Sunday, November 29, 2009

TheFullGinsburg - "The Belated Role of TV News"

English | Español

So, how do you get most of your local or national news? Do you watch them on TV when you get home? Do you get messages via Twitter or Facebook? Do you get your sports scores on your cell phone using Opera or on your iPhone via the browser or an app? How about using your PC at work to go to your favorite news site, do you do that? Well, whatever way you get your news, I do recommend you to watch this fun video.

Español | English

Así que, ¿cómo obtienen la mayor parte de sus noticias locales o nacionales? ¿Las ven en la televisión cuando llegan a casa? ¿Reciben mensajes a través de Twitter o Facebook? ¿Consiguen los resultados deportivos en su teléfono celular usando Opera o en su iPhone via el navegador o una aplicación? Qué tal utilizando la computadora en el trabajo para ir a su sitio web favorito de noticias, ¿hacen eso? Bueno, cualquiera que sea la manera en que reciben sus noticias, les recomiendo que vean este video divertido.


UCLA Graduate, Murloc to the Gaming Industry

So there’s this recluse guy named Erik Estavillo, who has been filing lawsuits against various distributors of online games. First he filed claim against Sony for knocking him off of Resistance: Fall of Man, alleging they had violated his First Amendment Rights, which as pointed out on Popehat, is a boiling crock of shit and was dismissed in September. This didn’t stop the douchebag from appealing the decision and filing three more lawsuits, against Microsoft, Nintendo, and Blizzard.

He’s suing Microsoft over a broken Xbox 360 which caused him “undue stress,” Nintendo over a software update that stopped him from using a third-party program Homebrew Channel (here  his unalienable right to happiness has been infringed upon), and Blizzard for creating a “harmful virtual environment” that utilizes  “sneaky and deceitful practices.” Among his allegations hoisted at the makers of World of Warcraft are the high subscription fees, the distance between locations, the extra expense of paying for teleportation stones, and the resurrection process.

With any luck, the judge will slap him with fines for mucking up the judicial process with frivolous lawsuits,  but there’s multiple things that indicate that these attempts are just asinine.

  1. Sometimes equipment breaks. If it isn’t because you smashed it or attempted to feed it Cheetos, bring it back and exchange it. This is feasible. Suing over it is not. And if a broken system causes you that much stress, go to a shrink and get some fucking Zoloft. Please. For America’s Sake.
  2. You’re not on FaceBook, Erik Estavillo, nor MySpace, nor Twitter, nor any other cyber community, because you’re an anti-social dillweed. You were kicked off of Sony’s server for presumably being a mondo chode. Nobody wants your Homebrew weak sauce; you shouldn’t be that upset that Nintendo stopped you from realizing even further how few people like you.
  3. More than 10 million people are currently using WoW, and you know what they all have in common? They pay the subscription fees, they pay for the expansion packs, and they pay (game currency) to resurrect. You know what else they all have in common? They’re not douchebags who’ve decided to spoil everyone’s fun.

Seriously, Erik, what do you expect to happen through all this? Do you think there’s a single valid justification for this completely inane, child-like behavior? Can’t you just go crawl back in your shell and leave the celebrities alone?

You read right, there’s the other thing: aside from wasting the court’s time he’s also subpoenaed Depeche Mode’s Martin Lee Gore and Winona Ryder, because he claims they understand loneliness. Please, this is the thinnest-veiled plea for attention I’ve ever heard; I want to meet celebrities too, but I’ll do it the old-fashioned way, by waiting outside their windows.


Please No

No, Really, That's All Right - Leave Me Out Of It.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Casal Entra na Casa Branca...

… sem ser convidado! Isso mesmo! Por incrível que pareça, esse casal conseguiu uma proeza inacreditavelmente… simples…

Não foram convidados e não tinham lugares reservados! Mesmo assim, nem mesmo os Serviços Secretos barraram Tareq e Michaele Salahi, que aproveitaram o momento para tirar fotos com vairas “celebridades” e, além disso, o casal postou as fotos tiradas no FaceBook.

Aqui está uma delas:

Na foto os penetras foram fotografados com o vice-presidente Joe Biden.

Bom, por hoje é só!


Spy Wallker



Dalam menyikapi kasus penahanan Bibit-Chandra, Komisi III DPR mempunyai pandangan berbeda dengan suara publik.

Ketua Komisi III berpendapat, kesimpulan komisi adalah dalam rangka menjaga penegakan hukum dan menolak apa yang disebut tirani publik (Kompas, 13/11/2009).

Komentar ini menarik dicermati. Muncul persoalan, apakah publik bisa menjadi tiran ? Jika legislator mempunyai cara pandang berseberangan dengan publik, juga tirankah mereka ?

Desakan publik melalui berbagai media maya, seperti jejaring sosial facebook atau media jalanan dengan demonstrasi uang mendukung KPK beberapa waktu lampau, semestinya direspons serius oleh legislator. Ajang klarifikasi baik dengan Polri atau KP harus dilakukan dengan dasar tuntutan publik.

Legislator mendapat legitimasi atau lebih tegas disebut juga sebagai persetujuan publik saat mereka memenangi pemilu. Dalam konteks ini, ketundukan pada publik menjadi hal jelas untuk dipilih. Alasan lain, seperti penegakan hukum dan semacamnya jangan sampai melangkahi asas konstituensi yang merujuk fungsi legislator sebagai penyambung lidah publik dalam institusi politik.

Dua tiran

JS Mill dalam Essay on Liberty menulis tentang dua macam peluang untuk mengontrol. Pemerintah melakukan kontrol dengan menetapkan aneka aturan yang dibuat dan melengkapi dengan sanksi hukum. Kontrol pemerintah berdaya ikat, menuntut ketundukan warga negara terhadap berbagai mekanisme yang diatur melalui aturan hukum.

Sebaliknya, masyarakat bisa memberikan kontrol kepada pemerintah melalui opini publik sebagai upaya melakukan tekanan moral. Kontrol melalui opini publik mengandung konsekuensi terhadap legitimasi pemerintahan. Jika yang dikritik abai, tekanan moral bisa berubah menjadi tekanan fisik, berujung pada instabilitas sosial politik.

Baik pemerintah atau warga negara sama-sama mempunyai senjata dan kapasitas yntuk menjadi tiran. Namun, yang perlu dilihat lebih jernih adalah tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Ini untuk membedakan antara dimensi tiran yang negatif dan positif.

