by 1 person.

“Deist” was listed by 1 person.

3 people had nothing listed.

Why do people choose to insert their own, unique title for their religion? I have to admit, when Facebook first added the religion to profiles, I opted not to list myself as “Presbyterian” or “Christian.” I decided to write in “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Honestly, I have no recollection as to why I thought it would be better to do that. I can think of a few reasons now, for Christians at least, but am also doubtful any of them are really satisfied by a Facebook profile.

Some people, it seems, have an evangelical motivation. We’re supposed to be witnesses for Christ and proclaim the gospel. We need to make the most of every opportunity. If Facebook is going to ask us about our religion, we’re going to make our answer count. So, if we put something unique and unexpected, people will take notice. I think the intention here is good enough, but there are also so many problems with this. For starters, it assumes that people actually take the time to read our profiles. My guess is most don’t, and of those who do, none of them are going to your profile asking “What must I do to be saved?”.

For others, there seems to be a fear of being misunderstood. Calling ourselves “Presbyterian” or any other denominational affiliation makes us look too institutional. The  term “Christian” carries too many negative connotations with which we don’t want to be associated. So, we’ll enter something unique that our friends won’t be able to misconstrue. Again, one of the false assumptions behind this fear is that people actually read our profiles, and even fewer care whether we’re “Christian” or a “Follower of Christ.” Even fewer will be scandalized by reading that we’re “Presbyterian” or “Episcopalian.”

I think even more problematic is the fear many of us have of being associated with other Christians of a different breed. Saying that we’re “Christian” may in fact  associate us with the Pat Robertsons of our time, or some of the great injustices committed by Christians throughout history. But, we also can’t write our own faith’s prior history, or choose who our brothers and sisters in Christ are. Perhaps we’re called to own up to that history and reputation, and proclaim it with a spirit of humility and confession.

On top of that, maybe Christians listing their religion as Christian will be more effective evangelically. Let’s face it, a bunch of unique religion preferences is pretty poor branding and p.r. Maybe it’s time the Christian community on Facebook took a more united front in their religious Facebook preference.

Then again, I doubt anyone would notice…

[Via http://mikegehrling.wordpress.com]

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say

By Carl Cameron


I just had an interesting discussion with a cyber-buddy that found a particular candidate, Paul Ryan seemed to have the right stuff.  She needed to find out his stance on gay rights and abortion.  I tried to explain to her that at this particular time in our history some things, national security, the deficit, job creation, securing our boarders, cutting taxes, decreasing programs, and seriously cut spending to name several.

I’m wonder what her take will be when she learns that Representative Bart Stupak, and a total of 7 new no votes appear to make senate reconciliation all but impossible.  Of course their issue is the Senate mandate for federal funding of abortion.  May you be pro life or pro abortion, should our tax dollars fund this? Random thought while  wondering why hundreds of thousands of  American women choose abortion as their contraception of  choice, J.C.

The health care reform bill passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve appears to be dead on arrival in the House, as seven anti-abortion Democrats intend to join the ranks of lawmakers who plan to vote against the legislation, Fox News has confirmed.

The health care reform bill passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve appears to be dead on arrival in the House, as seven anti-abortion Democrats intend to join the ranks of lawmakers who plan to vote against the legislation, Fox News has confirmed.

Seven new no votes would be enough to kill the Senate bill, and several more fence-sitting lawmakers are under pressure from both sides of the aisle.

Foremost among the seven new no votes is Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., whose anti-abortion amendment to the House version of the legislation got the bill passed in that chamber last year.

But because the Senate and House Democratic leaders weren’t able to agree on joint legislation before losing their supermajority in the Senate this year, they have few options other than getting the House to pass the Senate bill and then making changes to the law through a separate budget reconciliation bill that could pass with simple majorities.

The Senate bill, however, doesn’t contain the same language as the Stupak amendment, which explicitly prohibits federal funding of abortion in any of the reform measures intended to expand health care coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. Complete Story:

[Via http://dancingczars.wordpress.com]

Going Electronic

So while the girls as me on a regular basis to let them create a Facebook account, a You Tube account and a Twitter account-tonight I gave in and created email accounts for them.  Now the reason I did this was to also give them access to an electronic calendar (a great suggestion I got tonight).

So now we have a shared electronic calendar that I have synced to my BlackBerry.

