Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In the News: Obama Assassination Poll Being Investigated

By: Aisha Brown

The Secret Service is currently investigating a poll posted on Facebook asking whether President Barack Obama should be killed. After the poll discovery on Saturday company officials were asked to remove the poll immediately. An independent person through a third party application created the poll and asked users  “Should Obama be killed?”  The choices were No, Maybe, Yes and Yes if he cuts my healthcare. As any other threat against the President, the Secret Service has taken the matter seriously and is working with Facebook to discover the person behind the poll and his or her motive.

Professional Development 2.0

A network is all about making connections.

I’ve had a presentation called Professional Development 2.0 accepted to Ohio TESOL 2009.

The goal of my presentation is going to be highlight Web 2.0 technologies that can expose teachers to new resources and other people in the field.  I’ve posted before about the networked student, so why not the networked professional?

I’m going to focus on Twitter, because following the right people can set you up with a constant stream of great ideas and resources, blogs, which do the same but in long form, and RSS feed readers and other applications that can help organize all of these streams.  I’d also like to include Facebook, Linked In, Nings, and other social media, but I don’t have as much experience using them in the same way.

Among my own favorites are @LarryFerlazzo (and his blog), @TeachPaperless, @McLeod (and his blog), as well as blogs such as Six Things, Abject Learning, DigitaLang, and the others I have listed in my Blog Roll at right.

The purpose of this post, however, is to solicit other suggestions from you, the reader.  Is there someone you find especially useful to follow on Twitter?  Do you read any blogs that always inspire you?  Do you have a Facebook group that other ESL professionals should join?  Leave a comment below and share it with the world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mork From Ork is a Social Network King!

7 Stages of a Social T-Rex:  Stage 1 “The Egg”

If you are a child of the 80’s this title makes so much sense.  If not, google it!  Mork came from the planet Ork, in an egg shaped spaceship (see the connection) to study human behavior and quickly won the hearts of everyone around him!  How did he do it?  Simple….he was himself. 

Fast Forward from 1978 to 2009, how do you think Mork’s life would be different with social media?  1st his egg ship would have been tracked by satellite and every blogger known to man would have the 1st images streamed via YouTube!    So what does this have to do with my post?  Well if you are a newbie to Social Media, then you may feel a lot like Mork, excited about your mission, but bumbling around to get out of your egg!

Listed below are a few useful pointers as you are preparing to break from the egg and enjoy the world of social media interaction;

1.  Start slow;  pick an easy avenue such as Facebook or LinkedIn and look up old friends or co-workers.  Who knows you may rekindle some old friendships or find out your ex co-worker’s company is hiring. 

2.  Chip, chip away;  Learn the tool, understand and feel comfortable with your choice from above.  Your final mission is to win the hearts and souls of everyone you meet, not going to happen inside the egg!

3.  First foot forward;  Still protected by the egg, you have a foot out.  Go ahead, post your picture (recent please, no wedding shots from 10 years ago), chances of it ending up in a store window in Kazakhstan is minimal (although it can happen). 

4.  Don’t be a gamer;  in other words, don’t lock yourself inside the dorm and play video games.  Complete the information sections and “about you” sections.  Put yourself out there!

“Na nu, na nu”

Secret Service Investigates Facebook App

Facebook polls typically ask questions as mundane as “what’s your favorite breakfast cereal?” But over the weekend, a poll asking whether U.S. President Barack Obama should “be killed” was anything but mundane, and drew the attention of the Secret Service.

The poll gave respondents four options: Yes, Yes if he cuts my health care, Maybe, and No. It was created by an unknown user of a third party polling application that runs on Facebook. The Secret Service became aware of the application, and is investigating.

For its part, Facebook suspended the offending application after the incident was brought to its attention this morning, said director of policy communications Barry Schnitt. He added that it has asked the developer to institute better control procedures to monitor user-generated content.

This poll would be less worrisome if it did not happen amid a climate of threats against the President. Last month, the Secret Service acknowledged that threats had increased by 400 percent since Mr. Obama’s inauguration. There have also been incidents of conservative religious figures in the United States openly wishing for his death.

The United States has a history of political violence, and even a casual suggestion might be enough to set off an unstable individual. The poll was wildly irresponsible. I would only hope that those responsible will be held accountable.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Twenty days since posting, and you ought to be aware that I am AWFUL at maintaining blogs. I have to do six news entries per week for my newswriting and that totally fulfills my blog-writing quota for any given amount of time. That I’m even writing this is more a testament to the shame I feel at having a two-post blog than to my writing speed.

It also didn’t help that I wrote an extensive four-page letter to Jee-Jaw on my typewriter. It covers a wide range of topics, and it was the most intense piece of writing I’ve done in a while. It felt good to crank out that much ink, though.

So, a few days after posting that last one, Phil and I finally moved into our new place – a wonderful 3BR duplex in the Kingfield neighborhood, which is nicer, greener, and quieter than our old one by a mile. It’s close enough to Uptown for convenience but far enough away not to have a growing bro colony around at all times. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I think, and I don’t regret it for a second. There’s a chance that Ben would move in with us if things go really poorly with Alina (which they have been for quite a while, I guess).

School is fine, but a lot of repetition and pointlessness. I should have expected that, though.

Phil turned 21 and got what he always wanted: an ongoing sexual misadventure. I would have been jealous back in March, but I’m starting to think that I don’t want a relationship of any kind. I’m fine with the idea of being a bachelor (and, on top of that, celibate), for the rest of my life. I’m sure this will change once it’s winter and I get really lonely, but for now I am totally fine on my own. “I’m OK by myself,” as Moz would say. To this end, I’ve deleted my Facebook.

Anyway, it’s late and I’m tired. I promise I’ll post in the future.


Way back in my high school days, I had a friend named Kendra. We met in an art class on our first day of high school and it wasn’t long before we became inseparable. We remained that way throughout all four of our high school years. Wherever one of us was, the other was sure to be too.

Kendra and I were so close that on any given day, one of us was eating dinner at the other’s house. There were countless sleepovers. We held part-time jobs at the same bakery. We attended all of the school social functions together. We went on double dates. We were the best of friends.

We stayed connected for several years after we graduated from high school, but somewhere along the way, our lives took very different paths. I married young and soon was busy with my babies. Kendra had a serious boyfriend, and moved in with him, actually living just a few miles down the road from me for several years. And although she was with that boyfriend for many years, they never married or had children. While I was busy with the demands of being a mother to three young children, Kendra was still living a life of her own with many more freedoms than I had at the time. Our phone calls and visits grew fewer and fewer.

Eventually, there was a messy break-up for Kendra and her boyfriend. They had been together for eleven years. I remember getting the phone call when she described what had happened and felt bad that I hadn’t been close enough to her in recent years to be there for her when she was going through such a difficult time. Kendra moved into her own place not long after that call and our separation became more pronounced. There were a handful of phone calls in the years that followed, and a lot of regret on my part for a friendship that seemed to have dissolved.