Dalam esai yang dipublikasikan melalui Dominations and Powers (1951), G Santayana memberi jawaban menarik terkait tingkat pertanggungjawaban opini publik. Ditegaskan, pemberi legitimasi atas opini publik, adalah adanya kebebasan individual. Dengan bebas berbicara dan media massa yang informatif, membuat kapasitas warga negara dalam aneka hubungan publik kian baik. Semua persepsi mereka bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.

Kekhawatiran atas munculnya tirani publik dilatarbelakangi adanya kecurigaan atas agenda terselubung yang membuat opini publik tidak muncul alami dan netral, bebas dari kepentingan pihak-pihak tertentu.

Sejatinya, jika dilihat lebih jauh, ruang publik sendiri merupakan ajang perebutan klaim. Di dalamnya terbuka silang pendapat, negosiasi, dan berujung terbentuknya konsensus atau dis-sensus. Ruang publik menjanjikan terpenuhinya perdebatan di mana warga negara bisa menilai bagian mana dari opini yang dianggap masuk akal.

Meski demikian, dari sisi lain, ada pihak yang menolak legitimasi opini publik. Salah satunya Walter Lippmann dalam buku klasiknya, Public Opinion (1922). Lippmann mengingkari legitimasi publik sebagai subyek bagi kedaulatan umum sehingga menyebut opini publik sebagai hantu atau sesuatu yang abstrak.

Tiran yang baik

Sejak lama, rezim yang tiran berkonotasi buruk. Gambarannya begitu dramatis dan bertalian erat dengan penggunaan kekuasaan sewenang-wenang, despotik, serakah, dan bertangan besi. Konotasi itu mewakili tiran yang buruk dan cenderung melekat pada kekuasaan pemerintah.

Tirani publik juga bisa disebut bagian pengejawantahan agenda kontrol yang ketat. Pemerintah harus tahu, publik juga bisa menampar wajah mereka yang korup saat diberi kesempatan untuk berkuasa. Jika saluran politik di legislatif dianggap tidak mampu mengingatkan eksekutif atau saat eksekutif terlena, jangan salahkan publik untuk memanfaatkan kekuasaannya.

Krisis penegakan hukum yang tercermin dalam kasus perseteruan antarlembaga penegak hukum telah menyebabkan kemarahan publik. Tiran yang baik amat dibutuhkan guna menjaga keseimbangan politik, terutama jika yang prosedural-formal menjauhi yang substansial. Lambat laun, kebebasan, kedewasaan, dan kematangan warga negara tidak bisa dianggap sebelah mata. Ruang publik yang terbuka memungkinkan percepatan informasi, ketanggapan tindakan, dan ketajaman tuntutan.

Pemerintah perlu berhati-hati karena bisa saja kelak demonstrasi besar-besaran tidak lagi digerakan oleh ideolog atau aktifis di lapangan. Warga negara yang sadar hak bisa bergerak cukup dengan berita, pesan, dan fakta yang menggugah mereka, yang diusung media massa.

Sumber  :

Menyoal Tirani Publi, M Faishal Aminuddin | Dosen Ilmu Politik FISIP Universitas Brawijaya

Kompas, 19.11.2009


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Humans 'hear' through their skin-BBC.

Perception, though we believe is restricted to respective senses, in reality, is done through the coordination of the five senses along with mind(mind is taken as an organ in Indian Philosophy) .

We see through eyes because eyes are tuned in to the vibrations of the objects which we see, that is it is in the same wave length as that of the object.If the vibrations of the objects vary, then eye can not see.If the vibrations(energy radiation) of a particular object,that has to be heard, is in the range of eye’s vibration, then we see the sound.

Principle underlying the phenomena is the fact that energy is the underlying Principle and the difference between Matter and Energy is one of degree, not of kind.


A study found that inaudible puffs of air delivered alongside certain sounds influenced what participants thought they were listening to.

Writing in the journal Nature, the team said the findings showed that audio and visual clues were not the only important factors in how people hear.

The findings may lead to better aids for the hard of hearing, experts said.

It is already well known that visual cues from a speaker’s face can enhance or interfere with how a person hears what is being said.

If further research can show the same effect is observed when listening to everyday conversation in the ‘real’ world, then it could help improve hearing aids

In the latest study, researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver wanted to look at whether tactile sensations also affected how sounds are heard.

They compared sounds which when spoken are accompanied by a small inaudible breath of air, such as “pa” and “ta” with sounds which do not such as “ba” and “da”.

At the same time, participants were given – or not – a small puff of air to the back of the hand or the neck.

They found that “ba” and “da”, known as unaspirated sounds, were heard as the aspirated equivalents, “pa” and “ta”, when presented alongside the puff of air.


Tales from Miss Kwa

Today, we’ll hear more about the NCT stories (as told by Miss Kwa) and the morals behind them.

  1. The story of the penguin

As seen on geographic TV, penguins form two rows when they go out hunting for food. The first row of penguins would dive into the waters, without a fear, but end up getting gobbled up by the fearsome sharks. The second row of penguins would then await their return. And when the first row of penguins did not come back, the second row would know that there are dangers lurking in the waters, and therefore, not decide to enter the waters.

And the moral of this story is…

Social media may be a new platform. But is it a platform worth exploring!

For me, before the era of NCT, the only social media site I was actively using was Facebook. Even then, my Facebook page was more “Me-centric”, as in the focal point of my Facebook statuses would be on my life.

However, after hearing Stephie’s lecture about how we can make our blog seem more interesting to viewers, I decided to apply the same concept to my Facebook page and started to post about a greater variety of things e.g. 40 Creative Ads to Get People to Quit Smoking

Also, NCT helped me to discover the wonders of Twitter.

Previously, I always questioned the point of having a Twitter account since you can update your status via Facebook and twitting seemed like a waste of time.