So, now I can actually do more than try to remember who has what going on–and perhaps even be just slightly ahead.  It’s mostly worked for me at work, so now I have home-life on a BlackBerry calendar.

Now with this new level of organization comes a new level of worry of course–what is going on via email.  More emails to keep track of I suppose.

Give a little, get a little I suppose.

[Via http://dadthesingleguy.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Facebook Fans - March Madness

I’ve just posted on Kylie Eather Photography a special offer of $50 session fee, thats half price!! For the first 5 facebook fan’s to book and session held before 30th of June 2010.

To take up the oppitunity of this offer – become a fan here Kylie Eather Photography Facebook

Now I can’t leave without posting a image. For the last month I’ve been working with the wonderful and talented Minna Burgess Photography and Mircale Me 3d and 4d ultrasound imaging at Mt Gravatt. I have fallen in love with Maternity and Newborn Photography all over again. So here is a quick look at one of my favourite images. There will be plenty more to come at a later date.

Have a great day!

[Via http://kylieeatherphotography.wordpress.com]

An F5 Ana_Sia-Caine

Some things are best when doled out in small doses.  Or rather, in mega doses twice a year like birthdays and half-birthdays.

Last Friday, the Minneapolis electronic-womp faithful showed up to the Loft for their bi-annual bass-lazering massacre courtesy of San Fransisco’s empress of glitch, Ana Sia.  Part one of ohhh probably two.  Sovereign Sect is on deck.


  • Ana Sia Official
  • Ana Sia MySpace
  • Ana Sia Twitter

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[Via http://507projex.com]

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Have Network, Will Travel: Merging Social and Mobile Media

No one doubts the emerging influence and opportunity of social media and mobile technology but everyone questions their ability to take advantage of the opportunity.  The answer may lie in creating a symbiotic approach to both.

In January, the mobile analytics company Flurry, reported that social media apps were visited more frequently than any other category including news and games.  Remarkably, these social media apps were visited over 20 times a month far outpacing second place news category.   Flurry attributes the social media appeal (double the attraction of news and four times that of game apps) to a user experience that can be more relevant than the news and more entertaining than entertainment.

So if the integration of social and mobile media is the wave of the future, how do you avoid being a paddlepuss?

First, recognize that mobile socialites aren’t looking for a dissertation on your cause.  They consume short bits of information on a frequent basis—which may explain Twitter’s explosive growth.  So, make it relevant, keep it short, and keep it coming.

Next, use your social media assets to drive compelling content to your mobile supporters.  Why recreate the content wheel?  Use the mobile web to push your existing content out to a mobile audience.  In turn, find opportunities to drive your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter crowd to your mobile web apps or mobile web sites.  These opportunities might include a call to action—make a donation for a special appeal—request for feedback via a quick survey or get more information on how to push legislative action.  In many ways, mobile can empower these networks to act with immediacy and as a collective.

Finally, there are also some interesting alternatives to the usual social media suspects.  The mobile arena is also fostering the emergence of several mobile-only social networks like BrightKite.  These emerging pure plays are taking advantage of mobile attributes such as GPS and instant photo publishing to make local connections on the fly.  These players create some interesting possibilities for volunteerism, events, and local crowdsourcing.  If you really want to brand the network experience, you can also take a look at what some consumer brands are doing: launching their own social networks.

Regardless of what you do, don’t wait.  Be creative…be strategic…and keep it simple.   And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to keep coming back to the Ring of Fire!

[Via http://kaptivate.wordpress.com]

Three, sorry two, questions on Chinese dancing

Hundreds of dance shows spill out of Indian TV screens as the “dance masters” and judges—usually out-of-work heroes and heroines—wax effusive. First question: does any show come close to this? Second question: are Indian bodies differently engineered for such athleticism and acrobatics? Third question: does a dictatorship produce better dancers than a democracy?

Link: Rohini Mohan via Facebook

[Via http://churumuri.wordpress.com]

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Will You be My Friend? Click Confirm or Ignore.

Lately I’ve been receiving friend requests on Facebook from high school peers.  For those I barely talked to, it makes me wonder what their reasoning is behind the request.  Do they want to rack up as many friends as possible and we were somewhat associated so it counts?  Did we have similar classes?  Were we in similar after school activities or have many mutual friends?  Apparently they remember who I am, or better yet, who I was and it made some impact for them to feel we are destined to stay linked on an internet social network.