As my children have grown older and I began to find that I have more time available for myself, I have often thought about reaching out to Kendra and reconnecting with her. A Christmas card a couple of years ago told me that she had met the love of her life and married him in Hawaii. But I had no phone number for her and she appeared to be unlisted. I thought I might eventually contact her parents to get her phone number. I just never seemed to get around to it. I’ve thought of her more and more over the last couple of years.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago. A glance at my email showed a Facebook notification with a friend request from…you guessed it…KENDRA! I accepted, then sent her a message telling her I had tried to find her there too, but was unsuccessful. She replied that she had just joined Facebook and that was likely why I couldn’t find her. She now lives about forty minutes away from me. In fact, for the past several years, she has never really lived so far away that we couldn’t have seen each other if either of us had reached out to the other. We were just so busy in our own separate lives that we never made it happen.

For the past couple of weeks, Kendra and I have begun to reconnect. We’re finding we still have things in common. She’s a runner too. We’ve exchanged a handful of messages and have both stated on more than one occasion that we need to get together again. It always brings about a bittersweet feeling; one that reminds me that for all of these years, we have been so close, yet so far apart. That feeling was reinforced on Friday night. I was enjoying a lazy evening and browsing around on Facebook and thought I’d pop over to Kendra’s page. There, I saw her status update written the previous Wednesday. It said, “Off to my first night of league bowling at Mattie’s…Wish me luck!”

And I said to myself, “Kendra bowls in a league, just like me.!”

But the fact that Kendra bowls on a league too wasn’t what struck me as so amazing. The amazing part of that realization was the fact that Kendra bowls in a league at Mattie’s.

I bowl at Mattie’s!

Kendra bowls at Mattie’s…and has been for the past five years. I’ve been bowling at Mattie’s for the past year and can be found there at least once or twice a week. And our paths have never crossed! Of course, I bowl on Mondays and she bowls on Wednesdays, so I guess it stands to reason. And even if I had been there on a Wednesday when she was bowling, I probably wouldn’t have noticed because I would never have expected her to be there.

I posted a message on Kendra’s page on Friday letting her know that we both bowl at the same place. Being that it was a Friday night, I didn’t expect a response from her. Imagine my surprise when the instant messenger opened and there was Kendra. We chatted for about forty-five minutes and the first thing I did was tell her that now that I know I can find her at Mattie’s, every other Wednesday, I am definitely going to make it a point to be there when she is so we can finally catch up again!

We went on to catch up on all of the kinds of things that need to be caught up on when two people have gone years without connecting. We talked about parents and siblings and jobs and kids. (She now has a step-son.) I suddenly missed Kendra’s family, the people who had been such an integral part of my life during those high school years. Kendra didn’t always get along so well with her dad, but he really liked me for some reason. I never called him Mr. (Kendra’s dad.) I just called him Dad. And he called me Terri Mary Berry Cherry. What a weird name. But it always gave me a warm feeling to be greeted that way whenever I showed up at Kendra’s house.

I can’t believe it. I’m back in touch with Kendra. God I’ve missed her! And to think I resisted Facebook for so long!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

როცა ოცნებას პრობლემასთან ბრძოლა ჯობია

კენ კუეფიზი რეჟისორი რომ იყო ფილმით He’s Just Not That Into You გავიგე. ამ ნამუშევრამდე ღირებული არც არაფერი ჰქონდა გადაღებული. ფილმის სიუჟეტი მთავარი პერსონაჟის გარშემო ვითარდება – ბენი(ბრედლი კუპერი) და ჯანინი(ჯენიფერ კონელი) ცოლ-ქმარნი არიან, ერთმანეთი კოლეჯიდან უყვართ და უკვე რამდენიმე წელია ერთად არიან. ანა(სკარლეტ იოჰანსონი) დამწყები მომღერალია, რომელიც ბრუსთან სერიოზულ ურთიერთობას გაურბის, ბრუსი ალექსის(ჯასტინ ლონგი) მეგობარია, ალექსი ბარის მფლობელი მექალთანეა, რომელმაც ყველაფერი იცის ქალების სუსტი წერტილების შესახებ და ყველა იმ ფანდს ფლობს რომლსაც მამაკაცი ქალის “შესაბმელად” შემდეგ კი “გადასადგებად” იყენებს, ის ამ ტექნიკას ჯიჯის უზიარებს, ეს უკანასკნელი მამაკაცი პარტნიორის ძიებაშია, რომელტანაც ურთიერთობას შეძლებს, მაგრამ რატომრაც მას ყველა გაურბის, ჯიჯის უფრო სამსახურში ბეტია(ჯენიფერ ანისტონი), რომელიც 7 წელია საყვარელ მამაკაცთან,ნეილთან(ბენ აფლეკი) ერთად ცხოვრობს, რომელიც სასტიკი წინააღმდეგია ქორწინების, რადგან მსგავსი პროცედურები სრულიად ზედმეტად მიაჩნია. მერი(დრუ ბერიმორი) თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიების საშუალებით ცდილობს სასურველი მამაკაცის პოვნას.

ყველა გმირი ერთმანეთს უკავშირდება და მთელი ფილმი რამდენიმე ძალიან მნიშვნელოვან კითხვაზე პასუხის გაცემას ცდილობენ.

1)თუ ბიჭი პირველი პაემნის შემდეგ არ გირეკავს

მემგონი იმაზე ოცნება, რომ მას ბებია მოუკვდა ან შენი ნომერი დაკარგა სრულიად ზედმეტია. ჯობია უბრალოდ გაანალიზო, რომ დაგიკიდა და შენ ანალოგიური პასუხი გასცე.  ძალიან მოგეწონა?  შენ რომ დაურეკო ამით ვერაფერს ვერ შეცვლი, ყველაზე კარგ შემთხვევაში ერთ-ორ სექსუალური აქტის პორციას მიიღებ.

2) შენზე არ ქორწინდება

განა ასეთი მნიშვნელოვანია ჯვრისწერა ან ხელისმოწერა? საყვარელ ადამიანს უნდა ენდობოდე და ამ ნდობის გაფორმება არაა აუცილებელი. საყვარელ ადმიანთან ერთად შვიდი წელი ცხოვრობ და რით გჯობიათ ოფიციალური ცოლ-ქმრები? ერთმანეთს უკეთესად იცნობენ, უფრო მეტად უყვართ, მამაშენის საყვარელი საჭმლის რეცეპტს ფლობენ თუ   უბრალოდ უღელში არიან შებმულები რომლიდან გამოსვლაც პრობლემებთანაა დაკავშირებული. თუ მზად არ ხარ მასთან სექსი გქონდეს, შვილი გააკეთო ან გაუჩინო, მაშჲნ ჯობია დაფიქრდე არის კი ეს ის ადამიანი რომელთან ერთად მთელი ცხოვრების გატარებაზეც ოცნებობ?