Sadly, I only got my “Twit-fingers” nearing the end of the term, 2 days actually in fact. What really encouraged me to keep Twitting was after I had this conversation with a social media atheist from the US (@SocialFad). I had a discussion with him about how some businesses were starting to get overly dependent on social media. Through my conversation with him, I learned about a system called Arpanet (the earliest form of social media, according to him) and we also shared points about how relying on social media only is business suicide. Best thing was… he called me “wise”!!! :D

What came out of that conversation was that around 10 people, comprising mostly ang mohs (yay), started to follow me on Twitter too. Also, according to Twitalyzer, over a period of 2 days, my influence shot up to 1.3 *claps*

2. Doris and Ping’s journey to school

Early one morning, Miss Kwa was having a terrible back ache, so Miss Nga drove her car and the two of them headed to school. When the car stopped at a traffic light, an aunty knocked on their windows and asked them for a ride to a nearby building.

Miss Kwa was stunned and did not know what to say since it was her car but Miss Nga was driving it and Miss Nga was also unsure of how to act. But before, they could say anything, the aunty hopped into the back seat of the car and they were “forced” to give her a lift.

And the moral of this story is…

Security is twice as important in this new technological era

Therefore, one should be careful with the things they say online and the information that can be found on your profile pages.

This is especially important when you are a fresh graduate looking to enter the workforce. Those prying, gossipy employers will want to know more about you – the friends you hang out with, your hobbies etc. before they make a decision whether or not to hire you.

Take the guy who goes out clubbing all night and has pictures of his “wild” clubbing escapades flooding Facebook versus the nerd, who has only 5 pictures of himself, all of which are taken by his friends. If I were an employer, I’d pick the nerd, even though he may not be as interesting but because his online persona suggests that he is someone who is responsible and more importantly, a good worker.

Also, if you are already in the workforce, you should definitely pay attention to your words. You never know when someone has hash-tagged a certain term (your boss’s name) and just by mentioning it, your post could go straight to your boss’s inbox. And just like that, someone could easily get fired.

 3. NASA, not as smart as we all thought they were

NASA spent $100, 000 to invent a new prototype of a pen that could be used in outer space since traditional pens could not be used in an anti-gravity field.

However, after the invention, the Russian agents questioned the need to invent such pens when pencils could have been used instead.

And the moral of this story is…

As people become more dependent on technology, we tend to forget how things don’t have to be as complex

Sometimes, we have to look at traditional methods for the solutions to the most complicated problems.

4. Frog in the kettle goes *hop* *hop* *boom*

Amphibians and reptiles have the ability to acclimatize their body temperature to the surrounding changes. Likewise, the same also applies to a frog.

Let’s say you put a frog in a kettle full of water that is at room temperature. As you slowly start to increase the temperature, degree by degree, Fahrenheit by Fahrenheit, it’ll get used to it too and its temperature will rise according.

But, once the water reaches a boil, the frog will get cooked and it will die without knowledge of how and why it died. It’s a sadistic tale, and Miss Kwa’s favourite story (see the relation) but it also has the most important morale behind it.

And the moral of the story is…

Never stop learning. Technology changes everyday. The day you stop learning might possibly be the day you stop existing. Use the little knowledge you have and keep improving yourself.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

perusal is a cool word.

A list of random thoughts for your perusal:

1. Tomorrow is the last day before Thanksgiving break, and I am SO  giving thanks. (I seriously need a break.)

2. People shouldn’t talk during rehearsals. It’s distracting and immature. (that or sit down when the whole choir is standing.)

3. This week has been filled with abnormal conversations. (So weird.)

4. I love working at a coffee shop. It’s probably because I love coffee shops. (They’re filled with coffee.)

5. My car is so confusing and annoying. (It starts, five minutes later it doesn’t, and then it starts again.)

6. I only have three weeks left in the semester after Thanksgiving! (YES!)

7. I really shouldn’t have put off all that homework until now.(Even though it’s due at the end of the semester.)

8. I need to practice. (This is a frequently recurring refrain.)

9. Facebook is blocked on campus internet and it’s so weird. (apparently there’s a virus infecting all the school’s computers.)

10. I’m looking forward to a semi-normal second (fourth) semester. (I’ve got five normal classes and chorale and a lesson… not 500 one-credits!)

11. I love Christmas. (’tis the season to be jolly…)


Cara memasukkan posting blog ke dalam notes facebook kita

Ya, kita tentu sudah tidak asing dengan blog. Banyak dari teman-teman kita yang memanfaatkan keberadaan blog ini sebagai media untuk berekspresi. Entah dengan membuat macam-macam tulisan, berjualan, atau hanya untuk sekadar berbagi cerita tentang kegiatan yang mereka alami.

Nah, berkaitan dengan hal itu, sayang kan jika tulisan yang kamu buat di blog kamu simpan sendiri. Padahal, kamu juga eksis di Facebook.

Cara yang paling biasa agar tulisan di blog-mu bisa dinikmati juga oleh teman-teman Facebook-mu adalah dengan memberikan link halaman blog-mu ke mereka.

Tapi, ada cara yang lebih praktis yang memungkinkan update post dalam blog-mu bisa langsung masuk ke dalam Notes yang ada pada akun Facebook.

Berikut adalah tahapannya.

1. Login ke akun Facebook yang kamu miliki. Setelah itu, klik logo bergambar buku tulis yang ada pada bagian kiri bawah pada halaman Facebook-mu.

2. Setelah masuk ke halaman manajemen Notes, klik tulisan Import a blog yang ada pada bagian kanan atas.

3. Pada halaman Import a blog, masukkan url dari feed RSS blog-mu. Setelah memasukkan url blog, centang opsi yang ada di bawahnya, lalu klik tombol Start Importing.

4. Setelah sukses meng-import blog, kamu akan dihadapkan pada halaman preview Notes. Bila sudah pasti bahwa isi Notes tersebut sama dengan postingan blog-mu, tekan tombol Confirm Import yang ada pada bagian paling bawah.

5. Sekarang bila kita masuk ke dalam My Notes, semua postingan yang sebelumnya ada di blog, telah muncul sebagai kumpulan Notes di Facebook, lengkap dengan link ke halaman post aslinya. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa mulai sekarang Notes dan postingan blog asli akan berjalan secara independen.

Jadi, bila sebuah postingan telah masuk dalam Notes Facebook, perubahan atau penghapusan postingan di blog asli tidak akan terjadi pada Notes.

Demikian tips “gak penting banget” dari saya, daripada gak ada postingan sama sekali? BETUL..BETUL..BETUL..??