Then I got to thinking about high school and where my associations or actual friends came from.  Majority of the people I became friends with were the ones I sat near in class or from my town due to bus rides.  Branching down to the ones I sat near in class; always seated near the same people class after class and it wasn’t by choice.  Every class we had, the teachers placed us in alphabetical order.  So, everyone I got to know had a last name that ended in ‘M’ through ‘Z’ and not many of the earlier letters.  The varieties come from friends through friends or one of the many after school activities of which I was a part.  High school was great and I had plenty of fun, with and without the typical drama, but not very many of these peers stayed my friend up until this moment of my life.

Putting that all together, I have to wonder do I accept them as my “friend” or do I pass it on because we haven’t talked since graduation day (which is at it’s 10 year mark this spring).  If I ignore it, will they be offended and go off in a rant about how they didn’t like me in high school?  Oh well.  I don’t do childish anymore.  When I do accept, I appreciate the message that follows (if it does) asking how my life has been for the years absent of speaking.  I believe this shows a reason for making the link or keeping a connection.  I find it hard to stay “friends” with the ones that continue to keep their reserve.  Am I being realistic about this?  Who knows, but I don’t feel like judging something off of an internet social network.  I think I just find it interesting how people are brought back together in order to do exactly what they were doing prior to these sites, not communicating.

[Via http://crossingall.wordpress.com]

NLP, Facebook Protocol and Goodbye & Good Luck Kimmi Jasper

I’m a little into NLP, but a whole lot less so when I encounter some NLP ‘experts’. Neuro Linguistic programming helped me move from a sad point in my life to a whole new level. It’s not that it was responsible for my change and NLP made no decisions for me. It was one of the things I used, successfully accessing its tools, for my own self improvement. Not the only tools I used, but certainly, NLP has been good for me. So I still get curious about how some people use NLP and what they do to help others. I am certified as a Master Practitioner, but I’m happy to leave the practicing to the people that hold a passion for such things.

Whist on Facebook just yesterday, I stumbled upon an NLP person. I’d seen her Linked In page before as we have many mutual friends on Linked In as well as Facebook. Kimmi Jasper is located in the UK, is a Coach and a Therapist as well as an NLP Trainer, so when Facebook recommended her as a potential friend, I sent my friend request through, knowing we shared many common threads.

This morning, I received the following response,

05 March at 20:29 Report

Hi Chris,

I do not remember meeting you and there for am not accepting your request, please stop contacting me or I will report it as abuse.



Okay, so I may have busted someone’s view of protocol on Facebook, but I’m not thinking anyone deserves this type of response. I blocked Kimmi out of my Facebook life, including her comments made on mutual friends status updates that have invaded my personal Facebook space, but not before reading a few more to see what I was missing. Man, I should have looked at what she writes before I asked her to be my Facebook friend and none of this would ever have happened!

In years gone by, when I was a complete bastard, more bastard than I am now, I’d have sent her a note to let her know the word therefore is not two words and actually ends in an ‘e’. That I didn’t shows I am a little less ‘bastard’. I’m still bastard enough to point it out in this blog and question her ability with the linguistic part of her profession, but we all have faults.

I have very quickly adjusted from being made to feel a stalker and come to accept that Kimmi Jasper is far too important for yours truly and I am now very certain that hell might freeze over before I’d ever think of sending her a client. I’m thinking I’d be sending them to Christopher Howard or Joanna Martin anyway.

My personal freaky Jasper incident has taken my natural ability to be friendly and seek friendships on any minute levels and turned it on its head? Was what I did so wrong? Are there rules with Facebook friendships? I’m seventy percent of the way to the Facebook maximum number of friends and this is the first time I have encountered a ‘kimmi’.

Anyway, if you want to be my friend come to http://www.facebook.com/chris.gibson1 and I’ll be happy to accept your request. That is my nature. I’m friendly and I’m open and, perhaps, far less of a bastard than I say I am.

Fat Bastard Out

PS, I’m happy to answer any questions and direct people to Chris Howard and Joanna Martin and I do so and have done without any benefit other than knowing I put people in good hands.

Chris Howard – Click Here Please for His Info

Joanna Martin – Click Here Please for Her Info

Chris and Joanna both have Facebook pages and welcome friends and fans.