3) თუ ქალი შენთან არ წვება

გადის თვეები თქვენი ურთიერთობა კი კვლავაც პაემნისა და კოცნის სტადიაზეა. დროა დაფიქრდე რა სურს ქალს შენგან, თუ ქორწილს ელოდება ჯობია დროზე შეჩერდე, შენ მისთვის უბრალოდ “საიმედო” თავშესაფარი იქნები და სხვა არაფერი.

4)თუ ის სხვასთან გღალატობს

პრობლემა უპირველესყოვლისა შენს თავში უნდა ეძიო, მითუმეტეს მაშინ თუ ღალატის შესახებ მეუღლე თვითონ გამოგიტყდა, ე.ი  შენ შეიცვალე, აღარ ხარ მისთვის მიმზიდველი, ისეთი მხიარული როგორიც იყავით, ნელ-ნელა იხსებენ, რომ სექსი არ გაქვთ უკვე დიდი ხანია და ხვდები, რომ შენც უღალატე შენს მეუღლეს. მზად ხარ აპატიო მას ეს ყველაფერი და სცადოთ თავიდან ყველაფრის დაწყება, მან ხომ აღიარებით და თავისი სიმართლის თქმით დიდი ნაბიჯი გადმოდგა შენკენ.

დრო გადის ჩვენ ნელ-ნელა ვიცვლებით, იცვლება ჩვენი შეხედულებები, გემოვნება, სურვილები. ბავშვობაში როდესაც გოგოს ურტყამდა ბიჭი ეს სიყვარულის ნიშანი იყო, თინეიჯერობისას ოცნების კოშკებს ვაგებთ ოცნების პრინცსა და პრინცესაზე.  სწორედ ამ ეტაპზე იწყება ტყუილებისა  ის სერია, რომელიც ცხოვრების ბოლომდე გრძელდება. “არ დაგირეკა?, დაიკიდე უკეთესი გამოჩნდება”, “მაგრად მოსწონხარ და მაგიტომ არ გიმჩნევს”, “ცივად გელაპარაკა?გრძნობებს მალავს და მალე გამოგიტყდება სიყვარულში”. ცდილობ თავი დაიმშვიდო, მეგობრებიც მხარს გიბამენ და ერთად იძირებით სიცურის მორევში. ცხოვრების პირველ დარტყმასთან ერთად კიდევ უფრო მეტად ცდილობ შვება იპოვო იქ სადაც არ უნდა ეძებო. “შენი ღირსი არ ყოფილა თუ ეგრე გითხრა”, “უკეთესს იმსახურებ”, “ყველა კაცია ერთნაირია, გიღალატებსთო ხომ გეუბნებოდი”.  ცხოვრების რაღაც ეტაპზე ხვდები ადამიანს, რომელიც შენს ნებისმიერ პრინციპზე უარს გათქმევინებს, ჯვარსაც დაიწერ, ახალ სახლსაც იყიდი და სხვა ქალებსაც მიაგდებ, უბრალოდ ამ ქალის(კაცის) გამოჩენამდე შენი ცხოვრება ნეხვის კასრს არ უნდა ჰგავდეს.

ზოგს myspace-ით გაცნობილი ნაშა გვინდა, ზოგს facebook- ზე აღმოჩენილ ოცნების უფლისწულთან ცხოვრება, ვიღაცას ის დრო ენატრება როცა მხოლოდ ტელეფონი იყო კომუნიკაციის საშუალება და საათობით ლაპარაკობდა სრულიად უცნობ ადამიანთან, ვიღაცას ისეთი მეუღლე სურს რომელიც სიგარეტის მოწევას არ დაუშლის, ვიღაცას ისეთი ქმარი რომელიც სიგარეტს რომ ეწევა მას არ დაუმალავს. მიზანია ყველგან ერთია  ყველას ჰეფი ენდი გვსურს.

სასიამოვნოდ გავატარე დრო ამ ფილმის ყურებაში. გირჩევთ თქვენც ნახოთ


ნიკა ესებუა(Leonard Shelby/Leito)

Day 10: Camera Apps

Today I did went out.  It was a fine day so I am able to test out my new acquired camera application. I got the camera bag and best camera. Between the two, I like the one from . But you can’t have everything in one application there are some options that the other has and the other don’t.

From camera bag, I like their cinema option.


Excuse the photo. Sometimes I am vain like that.

What prompted me to download this one is their effects of old camera that I have yet to try in the days to come.

Here are some shots using the best camera.

Can you tell how I’m liking this application? I like how you can share it straight to Facebook, Twitter, and E-mail all at the same time within the app itself. You can say that these settings and options are well thought of.

Know more about the creator. Chase Jarvis.

Here’s some free camera apps that I would recommend.

Polarize created by Christopher Comair – gives you that polaroid effect. Again, vintage old school effect.

Photo Sharp – as the title suggest. I did not upgrade to its full version by a different name, Photo Forge. Right now, the sharpening tool works fantastic and I don’t find the need to get the upgrade yet. If you read the apps description it sounds promising. Maybe be in my next purchase I’ll get this one too.

FilterFX is also nice. I like their vintage effect which I also use a lot.

Flash for free – to brighten those dark images.

Big Button – Makes taking self-portaits a lot easier. Just tap anywhere on the screen to take photos.

So far these are the apps I have on my iphone that I really like and often used.

I’ll be trying out more and will be posting it here and the journey continues…

Saturday, September 26, 2009

We all need it, we can have it!


We don’t have to read all the bad news, or constantly talk about depression in the market…most of the time we should really read articles, and surround ourselves with things, that can make us feel good, energized and positive.

One thing we should never forget is to allow to be touched by tenderness. If we forget this, we become nothing different than clever computers.

Humanity will always keep our hearts in the right place. Now smile, do something good for someone else and feel thankful because you are alive!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Let me share with you my poem

  • Tenderness in your Soul
  • Does Life seem like a rusted boat at times?
  • Maybe the Ocean like a wall against your dreams?
  • Look at Creation. The Sky is Blue in Winter or Spring!
  • There are growing Trees holding a Nest to the Birds!
  • There is Rain over the Crops that will turn into Bread!
  • There is Life in this World!
  • There is Tenderness in your Soul!
  • Did you ever feel the Sand under your feet?
  • Did you ever touch with your Hands the Wind?
  • Feel this Nature. The Sky is Blue in Winter or Spring!
  • If you have a Heart that didn’t forgot how to feel,
  • If you walk with Eyes that can see beyond the skin,
  • There is Tenderness in your Soul!
  • There is Life in this World!
  • Piccola Dowling

Motorola Dext, terminal con Android y tecnología Motoblur

Motorola Dext es el esperado primer teléfono de la otrora líder de telefonía en el mundo con sistema operativo Android.

La marca americana no ha dejado de lado el teclado QWERTY completo a pesar de que el Motorola Dext tiene pantalla táctil. Y como otros muchos fabricantes, le ha metido su toque personal y distintivo al que ha llamado MotoBlur.