Sunday, November 22, 2009

3 New Interesting MySpace Changes

In the NRP book we wrote that although MySpace is getting pushed around by facebook it still holds weight for artists. I was concerned that I’d have to revise that during the summer as MySpace looked like it was going down for the count. But then Tom went and grabbed a second wind. So here’s what you need to know:

  1. Recently MySpace pulled a social network coup when they integrated Twitter into their world.  Although it was a small change overall it showed that MySpace still wants it.
  2. An even bigger addition is the new analytics provided to artists. Like facebook fan pages you’re provided with a closer look at ways people are finding your music and where they’re coming from. But this is wayyyy better than the facebook stuff. The MySpace back end is big, colorful, and very user friendly. You can see what songs were played when over the course of days, weeks and months and break your visitors down to country, state/province, and city, and MySpace integrates iLike.
  3. MySpace bought Imeem. Hypebot reported that MySpace bought Imeem which will mean…. something? Sure. I always thought of Imeem was kinda like MySpace anyway, but Imeem does have a coolness/niche factor that MySpace is too blunt to capture.

So looks like MySpace isn’t down for the count. Word on the street is that they’re going to be an entertainment social network. Giving artists a reason to stay on MySpace BESIDES the large audience will go a long way to getting artists (entertainers) engaged and supplying MySpace with good content.

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Twitter, Facebook lead charge in social networking craze

YOU might not get it, but you had better get used to it. Social networking online is now so ingrained in modern society that the most popular online community, Facebook, has more than 300 million users worldwide who spend more than eight billion minutes on the site every day.

In the past 12 months social networking services have reached unprecedented levels of popularity in Australia.

Twitter has led the way, albeit from a lower base, with 1150 per cent growth in the past 12 months, lifting it from 0.12 per cent market share to 1.54 per cent (more than 800,000 visits, not including mobile phone use).

Celebrities such as US actor Ashton Kutcher have helped fan the popularity, with about four million people following his every “tweet”.

Facebook has continued its domination, boasting just under 50 per cent market share in Australia, compared with 30 per cent a year ago.

YouTube grew by 8 per cent, giving it a 13 per cent share, while MySpace has 6.5 per cent. Experts say the explosion in popularity of social networking sites can be attributed to people wanting to participate in everyday activities.

Social network strategist Laurel Papworth said social media was taking the internet back to its origins, as an extension of a community.

“Our social network is our society,” Ms Papworth said.

“I first joined in 1989 and then the first round of the internet was really community-driven.

“But then web pages came along that looked pretty but . . . contained dead content. There was no feeling of community, but that is changing now.”

Brisbane-based Tara Talbot said her platform of choice was Facebook. Ms Talbot logs on about four times a day, using the service to stay in close touch with about 50 of her 480 friends.

But the 25-year-old was dismissive of Twitter as a useful tool. “I think it’s ridiculous,” she said. “I really don’t care that someone twitters to say they are going to the shop.”

Ms Papworth predicts the next big thing will be Livestream, which allows people to film and broadcast directly on to the web.

“What this means is that sports events are screwed, because anybody in the audience . . . 100 people could all be live streaming the (game) and giving their commentary to their friends,” she said.



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Facebook Alternative?

Recently, I have discovered a new alternative to surf Facebook beside using the web browser.

Fishbowl provides a great solution to browse Facebook right from your desktop. Yes, you heard me right! It is a client program to surf Facebook right from your desktop. Installation of the program takes about a minute or so.

Basically, the program uses Silverlight, a Microsoft SDK for Facebook to develop the program.


Normal Facebook layout in Fishbowl Client

Fishbowl Client with Fishbowl Client layout for Facebook

Get yours NOW!

Facebook allontana dalla lettura e dai rapporti interpersonali

Censis: per Facebook, gli italiani snobbano la lettura Il 42,4% dedica meno tempo ad altro pur di restare connesso Roma, 19 nov. (Apcom) – Social network su internet sempre più popolari, in crescita esponenziale, ma la lettura dei libri sta perdendo terreno. Lo scenario emerge dal rapporto sui consumi mediatici del Censis, che evidenzia una crescita dei social network su internet. La top five italiana è costituita in primis da Facebook, noto al 61,6% degli italiani, YouTube (60,9%), Messenger (50,5%), Skype (37,6%) e MySpace (31,8%). E sono soprattutto i giovani a frequentare questo tipo di comunità. Il 30,9% degli italiani usa You Tube, mentre il 25,9% usa Facebook. La lettura è la prima tre le attività che si sacrificano a vantaggio di Facebook: il 42,4% degli iscritti al social network che afferma di dedicare meno tempo ad altre attività ha dato questa risposta. Segue la consultazione di altri siti Internet (40%), andare al cinema (11%) o guardare film in dvd (9,1%), la rinuncia allo shopping (5,3%) e l’ascolto della radio (5,6%). Quanto ai rapporti interpersonali, il 14,4% di utenti sacrifica le telefonate agli amici e l’11,5% di chi usa Facebook esce meno per incontrare gli amici pur di restare connesso. Non va trascurato, scrive il Censis, il 21,7% di utenti che avverte di dedicare meno tempo ad altre attività a causa di Facebook che indica di sacrificare lo studio o il lavoro per connettersi (21,7%).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Facebook en tu Playstation 3

Visto que ahora Xbox Live posee compatibilidad con Facebook y  Twitter, Sony en un intento por no quedarse atrás anuncio que en su nueva actualización de su firmware (ver 3.10)  sera la primera fase de una nueva variedad de funciones que conectaran y mejorara la experiencia social en línea.

Personalmente creo que Sony se quedo un poco corto en cuanto a esta “integración” ya que Xbox Live permite a sus usuarios ver las imágenes de sus amigos, ver y comentar en los feeds, etc, es decir todo lo que puedes hacer desde tu browser normalmente.

Ahora Sony tomo una estancia mas enfocada hacia los videojuegos ya que hasta ahora solo permite intercambiar los siguientes tipos de información

  • Trofeos
  • Compras
  • Eventos

Ligar nuestras cuentas de Playstation Network y Facebook te permitirá  publicar todo lo que compres en la Playstation Store y publicarlo directamente a tu feed de noticias. También permitirá a los desarrolladores de juegos poner “trigger points” para dar la oportunidad  los jugadores de publicar su logros durante una partida. Como ultimo también se incluyo una sección para visualizar las fotos y customear tu lista de amigos.

De verdad la guerra de consolas se pone cada más feroz, ahora con la entrada de las consolas en el mundo de las redes sociales, me da curiosidad por saber que nos depara el futuro.