If you want to feel like a stalker or simply feel the need to be treated incredibly poorly by a professional therapist, then google Kimmi Jasper, go directly to her Facebook page and send a friend request. Go on. You know you want to…

Bastard – Really out now!

[Via http://fatbastardthoughts.wordpress.com]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What I Told the White House

South façade of the White House, the executive... Image via Wikipedia

Today the White House blog asked “What does 21st century education mean to you?”

I don’t normally read the White House blog, but Michael Josefowicz, one of the regular commenters here pointed me to the post.

The White House asked for responses via Facebook, Linked-in or Twitter. I chose the latter, though I found 140 characters were not enough. I used 1120 characters, give ot take a few. This is what I told the White House.

.@whitehouseIt 21st C. education recognizes that all knowledge is connected; art, music, social studies are part of math & science emphasis.

.@whitehouselt 21st C education isn’t about a score on a test, it’s preparing a rounded person to accomplish great things.

Then I pointed them to yesterday’s blog posting.

.@whitehouselt Assessment is essential, but it must be appropriate to the learning desired, to the subject matter, & to student needs.

.@whitehouselt Formalized assessment now takes a huge part of teaching time & school resources for very little benefit to students.

.@whitehouselt Emphasis on standardized testing reveals a lack of imagination in assessment & produces lack of imagination in students.

.@whitehouselt 21st C advances should allow individualized teaching & learning. That will require individualized assessment.

.@whitehouselt Emphasis on standardized exams takes imagination/effort from individualized teaching, resources not available to develop it

.@whitehouselt Race To The Top stifles creativity rather than promoting it. Innovation is directed into narrow channels.

I could have gone on, but I had the sense they weren’t really listening.

Maybe I’m wrong about that.

I hope so.

Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

[Via http://educationontheplate.wordpress.com]

What's Happening Wednesday 2010.03.03

We’re almost done adding a review feature to all of our 2800 hotels for big families.  Help families like you, leave a review!

If you haven’t done so, sign up for our big family travel newsletter.

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Wanna check out our past newsletters before you sign up?  See our past big family travel newsletters here.

We have a couple giveaways in the works, newsletter recipients are first to know.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Fan us on Facebook!

[Via http://blog.sixsuitcasetravel.com]

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Death of the DM (Part II)

Just a few days ago, we posted a warning about a new Twitter spamming and hacking scam via Direct Message.

Guess what, we’ve found another one! Be wary of the following Direct Message through Twitter:

Here is a preview of the message:

Don’t click on these links and be sure to send a message @ the individual that sent it to you if it is from a known Twitter account. If not, be sure to unfollow, report as spam to Twitter, and block this user.

Luckily, unlike Twitter, Tinyurl is aware of the issue and here is the message you receive if the link is clicked on:

There are a large number of users on Twitter that rarely check their Direct Message Inbox, and not many Twitter users monitor their outbound messages.

If you find that your account is sending these out, be sure to promptly change your password and delete the spam Direct Messages.

You might want to monitor your followers count as well and reach out to any of those that received the spam message to clear up any confusion.

We began receiving these today around noon, so beware and Happy Tweeting!

[Via http://evansmediagroup.wordpress.com]

Wake Tech Series Offers Website Basics & Social Media Strategies

RALEIGH, NC − How to go from simple website creation to successfully marketing a product or service via the Web is the focus of 4 classes at the Western Wake Tech Campus, beginning March 4.  “The Web, YOUR Marketing Tool to Advancing Your Business Using the Web & Social Media” is the title of this comprehensive series taught by Martin Brossman, Raleigh success coach, trainer and author.  The series is co-sponsored by the Cary Chamber of Commerce and Wake Tech Small Business Center, scheduled from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. on consecutive Thursdays.  Cost is $79.00 for the complete series.

Dates and sub-topics for the classes are:  March 4−Easy Website Development for Almost No Cost; March 11−Driving Traffic to Your Website; March 18−Using Social Media for Marketing, Useful Information and Reputation Management; and March 25− Staying Connected to Your Customer and Maximizing Your ROI with the Web.

Registration is available online at this link: http://webadvisor.waketech.edu/

For further information or questions, call Martin Brossman at 919-847-4757 .


Contact Martin Brossman:




[Via http://martinbrossmanmedia.wordpress.com]