Motorola Dext, ell primer teléfono con Android de Motorola

Antes de pasar conocer qué es eso de Motoblur, hay que hablar del terminal en sí. El Motorola Dext es un teléfono de tipo deslizante que esconde un teclado QWERTY completo bajo su pantalla táctil de 3.1 pulgadas y resolución 320 × 480 píxeles. De procesador y comportamiento anda a la par que elHTC Hero, por ejemplo. El peso del Dext es de 163 gramos, con un grosor de 15.6 mm.

La cámara de fotos es otro elemento destacado del Motorola DEXT. Tiene una resolución de 5 megapíxeles con autoenfoque y nos deja enviar las fotos que hagamos directamente a sitios sociales como Facebook, Picasa o MySpace. Si en vez de fotos queremos enviar vídeos, la cámara también graba vídeo a 24 fps.

Para que la comunicación con Internet no sea un suplicio, el teléfono con Android cuenta con navegador HTML, conectividad 3G y también WiFi. En cuanto al espacio de almacenamiento, debemos contar con tarjetas de memoria microSD de hasta 32 GB. El teléfono incluye una de 2 GB de serie.

Del resto de especificaciones destacamos su conexión de 3.5 mm para el audio, el acelerómetro y elGPS integrado.

Motoblur, sincronización y datos siempre actualizados

A pesar de ser un teléfono con Android, Motorola ha querido darle su toque y lo ha llamado Motoblur. Se trata de una piel que permite sincronizar contactos, redes sociales, la agenda y el correo desde la misma pantalla. Los usuarios podrán acceder de manera integrada a todas la actualizaciones de sus cuentas personales en Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Gmail, Yahoo o LastFM, así como su email personal y de trabajo.

Dicho de forma más clara, Motoblur son widgets para diversos temas como Eventos, Mensajes, Estado y Calendario donde se agrupa la información de forma global sea cual sea su procedencia. Tendremos en la carpeta de mensajes tanto los que recibamos de las redes sociales, amigos víaSMS y otros modos de comunicación.

Precio y disponibilidad

El Motorola Dext no tiene precio todavía pero sí sabemos que será Telefónica la que lo comercialice en España.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quien va para las finales???

Si queridos amigos…su servidora La Detestable para las finales del Blogger’s Match!!!!!

Primero que nada quiero agradecerle a mis padres por nunca detenerme cuando digo la verdad y dejarme ser una reverenda malcriada. Le quiero agradecer a los servicios de Costa Rica por suckear la mayoría de las veces y tambien a aquellos que no suckean tanto y así dan espacio para que yo tenga algo positivo que escribir.


Esta es mi competencia: El Burro de Licha.

Votaciones para la gran final del Blogger’s Match mañana a partir de las 9:00 am si no me equivoco.

De nuevo gracias a todos.

Is Twitter Worth a Billion Dollars?

Twitter, the micro-blogging company with no fully-disclosed revenue model, has reportedly raised around $100 million in private equity from T. Rowe Price and Insight Venture Partners, placing its total valuation at about one billion dollars. It’s Twitter’s responsibility to share its business plan with investors, but I see nothing but a new manifestation of the dot-com bubble. Call it a microbubble.

Board the hype machine and rewind back to 1996 when a hot start up company called Mirabilis revolutionized how people communicated with a technology known as “instant messaging,” compelling AOL to acquire it for $407 million. What payback did AOL receive on that bubble investment?

While is true that Twitter is not ICQ, and there is no doubt that it is under more pressure than ever to find a business model, it still hasn’t shown how it will pull in revenue. This week, executives ruled out running advertisements for the remainder of the year. What other rabbit is in its hat?

On the bright side, Twitter is a small company without high expenses, and its messaging platform is hugely popular (even though many of its users are sleepers). Maybe its management is more visionary than I am.

Also, Twitter would not receive financing if it did not have plans to spend it. I’m sure that AOL had grandiose plans for ICQ too. Instant messaging became a generic technology, and nothing has convinced me that the same thing will not happen to Twitter.

There are open source alternatives cropping up, as well as start-ups like eSwarm that have applied micro-blogging to solve different problems. Facebook has also invested more to soup up its Twitter-like events stream.

Twitter is looking far less distinctive than it did a year ago. Does anyone disagree?

8 ways to Facebook can keep you in touch!

So often social networking sites have been given a negative connotation, and have been scrutinized for making relationships more robotic. In a sense, social networking sites have created a sort of “stalker-like” stigma in pop culture. However, as a college student with friends in many different places, I found that Facebook has provided an outlet to help friendships last when distance gets in the way. Therefore, I have created this handy list of the 8 ways Facebook can help you stay in touch despite distance!

  1. Wall Posts/ Status Updates-  Saying a quick hello or even a reference to an inside joke is always a great way to let friends know they are not forgotten!
  2. Photo Sharing- Photos can give a great update on friend’s lives. I went on a road trip this summer and posted my pictures on Facebook, and the next day I had posts and messages from all sorts of friends asking about my trip.
  3. Gifts- It may be a virtual gift, but a gift is a gift!
  4. Events- Friends don’t necessarily have to physically attend to stay connected. Events such as “National Ice Cream Day” is usually appreciated by everyone!
  5. Groups/ Fan page suggestions- These are a great way for an entire group of friends to stay updated or relive old memories such as “high school gym class buddies”  or  “Emerson College Class of 2010″
  6. Applications- You can stay connected with friends likes and dislikes through Facebook apps. A favorite of mine is the iLike application, which allows users to have a playlist of their favorite music or concerts on their profile.
  7. Messaging- Rather than emails, Facebook allows you to send messages straight through the website and keeps the conversation in chat form, similar to Gmail. It really couldn’t get any easier to stay in touch with friends.
  8. Status updates- Updates are probably the easiest way to stay connected on a daily basis with friends and stay in the know. Filtering your homepage to get more updates from specific people really helps to keep the clutter off Facebook.

10 things to avoid when choosing a date

We all make mistakes, especially when it comes to love. Love can blind us to a person’s faults. In love’s darker moments, when confronted with warning signs that tell us blatantly that we shouldn’t be with this person we foolishly love, and that they are hurting us, we stubbornly choose to ignore them despite our better judgment.

Luckily, when we are faced with our own catastrophic mistakes, we can learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Falling for the wrong person is one of the biggest — and most painful — mistakes you can make in the game of love. You shouldn’t feel too bad if you’ve ever loved someone who ripped your heart out of your chest to use like a soccer ball. We’ve all been there, seriously. But from a person who’s been in that situation, I hope it never happens again and that we all learn from our mistakes. So, seasoned daters — here are 10 types of daters you should avoid at all cost to prevent future heartache. Pay attention to these red flags!

10. The workaholic

It takes a special kind of person to handle dating a workaholic. Either you can handle it, or you can’t. A workaholic will, 99.9% of the time, put you second to their work — and not only their work, but their boss, their co-workers, and everyone and everything else associated with that work. It’s not in the nature of a workaholic to spend hours gazing into your eyes and spending whole days in bed with you without getting jittery about working. Even if you marry a workaholic, this person will bring a Blackberry on the honeymoon and give it equal amounts of attention as you. Can you handle it? If you can’t, stay away.