Fuente Gear Live

Facebook Fan Badge: Show love for your favorite fan pages

This is a great articile posted by Anne Brannon… check out Ignite Social Media!


Anne Brannon | November 18, 2009

Most people would no doubt lose their jobs if they spent half the working hours that I spend on Facebook. Luckily for me, working at a social media agency means that pretty much IS my job. So, as I was doing my job today, I came across something I’ve not yet seen: Facebook Fan Badges. I’m more than familar with Fan Page badges that creators of fan pages can use to promote their presence on Facebook across various other social channels. However, this new discovery sparked my interest. Here’s what I was greeted with upon logging into Facebook and loading a page of which I am currently a fan:

I initially logged in and visited the Windows fan page (it’s a client page so I like to keep a close watch on it), and that’s when I first noticed the Fan Badge prompt. I then visited the Swell fan page to give myself the illusion of living the Southern Cali lifestyle. However, I was still served the same Fan Badge for the Windows page, then, the Fan Badge prompt disappeared completely. I can’t replicate it. It’s so mysterious. However, I did figure out that the Fan Badge is a fixture on the Facebook Widgets page. This is pretty cool because you can really easily create a Fan Badge for any page you support. You select the page you want to show love for from a dropdown menu and it automatically generates code that you can copy and paste onto your Facebook profile, blog or Web site. This is what it looks like:

Have any of you noticed these Fan Badge promos? What are your thoughts on the fan badges? Do you think they have the potential to serve as a valuable resource for brand loyalists to show their love for pages they absolutely adore? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Oh, and I selflessly volunteer the Ignite Social Media fan page for all your Fan Badge experimentation needs.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Drive One 4UR School

Recently, an opportunity came my way and I thought I’d share it with you.  Ford of Canada wanted to pilot a successful program they had run in the US here in Canada and I was lucky enough to get a crack at it.  The concept was a simple one. Ford would set us up with local dealers who would bring their vehicles to our school on a set date.  We, in turn, would solicit members of the community to test drive the vehicles and in return Ford would give us $20 per test drive to a maximum of $6000 or 300 test drives.

I had planned on running a fundraiser to help our schools new robotics team anyhow, so this seemed like a perfect fit.  And so, the Drive One 4UR School Event was in play.

I decided to have my grade 12 management class run the fundraiser.  The students were quite enthusiastic about the entire thing and we had to plan the entire event in about 3 weeks.  We decided to use the Internet to spread the word about our event.  We used Facebook and Twitter to promote the event and we used Google Docs to help organize the planning of the event.  The students were broken up into teams with different responsibilities and each team had a Google Doc which they shared with the class to update us on their progress.  We also set up a Google Spreadsheet and shared it with anyone who had been invited to our event via Facebook.  People were able to pre-book their test drives by vehicle online and many did so with great enthusiasm.

To make a long story short, we had a very successful day.  The weather was beautiful (On November 7th believe it or not) and we actually managed to get just OVER 300 test drives.  In fact, we were informed that no other school in Canada had done as many test drives thus far.  As such, our robotics team is looking at receiving a great windfall thanks to some hard work on the part of the students and the philanthropic efforts of Ford of Canada.

It is without a doubt that we could not have achieved our goal without the use of the Internet.

Facebook saved Rodney's life!

I couldn’t help but post on a guy named Rodney whose life was redeemed by FACEBOOK.

This is Rodney Bradford. A few days ago, Facebook saved his 19-yo life. Facebook, and his status plea demanding the immediate consumption of one of the basic food groups every human being needs to properly function in the morning: Pancakes.Rodney was arrested on October 18 as a suspect in two crimes. He declared himself innocent and Robert Reuland—his defense lawyer—found the key to free him: “Where’s my pancakes?”

Read the rest at Gizmodo!

Truth and Peace,


Sunday, November 15, 2009


Right now I’m having a conversation with my good friend Sam about what Facebook means to us now, and he’s got me thinking.

I started using Facebook back in 2006 and quickly became hooked. Back then it was solely for university students and graduates who still had access to their university email accounts, and for a time it was good. There were no applications either. Just a brilliant way to keep in touch with friends.

But then came the trickle of applications, and for a time it was good. Facebook was opened up to the masses, and it really took off.

Then came the design changes, which I more or less liked. But then came the errors, the unstable servers, the stupid apps, and the general annoyances which accompany Facebook to this day.

So what do I do on Facebook? I do the following on a daily basis:

  • play Mafia Wars, which in itself is utterly pointless as it’s a never-ending game
  • update my status several times, which I can also do on Twitter


That’s about it. If I do any traveling I’ll upload my photos to Facebook, but that’s always a tad pointless when I have a Flickr pro account and upload all of my photos to there anyway, which are shown in all their glory.

Once a week I play Premier League Picks, but then I also play Fantasy Football via Sky Sports and

I barely do anything else on Facebook, yet I spend a disproportionate amount of time on it. I check it countless times a day from my computer and iPhone.

And for what? Twitter does status updates better, Flickr does photos better, and Sky Sports and do fantasy football better.

The partial feed sacrilege and the ad benefit


Image from Flickr by RBerteig

I remember a time (not so long ago) when people were disgusted by partial feeds and most of the major blogs and bloggers abided by this unwritten law. Publishing a partial feed was synonymous to cheap exploitation, putting ad revenues over readership, alienating your readers etc.

I, myself, am guilty of accusing blogs for  this kind of ‘malpractice’.

But things change.

I see more and more probloggers publishing partial feed and very few readers  complaining.


Because the way we read and follow blogs has changed too. Information is coming to us. And usually it comes in the form of a short sentence with a link in it, something especially true for twitter.

So the trend of reading everything in the coziness of our feed reader is in decline, while reading from the source is back with a vengeance.  Twitter and Facebook are the benefactors of blog ad revenues.



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Abraço ao mar em Ponta Negra

Surfistas e kitesurfistas se reúnem neste sábado, às 9h, em frente ao Morro do Careca, cartão-postal da capital potiguar, para protestar contra a construção de um emissário submarino, que jogará o esgoto praticamente sem tratamento no mar.

De acordo com o geólogo Eduardo Bagnoli, as bactérias e coliformes fecais vão acabar contaminando as praias do litoral do Rio Grande do Norte.

