Anne Brannon | November 18, 2009
Most people would no doubt lose their jobs if they spent half the working hours that I spend on Facebook. Luckily for me, working at a social media agency means that pretty much IS my job. So, as I was doing my job today, I came across something I’ve not yet seen: Facebook Fan Badges. I’m more than familar with Fan Page badges that creators of fan pages can use to promote their presence on Facebook across various other social channels. However, this new discovery sparked my interest. Here’s what I was greeted with upon logging into Facebook and loading a page of which I am currently a fan:
I initially logged in and visited the Windows fan page (it’s a client page so I like to keep a close watch on it), and that’s when I first noticed the Fan Badge prompt. I then visited the Swell fan page to give myself the illusion of living the Southern Cali lifestyle. However, I was still served the same Fan Badge for the Windows page, then, the Fan Badge prompt disappeared completely. I can’t replicate it. It’s so mysterious. However, I did figure out that the Fan Badge is a fixture on the Facebook Widgets page. This is pretty cool because you can really easily create a Fan Badge for any page you support. You select the page you want to show love for from a dropdown menu and it automatically generates code that you can copy and paste onto your Facebook profile, blog or Web site. This is what it looks like:
Have any of you noticed these Fan Badge promos? What are your thoughts on the fan badges? Do you think they have the potential to serve as a valuable resource for brand loyalists to show their love for pages they absolutely adore? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Oh, and I selflessly volunteer the Ignite Social Media fan page for all your Fan Badge experimentation needs.
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