9. The adult baby

Wah wah wah. Nothing worse than an adult baby! This person whines and complains about everything. They might also have an unnatural attachment to their mother/father/both parents as if they were still a child. Can you handle this level of immaturity? Adult babies are unbearably high-maintenance and require physically draining amounts of attention from the person they are with. Unless you get a serious kick out of playing mommy or daddy, avoid grown children.

8. The rampant flirt

Who can handle being in a relationship with someone who is constantly flirting with other people? Not only is this mind-bogglingly thoughtless and inconsiderate, but it’s straight-up annoying. If you get the sense that the person you’re dating is a flirt-a-holic with anyone other than you, kick ‘em to the curb and hit the road.

7. The mooch

If your date is mooching off your limited resources beyond the reasonable limit, you need to cut their mooching ways out of your life. Does this person conveniently ‘forget’ their wallet whenever you go out to each? Ask you to borrow money that is mysteriously never repaid? Pilfer things from your apartment without letting you know? Ask you blatantly for freebies, whether they be gifts, vacations, or anything else? Gross. Don’t date a mooch.

6. The angry one

Never date a person with anger management issues. People with anger issues are often masking deeper, darker issues, like cycles of abuse, whether they be emotional or physical. If you sense that the person you are with has a quick temper (exhibiting behavior such as road rage, anger at children or animals, irrational outbursts) tell them to seek professional help and then remove them from your life.

5. The jealous one

Jealous people are jealous because they want to control you. Jealousy is an emotion that correlates strongly with feelings of control, manipulation, and distrust. If you feel that your partner is overly jealous all the time, telling you who you can or cannot see, asking you where you’ve been, threatening people who approach you in bars with physical violence, you need to take a step back from the relationship ASAP. You cannot be with a person who does not trust you, bottom line.

4. The rude one

A little rudeness might just stem from ignorance. Maybe this person doesn’t know that tipping is customary, or that you shouldn’t elbow people standing in front of you if you want to pass. If rudeness is based on ignorance, simply inform the rude party that they ought to alter their behavior. However, if rudeness is endemic — that is to say, if the person in question is just plain rude by nature and won’t change their behavior, you shouldn’t date this person. If your friends can’t get along with the person you’re dating, that is a huge warning sign that you shouldn’t be dating that person in the first place.

3. The sexually confused

Do not date someone who is sexually confused. It will only further their sexual confusion and give you a huge, paranoid complex when it comes to relationships in the future. If you are dating someone who does not know if they are gay or straight, gently let this person know that they should hold off on dating anyone, gay or straight, until they figure things out.

2. The on-the-sly cheater

If you cheat once, you are much more likely to cheat again. This is not to say that cheaters cannot change their ways with enough willpower. I’m merely saying that if the person you are seeing has cycles of cheating behavior in their past relationships, perhaps it’s time to readjust where the two of you stand with one another. The best rule of thumb is to just not date people who’ve consistently cheated in past relationships. You don’t have to personally catch someone in the act to prove they are a cheater.

1. A sociopath

Don’t date a sociopath. Please.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

facebook as a Vetting Tool

This may come as a shock to some even though it should not, but many employers search social networking sites such as facebook as a vetting tool for prospective employees.  Students beware, because colleges and universities are now also getting in on the fray.  Most schools do not do this simply because they do not have the time.  Using facebook as a vetting tool tends be occur mostly in situations when there is heavy competition for a position or scholarship.  It can also be used to check out students who may be hired to represent a school in one manner or another such as a tour guide.  While some students have raised questions of ethics violations, there really is not any considering that the person freely made that information available in the first place.  For anyone concerned about privacy should do two things.  First, get to know the privacy features of facebook inside and out and make them as tight as possible while still allowing an acceptable level of interaction between you and your friends.  Second, as a rule of thumb, don’t post anything you would not want your grandmother to see.
Info drawn from
For any Indiana librarians who would like to find out more about social networking as a professional tool, consider attending the Fall meeting of the Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG).  “Hot or Not: Managing Your Digital Identity” is set for November 13th, 2009 at the Plainfield Public Library.   Included in the program will be a breakout session on managing privacy setting as well as one by myself on how to add your digital identity to your library website, using LibGuides as an example.  To find out more, go to

Senden başkası

Senden başkasını sevmem gülüm
Ölsem bir daha gelsem seni beklerim
Sen olmadan gözlerimi açmam,
Sen olmadan gülmem bu dünyaya

Sensiz bu dünya haram olur ne olur gitme,
Sensizlik ölümdür hayat var olan tek gerçek olsada,
Ebedi gerçegim sensin benim gülüm
Bu cümleler bile aciz kalır seni anlatmaya

İçimdeki senden başka sığdıramam diyarlara
O kadar değerlisinki ben kendimi unuttum,
Sen yok iken yanımda kendımı hep avuttum
Ey güzelim bir sen varsın sen olmazsan dünyam batsın

Sensizlikte ben varmıyım bir düşünki
Yaşarmıyım ben sana aşık ben sana deli dünyada boş gerisi,
Yaşamak senle başladı yoktu senden öncesi
Bitirir sanma ölüm aşkı ölüm aşkımızdan kaçtı

Ne engeller dolaştı sanma sevgım azaldı herşey cok değersiz
Tek degerli kalan sen eger bana sorarsan
Ya birgün sen ölürsen …?
Ölsem mahkemelerin en büyügünde sen,

Hesabım sen, sevabım sen, günahım sen,
Cennetim sen, cehennemim sen, her anımda sen varsın
Gülüm benim sana olan sevdam öyle büyük,
Benim sana olan aşkım öyle yüceki

Ben tarifini kuşlar haberini,
Ecel ayrılıgı hiç birşey bendeki seni yok edemez
Gülüm çünki ben aşkımı…
Göklere yaradan rabbime,
Ruhuma, bedenime, yüregime, canıma, cananıma,
En önemlisi her anımda bu dünyada ve mahşerde işlenen sevgime

O kadar değerlisinki ben kendimi unuttum
Sen yokken yanımda kendimi avuttum
Senin gözündeki ben ne kadar varım bilmem
Benim gözümdeki sen onu ben bile silemem.

Öyle bir yer açtınki benim büyük hayatıma
Bugünümde yarınımda sen var oldun her anımda
Anımda sabahımda sen olasın yanımda ne olur geriye bakma
Yaşa bu zamanında bu zaman ikimizin

Kimse ayıramaz eğer sende evet dersen
Bizi kimse tutamaz son sözlerim olsun bunlar
Anlattığım kadarıyla beni iste yeterki ben olurum yanında
Biliyorum sende benim kadar bunu istersen kopamayız birbirimizden

Yüreginden seversen ..
Yalan olan herşey senden öncesiydi herşeyim senden sonra doğdu ve varoldu
Evet şu fani dünyamda senden başkası yalan !
senle varoldum senle yok olur bu gönül gülüm ..