A movimentação é organizada pelo próprio Eduardo e pelo big rider potiguar Aldemir Calunga. Eles vão formar uma grande corrente de surfistas no mar.

Tweet-y Bird

I received a direct message from someone I was following on Twitter. (Notice I said was following? Anyone who sends me junk gets unfollowed.) The message included a link to a site that promised to automate my Twitter. It will find followers for me, it will Tweet for me, and it will read the feed for me. Well, perhaps I exaggerating a bit when it comes to the last point, but the first two are true. It makes me wonder what the point of it is. Who are we tweeting to? Birds? Bugs? Bots?

Even without signing up for the various sites that purport to help me live a tweeter life, I still participate in a bit of automation. Whenever I post a blog, WordPress automatically updates Twitter, which in turn updates MySpace and LinkedIn. Perhaps I am missing the point. I do know Twitter is supposed to about real people talking in real time about real subjects, but I have yet to participate in a real conversation. Occasionally I RT (retweet) someone’s update, sometimes I remember to return a #FF (Follow Friday), but for the most part I don’t see anything I want to comment on. As I said, I could be missing the point.

I’m rethinking my social networking time. After my blog tour, I’m going to be spending way less time on the computer. (Eyestrain, anyone?) I want to go more for quality than quantity. I used to friend everyone on Facebook I could, but now I unfriend anyone who spams me. I have a particular dislike of people who arbitrarily stick me in a group in order to send me junk, because even if I delete the message, I keep getting messages as long as anyone in the group responds. Don’t get me wrong — I like getting messages that are sent to me, specifically, and I always respond. I just don’t like anonymity. (If you knew me in offline life, you would be laughing at the irony of such a statement. Offline, I am the epitome of privacy.)

I’m looking forward to taking a step back from online activities. So much of it seems counterproductive, even foolish, that I will be better off working on my poor neglected WIP. At least I will have accomplished something.

Don’t worry, though. I bet none of you will notice any difference. I’ll still be blogging three or four times a week, will keep up with my discussion groups, will respond to genuine messages.

I’ll even tweet. And if I don’t, WordPress will do it for me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Google Yourself Before Applying for Jobs

Today, in two separate classes, I had teachers mention the importance of googling your own name to see what appears in the search results. I felt like they concentrated on the negative–”Make sure you know that whatever goes on Facebook is public domain and might show up in the results,” they both said. My Media Ethics teacher seemed to stress the importance of staying off social networks altogether to avoid things showing up on Google.

As usual, I disagree with him.

In the communications industry, people want to see that you can communicate. And in this day and age, that means being able to communicate efficiently on the Internet. You better believe that to any job you apply your potential employer will be finding you on the Internet to try and get a feel for who you are. So the last couple months I have been trying to tailor my Google results to showcase what I want them to, and I think you should consider it too.

1) Expand your online footprint.
If you are a PR person and you aren’t on Twitter… well, what are you waiting for? My Twitter account is the second item that shows up on a Google search, and on my Twitter profile I have included a link to my LinkedIn page. You aren’t on LinkedIn, either? Take some time a sign up; upload a resume and find some current or previous coworkers to connect with.

2) Check out every link that shows up on Google.
I have a Flixter account that shows up on page one of the search results. I rarely go on it, but I clicked on it and browsed through just to see if there were anything that might be frowned upon (all I found was that someone might realize I have an affinity for cheesy Amanda Bynes movies and a huge crush on Johnny Depp.)

Browse through all your Internet profiles and accounts to make sure you don’t have anything posted that might scare off a potential employer. You want to showcase your personality, so it is best to cover all your bases.

3. Create a public Google profile.
I am really surprised more people haven’t done this. Earlier this year/end of last year, Google jumped on the profile bandwagon and now allows you to create a profile with your name, photo, contact information, links and any other info you might want to share. It shows up in search results when someone Googles your name. This is especially great if you have a more common name and are having a hard time getting your results to show up on the first couple pages.

So there. Three tips from yours truly. More suggestions are welcomed!

Gen Y Would Abandon Social Networks Before Email and Texting

Gen Y has spoken once again. In the latest PMN and Pace University survey we explored Gen Y’s usage and attitudes toward texting, mobile marketing, email, social networks and more. The results were enlightening. While Generation Yers do indeed spend considerable time on social networks, when asked what they would least like to give up for one week, only nine percent said social networks! In fact, the media Gen Y apparently can’t live without was…drum roll please….yup, old-fashioned email and texting.

So what’s going on here? Could it be that there is a clear division across media that includes “nice to have” non-essential sites (like Twitter and facebook) and “must have” productivity and communication tools (like email and texting)? Should Twitter and facebook be worried given they are considered less of a necessity? While no one is asking Gen Y to choose, the question is an important one for every social network and/or community player – what should you be doing now to avoid becoming just another community causality like GeoCities. For more information about our latest survey, visit the PMN website or check out some of the news coverage and let me know what you think.

Gen Y Holds Tight To Email And Texting

eMarketer: November 4, 2009

Probing GenY’ers

MediaPost: October 27, 2009

Tech Additions: Email and Texting Top Social Media In Gen Y [Study]Mashable: October 20, 2009

‘Til Next Time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Naiya and Lola

This afternoon at dog daycare we had “snuggle time” on the couch.  It all started when Trycia sat down on the couch and everyone wanted to sit on her lap.  After about 20 minutes Trycia got up and let the dogs have the whole couch.  Then Naiya (Golden Retriever) and Lola (Olde English Bulldog puppy) snuggled up on one side.

Are you one of our Facebook friends?  Trycia just added a bunch of pictures.

Have a good night.


Quick Ramble: Sites and stories to pay attention to this week


The new big thing: Twitter lists

1. Twitter mania is hitting a fever pitch — the service has rolled out an in-site Retweet feature, perhaps to make it easier for novices to learn the terminology. And we’re starting to see the point of Twitter lists, especially in the aftermath of the Fort Hood shootings. Here’s a smart piece by NPR on what lists say about President Obama, Sarah Palin … and you.


2. Apple has set up shop in France — the Louvre, to be exact. Worldwide domination, to be exact.

3. On the other side of the social media universe, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is in hot water over a 20-year-old picture of him taking a pic axe to the Berlin Wall — journalists are saying Sarkozy wasn’t even there the day the wall tumbled.