Seni çok seviyorum imkansızım !


@Lanet olası günlügün sayfaları 
Mustafa Erkilet

Just Browsing

The message from Facebook:  You may want to upgrade your browser. You’re using an old version of Internet Explorer to browse Facebook right now. Facebook will work better for you if you upgrade or switch to another browser.  (Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome)

The message from YouTube:  We will be phasing out support for your browser soon.
Please upgrade to one of these more modern browsers.  (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.5)

OK, I get it.  This is part of the Facebook/YouTube conspiracy to take over the world, right?  It’s not enough that they suck you in and make you spend hours at the computer when you meant to spend minutes.  Now they want to tell you how to run your computer.

So I upgraded the laptop to IE8, but I kept the desktop browser on IE7.  Why?

The message from NBC Remote Access: Use anything but Internet Explorer 7, and the Peacock will bite your ass.

 (The Peacock is very, very persuasive.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Warning: Facebook spam

If one of your friends on Facebook says something on your wall like, “You look funny in this pic” and attaches a link, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! I’m pretty sure that what happens is that when you click the link your Facebook account will be hacked and your Facebook account will post links like these to other peoples wall. I’m not saying that all the links on Facebook are spam, but still, keep on the lookout.

I know that this post is going to be really short but it’s just to warn you about this.

Crowdsourcing: Rocco DiSpirito, King of Shaves

Kitchen collaboration Twitter and Facebook are helping Rocco DiSpirito write his new cookbook. The media-savvy chef is turning to the social networks to help decide which dishes he should include in his new book, devoted to healthy versions of popular dishes. He’s asking fans directly for their opinions, like in this recent query: “How important is pulled pork and chocolate chip cookies to you for inclusion in my healthy food makeover cookbook?” Tweets and posts with suggestions came flowing back (with a strong pro-pork sentiment on Facebook). King of Shaves launches ‘Charles Darwin’ TV campaign funded by customer bond King of Shaves is launching a £1m TV ad this week, following a three-month fundraising campaign. In June, founder Will King asked 5,000 consumers to each lend the company £1,000, with the aim of raising £5m. The TV ad, featuring Charles Darwin and a monkey, will promote the brand’s Azor razor. The campaign uses the tagline ‘Shaveolution’.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Contagious Concentration Consumption

This is serious, don’t tell Lisa.

I’ve only written a couple of thousand words over the past (ahem) several days. I’m not sure exactly how many days, but since my goal was 1,000/day, I am in serious word count debt. Perhaps there is a government program to help me. A word bank would be great; perhaps a nice word tax credit.

The problem is, as best I can tell, Contagious Concentration Consumption, or CCC. This is not to be confused with the CDC or writer’s block, although the trio are more closely related than anyone would like to admit. It is also not in the same category as conjunctivitis; however, I would gladly settle for a good old case of pinkeye-excuse right about now.

Remember, whatever you do, don’t tell Lisa. If she gets wind that I have been word-slacking (again) she will penalize me. And then: no shoe shopping research, no editing excursion, no nothing. I will be back to sitting in bed, playing computer games and drooling in my oatmeal, waiting for a blizzard to drive me insane, like Jack Nicolas in “The Shining.” That’s if we’re lucky.

Plus, there’s the contagious part – if Lisa, who barely survived that last bout of writer’s block, catches it, we’ll Never Finish. You will have to suffer this blog forever with no hope of salvation.

So remember, mum’s the word. Although “odoriferous” is kind of funny too, I used that one today in a private message on facebook. You know who you are.

Peace out.

The OBAMA Enemies List. The Largest In World History Being Created

White House Plan to Mine Social Networks is Dangerous Because of Scope, Secrecy and Context. We are happy that our August 31 report on the White House New Media operation to harvest data from social network websites is finally getting some attention. We unearthed the fact that this office is seeking a vendor capable of conducting a massive data harvesting operation, prompting concerns that the White House is seeking to identify friends and enemies.

When we posted our story, we received so many hits that it took down our server and forced us to move to a more powerful machine, but we received scant print and electronic media coverage. Today, the Washington Times covered the story on its front page, above the fold. Drudge and Lucianne linked to the story, giving it high visibility.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Πώς θα ήταν το αποτέλεσμα αν ψηφίζαμε στο Facebook

Πώς θα ήταν το αποτέλεσμα αν ψηφίζαμε στο Facebook – InOut

Δύο εφαρμογές που φέρουν τον τίτλο «Εκλογές 2009» και «Ψηφίζω 2009» της πιο διάσημης ιστοσελίδας κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, επιχειρούν να δώσουν το στίγμα του εκλογικού αποτελέσματος της 4ης Οκτωβρίου. Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία που έχει αποτυπώσει μέχρι στιγμής το Facebook, το 54,14% του δείγματος των ψηφοφόρων (σε σύνολο 112.208 χρηστών) ανήκει στην «ευαίσθητη», όπως την αποκαλούν, ηλικία των 18 έως 25 ετών. Το 32,07% είναι ηλικίας μεταξύ 25-35 ετών, ενώ το 10,32% μεταξύ 35 έως 45 ετών.[next]

Νέα μορφή ReTweet στο Twitter

Νέα μορφή ReTweet στο Twitter

Είναι πολύ σύνηθες στο Twitter να επαναλαμβάνουμε το tweet κάποιου άλλου χρήστη που μας έκανε εντύπωση ή μας άρεσε. Βέβαια σε όλο αυτό το σκηνικό υπήρχε μια «Βαβυλώνα» απόψεων και χρήσεων. Η σύγχυση αυτή δημιουργείτε γιατί δεν υπάρχει προκαθορισμένος τρόπος υποβολής-έκθεσης του retweet. Άτυπα έχει καθιερωθεί να προστίθεται το RT στην αρχή του tweet ακολουθούμενο από το όνομα του χρήστη και στην συνέχεια το tweet του. Είδε αυτή την ανάγκη η ομάδα ανάπτυξης του Twitter και απλοποίησε τα πράγματα. Πλέον σε κάθε tweet θα υπάρχει επιλογή για retweet. Έτσι με ένα απλό πάτημα είμαστε έτοιμοι χωρίς αλχημείες.[next]

Saturday, September 19, 2009


“Flera personer var inblandade i bråket och polisen har signalement på några av dem, men ville på lördagsmorgonen inte gå ut med det.”

Källa :GP

Märkligt ,jag trodde polisen ville ha hjälp utav allmänheten, vad kan ligga bakom detta att man inte vill gå ut med signalement när man har sådana.Alla vet att ju längre tid det förfluter i en brottsutredning ju svårare blir det att klara upp brottet.

Less than 12 hours!

I believe that we are due to fly out in approximately 9 hours, 47 minutes and a questionable number of seconds! The next update will therefore be sent to you all from Uganda! How exciting!

I’m sure I’m not the only one do a last-minute double check of the contents of my bag. Have I packed this? Did I forget that? Are all my batteries charged? Did I water the plants? (well, ok, I don’t have any plants to water… but you get my point). Of course, if anyone has forgotten anything important, Murphey’s Law will mean that it won’t be remembered until the plane is trundling down the runway!

Speaking of last minute additions, Auscanuga now has a Facebook page! Which means, If you add us you will know when we update the blog. Handy hey?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Facebook Friends

Facebook has become quite the phenomenon. So many repeat, addicted users blabbering away to people that they would have never thought of again in their lives if they wouldn’t have shown up on Facebook…

It’s an odd situation. In the past, a normal person would have maybe 20 non-family members that were a regular part of their lives… people that they normally converse with, think about, and communicate in a non-business way.

But now, there a people that have hundreds of “friends” on Facebook… Of these hundreds, there are, again a handfull that you would never think of if they didn’t occasionally pop something up on their “wall”. And even then, it’s a stimulus/response relationship where you are stimulated, and you respond… or, you simply ignore and move on.

I hear people talking about how crazy it is that people just belch out the banal details of their day to day lives to a bunch of consumers (the people that just troll for updates) and a few providers ( the ones that add content.)

They all say “why would you do that? What’s the point? These are poeple that you haven’t seen or heard from in decades, why do you care now?”

I don’t really have a good answer to that… but, every once in awhile… an old friend will pop up. Someone that you haven’t heard from in a really long time. And you get the opportunity to reconnect realizing the hole that was left that just got filled.

Technology ... is doing my head in

Alright I am still waiting patiently for my business name approval but have started making in roads into getting everything set up so that when that approval comes I can just push a button and have instant orders done and get business cards etc done as well as publish website and have twitter and facebook and blog or connected to optimise exposure to give me greatest chance of sucess… also I really should learn my grammar again that was one long sentence lol… twitter has me totally confused so I am totally confusing my facebook friends with weird status etc and anyone that follows this blog the twitter updates are on the side to confuse you all too hopefully I will get it all undercontrol by business start up time.

I did not get a phone call yesterday so am guessing I did not win any awards in the Busselton Wildflower Photo Competition will drop in before work to see who did win etc.

Havent been to work for two weeks because of being sick last weekend so should be interesting and be nice to catch up with all the new release movies to dvd.. stay tuned for a few reviews.. now if i could work out to get the facebook flixster application linked to here lol that would be good.

okay now I must away and actually do some housework inbetween website setting up… enjoy your day all xxx

P.s.  if anyone wants to follow me on twitter my name is under ..  cozmist  and facebook I am under my full name.. coralie plozza

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Updated Information For Printing Facebook Photos Using Snapfish

I do not know for sure whether other people are having this same problem, although information I have received seems to point to the fact that the issue is indeed widespread.

In my experience, as of late, the “add to cart” function freezes when trying to order photos from Facebook using Snapfish. I have tried several times to order pictures over the past few days and have found that each time I click “add to cart” nothing happens. Then, if you click the “add to cart” button again it whites out and still nothing happens.

The reaction of the customer service representative I spoke with is what led me to believe that others are having the same problem. Here is a dramatized version of the conversation:

Snapfish: Hello. My name is Alkjasdf. How can I help you today?

Me: Yes, I’m having problems with adding Facebook pictures to my cart on Snapfish. I just want to order some pictures and your website won’t let me do it.

Snapfish: Oh. (long pause) What is your email address? That is being handled by our technicians and I will have to forward your request to them.

Me: When will I hear from them?

Snapfish: You should hear from them within 2-3 business days.

In other words, I’ll hear from them in the “near” future because they’re fixing the website functionality because it’s broken.

This malfunction comes at a particularly inconvenient time since I am trying to take advantage of the free shipping  they have offered as an extended Labor Day promotion.

If this is the case with you, I encourage you to contact Snapfish Customer Support. One reason in particular is that they will send you another coupon for free shipping when the problem is fixed. The reason behind this being that, at the moment, no one trying to order prints from Facebook can use the coupon since they can’t even get the images into the cart in the first place.

Their phone number can be hard to find, but I have it here if you should need it: 1-800-634-4500

There are no other articles or help suggestions in their FAQs, so calling is the best way to go about it.  As we have said in past articles, sometimes you just need to talk to a real human being.

Backup App for iPhone and Blackberry

Pro Softnet Corporation, a Storage-as-a-Service provider, has announced updates to its IDrive Lite application for iPhone and Blackberry. IDrive Lite allows users to backup their contacts on their mobile devices to their accounts into the cloud.

The company says the service enables restores from anywhere in the event of data loss. In addition, it also grants access via any browser to manage your contacts. Options also include importing from popular social networking sites such as Facebook.

“It was important to provide a solid online backup utility for the mobile platforms and IDrive Lite is an endeavor in that direction. Our development team is continually working to enhance device compatibility and cross-platform restores. We are also working toward including more types of data in the backup process such as calendar information and notes,” said Raghu Kulkarni, CEO of Pro Softnet Corp.

Recent updates include reliability and performance fixes to both the iPhone and the Blackberry version. Additionally, if registered under the same account, it will allow users to restore contacts from a different device, a tool if one is upgrading from an earlier version of the device to a newer one, or switching between an iPhone and a Blackberry. 

And IDrive Lite continues to be a free service, according to the company.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Internal Networking in organisations

Social Networks can be regarded from two view points. Firstly the online community is creating their personal network with friends, friends of friends and other people users are sharing private interests. On the other hands business networks provide opportunities to stay in contact with colleagues, find interesting contacts and maybe find the job of dreams. In short words Facebook is the fun of networking, LinkedIn is for career opportunities.

But what are the advantages and the drawbacks of employees using Social networks? Are companies concerned about the time their staff is spending on Social Networks while working?

From my point of view Social networks provide a great opportunity to stay connected even when time is scarced to interact with people in real life. It takes only a few seconds to keep contacts up to date. This applies for private contacts as well as for business contacts.

Here is a list of benefits for companies which engage in Social Networking from an internal point of view (no advertising)

- Find possible job candidates

- Better networking of employees

- Share knowledge and interesting knowledge sources

- More innovation

Even if most social networkers are enthusiastic users some pitfalls are fact and have to be considered:

- All information published by users are open for the whole bunch of the internet with all the positive and negative aspects

- Possible job candidates are scanned by new employers

- Employees might spend too much time on Social Networks

- Do you really want to let your superior know what you did last weekend?

- Phishing

- Spam

Most concerns regarding Social Networks are due to the data openess and the internet criminality. But if users publish their data carefully (most Social Networks provide the possibility to share certain data only with connections), users can profit from the benefits of Social networks, have fun and build up a professional network.

The following issues have to be considered with Social Computing in business:

- Lack of social media literacy amongst workers.

- Social software is still perceived as too risky to use for core business activities.

- Need to prove ROI before there will be support for social software.

- The needs of community management.