4. Technology doesn’t make people less social, a new U.S. survey finds — in fact, it enhances their already existing social lives. Well, nice to know we haven’t been reduced to grunts just yet. There’s always next year.



Sunday, November 8, 2009

Web 2.0 @ Work... Benefits and Security Implications

Within the current web landscape, many different Web 2.0 tools are available for both personal and business related purposes. These tools are often freely available and can provide significant benefits in enabling virtual team collaboration, enhanced communications and collaborative document management. While the potential benefits are great, the potential for data and information security related issues, such as data breaches or system compromises, are equally as great and must be managed accordingly.

The use of Web 2.0 tools @ work was surveyed in a recent Dynamic Markets research study. The focus of the study was to determine IT Management perceptions and understanding of Web 2.0 tools while assessing organizational security preparedness in a post Web 2.0 world. The following key findings provide an IT oriented perspective on current perceptions and security awareness in the use of Web 2.0 tools in the workplace.

- 95 percent of respondents currently allow employee access to some Web 2.0 sites and applications – most commonly webmail, mashups and wikis.

- 62 percent of IT managers believe that Web 2.0 is necessary to their business.

- 86 percent of IT managers reported feeling pressured to allow more access to more types of Web 2.0 sites and technologies.

- 30 percent of respondents reported pressure coming from C-level executives and director level staff.

- 34 percent reported pressure coming from marketing departments.

- 32 percent reported pressure coming from sales departments.

These survey results provide insight into the use and future use of Web 2.0 tools in the work place. In essence, Web 2.0 tools are here to stay and organizations must be well prepared in the areas of security policy, use guidelines and enforcement methods to ensure the appropriate use of such tools in a business environment.





Facebook Fan Page Passes the 100 Fan Mark!

Congratulations!  The Moses Lake – Yonezawa Sister City Exchange Program Fan Page has cleared the 100 fan mark.  This thanks goes out to all those who have supported the Sister City Fan Page by becoming a fan.  It is just a testimony to how many people have been impacted and care about this program.  There is more people out there have not heard about the fan page and need to become a fan.  Please help us spread the word, 200 fans is well within reach!

In addition, we have updated the student information section of the website.  We have two new testimonials.    We hope to have more from a diverse group of people including volunteers, students, parents, and benefactors.   Keep an eye out for those!

Student Testimonials:

“In whole I feel that my trip to Japan was one of the most memorable times in my life. Everyone I met was so kind and friendly. The family I stayed with treated me like one of there own, well to be honest, they treated me better. The people on the Sister City board were all so nice and really made it so our trip went smoothly all the much better. I plan on going back to Yonezawa as soon as possible to see my family again and hopefully others from the Yonezawa Press.” ~Christopher Jones Summer 09

“I was a member of the 2004 Sister City Exchange Program. This program has helped me grow as a person and I will be forever thankful! To this day I always talk about my experience and the people I met along the way. I would highly recommend that everyone apply for this program. I would love to volunteer to chaperon this program and lead high school students on an experiences that will follow them for the rest of their lives.” ~Jessica McAlavy Summer 04 

If you have not had a chance to check out the two new videos highlighting the 2005 and 2009 student exchange trip please do so by clicking here.


The Sister City Committee

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meet ELLE's Joe Zee at Bloomingdale's Port 1961 Event

Let me share more great news with you: In case you won’t be able to make it to Kate’s A/X Tee Party on Tuesday, November 10, from 6pm-8pm, you’ll still have a chance to meet one of ELLE’s other fabulous style celebrities: ELLE’s renowned Creative Director Joe Zee and The City’s Olivia Palermo will be hosting an exclusive Ports 1961 pre-spring collection event on Thursday, November 12th, 6:00PM-8:00PM at Bloomingdale’s 59th Street store in Manhattan.

Click here for more information!

Sejuta Facebookers telah penuhi target

Gerakan Sejuta “Facebookers” (pengguna layanan jaringan sosial di dunia maya, Facebook) telah mencapai target dengan menggalang 1.000.000 orang pada Sabtu (7/11) pagi pada sekitar pukul 06.30 WIB.

“Ini adalah awal,” kata pemrakarsa gerakan, Usman Yasin, dalam wawancara di sebuah stasiun TV swasta nasional di Jakarta, Sabtu pagi.

Gerakan Sejuta “Facebookers” itu dibuat Usman Yasin antara lain karena kegemasannya melihat sesuatu hal yang dinilainya sebagai sebuah bentuk ketidakadilan. Usman yang merupakan pengajar di Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu itu melihat jaringan sosial seperti Facebook merupakan hal yang efektif untuk menyuarakan suara masyarakat apa adanya tanpa rekayasa.”Saya awalnya tidak menyangka akan seperti ini jadinya,” katanya.

Menurut dia, penamaan gerakan dengan menggunakan angka satu juta awalnya antara lain untuk menarik perhatian masyarakat yang merupakan pengguna layanan Facebook tersebut. Ia juga merasa terharu karena gerakan tersebut tidak hanya mendapat respons positif dari masyarakat di dalam negeri, tetapi juga dari warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang sedang berada di luar negeri.

Usman berharap agar gerakan ini dapat menjadi pemicu agar berbagai kasus lainnya yang lebih besar dapat segera terungkap. Gerakan Sejuta “Facebookers” itu sendiri baru dibuat Usman sejak tanggal 29 Oktober 2009, yang dipicu dari peristiwa penahanan dua pimpinan KPK nonaktif, Bibit Samad Rianto dan Chandra Marta Hamzah karena dinilai Mabes Polri menghalang-halangi penyidikan.

Namun, Bibit dan Chandra akhirnya ditangguhkan penahanannya oleh Mabes Polri sejak Selasa (3/11) malam.
Kepala Divisi Humas Mabes Polri, Irjen Nanan Soekarna mengemukakan, penangguhan penahanan itu dilakukan bukan karena adanya desakan dari pihak manapun.

sumber :

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Women and Facebook

We know that women NEED to connect with each other. In fact, a “remedy” for unhappiness or not being satisfied with our lives, that I always recommend to others is girlfriend time!

It’s partially why women’s retreats are so successful. There is nothing like basking in the love of other women. We RELATE to each other’s lives. We get to share feelings. We GET to share the details.

It has become very obvious to me that facebook is one of those outlets, and inlets for us.


For me personally, I got support, in the last month alone, when I wrote about wanting to eat chocolate, when my boyfriend wanted us to get a house together but not put my name on it, when I started worrying about my toes getting crooked, and problems I was having with my crazy beautiful adorable cat. We also discussed topics like Obama, life purpose issues, abuse issues, and some really fun things like babies roller skating, cops calling 911 thinking they are dying from getting too stoned, to other funny jokes, especially about the woo woo factor in Sedona, to meeting up with old school friends, and making great new friends. Wow, all this inside the space of a month, as a result of internet technology.

So, while we SAY we are not connecting as much we people, because we are all home on our computers, I must now disagree. We are becoming closer than ever, and I for one am very grateful now for facebook.

I did write a blog months ago, where I complained about becoming obsessed with facebook and it taking up all our time. I’m a woman, dah, I’m allowed to change my mind, right?

Breaking up 'too big to fail'

Good move.In addition, a company which has committed malpractices should be reconstituted at the Directors level and broken up into smaller units.
Pattern of holding of companies,especially ’shell companies,needs to be looked into and and IRS may be given sweeping powersto rein them in.
For failed companies ‘Limited liabilty’ must be scrapped and assets of spouse,if found possessing wealth disproportionate to their known sources of income, must be confiscated
Just when Wall Street thought it couldn’t get worse for them on Capitol Hill – it did.

Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-Penn.), a senior member of the Financial Services Committee, has proposed the most explosive provision so far in the debate over financial reform, seeking to empower federal regulators to preemptively break up financial firms deemed “too big to fail.”

The powers Kanjorski is proposing are sweeping – he wants to hand the federal government a measuring stick to figure out which companies are a threat to the larger financial system, then give the feds the authority to break them up regardless of their financial health.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Farmville Fun with Friends online

A recent facebook phenomenon has arisen called Farmville. Here is my lovely farm with a message:

You can find out more about her group and her message here.

Maya will be telling her story about her farm here and showing you how to find her farm online and sharing pictures too:

Mannalis will be telling her story about her farm here and showing you how to find her farm online and sharing pictures too:

Nena will be telling her story about her farm here and showing you how to find her farm online and sharing pictures too:

You can comment and make suggestions about our project. We are learning about blogging and having some fun too. And learning creative ways to share Truth with our friends. We will also be seeing who can be the first to learn what happens to the ugly duckling, capture a pink cow, and learn to terrace their farm. Who knows maybe one of us will want to be a gardner or an architect one of these days!

Gotta get back to the farm and harvest a crop or two now so I can share my message with my facebook friends!


Things I Don't Care About

I don’t care about Facebook and Youtube videos and writing blogs and Twitter accounts.

I don’t care about Linked In and and networking for jobs.

I don’t care for job recruiters.

I don’t care about new social media trends and online networking and “going viral.”

I don’t care about fantasy football and keeper leagues and knockout drafts and online gambling.

I don’t care about and college basketball rankings.

I don’t care about diversifying my 401K plan and investing in real estate and cutting costs by eliminating unnecessary expenses.

I don’t care that the price of a cup of coffee adds up to $15 a week which is $60 a month and $1,800 a year.

I don’t care that my math is wrong in the above example.

I don’t care to do the right multiplication.

I don’t care about reconnecting with old friends and text messaging and RSS feeds and getting email on my phone.

I don’t care about high definition sports and on-demand programming and live streaming video.

I don’t care about the NFL Red Zone channel because it jumps around too fast.

I just don’t care about all this crap no more.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beyond the Bricks and Mortar


Cayoosh Kidz record an News episode.



I’ve taken a break from writing report cards. Why don’t the people that design report card writing software ever think to ask a classroom teacher what they need? It drives me crazy when software developers produce substandard products that are less useful and more time consuming than paper and pen. People, we have the technology, get it right. However, all is not darkness and doom.


An interesting product that has just come out is the Owle . It is an adapter for the iPhone and markedly improves the video quality. While this product is designed for the iPhone, the principle could be applied to any smartphone. A smartphone can become a useful information gathering and sharing tool. With online video editing such as Movie Masher you can take decent video clips, edit, and share them on the web, in minutes. If you want to brush up on your video skills try Video 101


Copyright is always a thorny issue when you are trying to illustrate a blog or some other work you want to share with a public audience. There is always creative commons which allows certain uses of images. Flickr offers such a service. I recently found a site that claims no copyright and has a selection of excellent photos .


The connected classroom project has started to use Moodle . Moodle is the FaceBook of education. It is part of an emerging class of social media that has the potential to change the way children are educated.  Moodle offers a way to manage all the tasks that teachers and students need to accomplish in a totally digital format. Moodle is not perfect but it is functional. Colleagues at my school are beginning to transfer all their assignments onto Moodle. With Moodle, a Smartboard, Bridgit and Elluminate we can provide a powerful educational experience without paper and possibly without a bricks and mortar classroom.


Well I guess it is time to get back to the report cards. Writing the blog has reminded me of all the great technology available and has restored my faith in the web 2.0 future. Hopefully, by this time next year I can report that report card writing has left the dark ages behind.

Younger employees help senior executives unlock social media mystery

Younger employees help senior executives unlock the social media mystery. Millennials are now emerging into the marketplace to not only take on new challenges in new positions, but to serve as liaisons for the technology-challenged. Millennials grew up with AIM and Facebook and look at incorporating these new mediums into the work place for networking.  Social media is definitely not going anywhere anytime soon, so old-school professionals this is your notice, it is time to step up your game. Check out the statistics in this video by

Speaking of Social Media, listen to these statistics. Facebook has more than 300 million users and the fastest growing demographic is those 35 years and older. Average users have 130 friends on the site, and 70 percent of Facebook users live outside the United States. Nearly one-sixth of Facebook users actively access Facebook from their wireless devices. Social Networking provides a way for companies to reach target audiences in a more interactive marketplace, a marketplace where they can communicate simultaneously their ideas and opinions on anything.

So with all of the possibilities that such a large networking mechanism like Facebook could bring, what is the hesitation to incorporate social networking as a way to collaborate in the workplace? Loss of productivity - Social Networking Sites like Facebook, MySpace and YouTube are compelling and are designed to encourage repeat usage during a day; and System resource impact – the downloading of heavy content like video is adversely impacting IT system performance for organizations. Still, the possibilities for borderless collaboration without time constraints has to be compelling for companies.