If Facebook were a person, it would have wet dreams about Twitter. It’s like Zach Galafianakis’ character in the Hangover, always trying to be like Brad Cooper. ‘But, Facebook’ I would say, ‘you’re so great on your own. You don’t need to be like anyone else but yourself!’ Facebook does not listen.

What a poser.

First there was the much ranted about, less user friendly FB changes from earlier in the spring where the alterations to more of a microblog news feed made it much more Twitter-esque (I should be drawn and quartered for saying that). Now the latest twitbook update has the use of the @ symbol to tag your friends. Sure it’s a cool idea, but I’m quite the anti-fan of being in the follower market.  If you chase the trends all you are is a follower. Do something new and make your own trends. Facebook used to be there until Twitter started getting headlines and that’s when they started being the follower and making changing it’s general format to become more like Twitter. Or that’s how it seemed.

Whatever you think about this perception, followers are lame. Just ask Family Guy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Family Feud!

Let’s play Family Feud!

The At Home Version

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE MY ANSWERS. Copy and paste this message to a new note. Erase my answers and fill in your answers. Tag 10 of your friends and send it back to me. Remember, you can’t use the same answer as the person who sent it to you… (Stolen from FaceBook)

1. Name something you use in the shower?


2. Name a product for men?


3. Name something people hate to find on their windshield?


4. Name something a man might buy before a date?


5. What is another word for blemish?


6. Something you cook in the microwave?

Hot Pockets!

7. Name a piece of furniture people need help moving?


8. Name a reason a younger man might like an older woman?

Cougar fetish!

9. Name something a dog does that embarrasses it’s owner?

Pee on the floor

10. Name a kind of test you cannot study for?

Blood test

11. Name something a boy scout gets a badge for?


12. Name a phrase with the word home in it?

Home sweet home

13. Name a sport where players lose teeth?


14. Name something a teacher can do to ruin a student’s day?

Give him an F

15. What is a way you can tell someone has been crying?

Makeup runs

16. Name a bird you wouldn’t want to eat?

Pigeon **shudder**

17. Name something someone would wear with a hole in it?

Underwear! (it needs 3 holes to put it on!)

18. Name something that gets smaller the more you use it?


Mon Sept 14, 09 Kanye being a stone cold biotch

Patrick Swayze dies and Kanye West interupted his death and said Jackson’s was the best this year… rude and he was dissin taylor swift at the VMAs

I’ve got a story for tomorrow about FB trying to eliminate Twitter by something I noticed tonight with status updates

Follow me on twitter @danielawesome12 or click here

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Leave a comment telling me what tomorrow’s song should be

Today’s song is single ladies by beyoncé

Monday, September 14, 2009

Companies are Concerned about the Risks of Social Media

As blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media tools have moved into the mainstream in a big way, managers at many companies are responding with interest … as well as concern. On the “interest” side, social networking is seen as having great potential for enhancing relationships with customers and promoting brand affinity. But there’s also “concern” that social media has the potential to damage a company’s reputation through the dissemination of information that is unflattering, taken out of context, or simply wrong.

Now, thanks to a July 2009 national survey of nearly 500 management, marketing and HR executives conducted by Minneapolis-based firms Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, we have a more quantitative idea of the collective corporate thinking about pluses and minuses of social media.

Four out of five respondents in the Russell Herder/Ethos field research believe that social media can help build a company’s brand. In addition, nearly 70% see social media as a viable employee recruitment tool, while two out of three recognize its potential as a customer service tool.

But the survey also found that over 80% of respondents believe that social media poses a corporate security risk. Similarly, half of the respondents consider social media to be detrimental to employee productivity.

These findings show that senior company managers are somewhat ambivalent about social media. They see its positive potential … but at what cost? On the other hand, is shutting the door on social media a wise response (or even a viable one)?

One solution to this dilemma is to be found in dusting off an old standby – the employee handbook. In many companies, policies have evolved over the years to cover pretty much every kind of issue – from what constitutes approved and non-approved workplace activities, attendance policies, and conducting personal business during office hours to policies regarding alcohol consumption, gender/age/racial discrimination, and sexual harassment.

Why not incorporate new guidelines outlining the company’s philosophy toward social media and what constitutes appropriate company-related social media activities on the part of employees?

While it may also be a very good idea to conduct meetings or training sessions on social media as well, this a good first step that will give employees a sense of the “boundaries” they should observe when commenting on company-related issues in the social media realm.

The alternative is a “Wild West” atmosphere in which a problem is destined to arise sooner rather than later. And when that occurs, if no formal social media policies are in place, the company will have no cause for defending itself in the court of public opinion – as well as little recourse for disciplining in addition to counseling the employees involved.

Readings 1: Digital Photography and Social Networking

  • In reading Danah Boyd’s first article on “Viewing American class division…” I felt as though she lacked a lot of professionalism. Although she warns it’s primarily ‘just what she sees,’ I felt she some of her points were made crudely. As a result, I instantly questioned her authority on the subject she was writing.
  • Ironically,  in reading “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?,” she instantly spoke with a poise and credibility she otherwise did not imply in her first article. So this had me curious as to why someone with a PhD would publish something publicly that was too casual for comfort?
  • In Friend Game, the very popular story around Megan’s suicide is discussed at looked at. This event to me has always been very ‘on the fence,’ so to speak. In reading about it more closely, one must wonder is this story a one time horror story or is it foreshadowing?
  • “Here I am Taking My Own Picture,” is an excellent article, however it’s nothing ground breaking to me. As an experienced myspace/facebook user, I was never a stranger to self portraits that would be unique/creative/above the rest.  Personally, I feel the older generations are just exposing things that anyone who’s been involved already knows.


  1. When looking at Danah Boyd’s “Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and Myspace,” did you feel there was her OWN racial/socio-economic bias throughout the article?
  2. Why do you think there were such different tones in how Danah Boyd makes her point in her readings “Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and Myspace,” and “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?”
  3. After reading, “Animal Game,” who do you think is really responsible for Megan’s suicide?
  4. In “Here I Am Taking My Own Picture,” they raise the point that facebook/myspace profile pictures are less photography and more about communication: how do you feel about that?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How lame can you be?

Height of lameness

Click the photo to enlarge(opens in a new window/tab).

This is a partial screenshot of one of my friend’s Facebook profile. The lameness that he has shown is that he is using a Facebook app to measure his height. God! What has world come to? I seriously do not get it. Why is it that people have so much of time in the world that they can become stupid enough to use an application like this. (Even worse! Some geeks are lame enough to write such an application!!!)

What’s stupid is that he and his friend (whose name is hidden, for privacy reasons) are even comparing their results and finding reasons why they are not so tall or whatever!

I have deliberately hidden the names and faces of all people in this screenshot, because I know that if my friend sees his mugshot on this blog he will kill me. LOL Only my face is not hidden because as you will see on enlarging it, my face is hardly visible

Facebook is full of such stupid applications. It’s like they are being targeted towards the teens yet people in their 20s, 30s and 40s are also using them. When you have applications trying to tell you ‘how awesome you are‘ then you can imagine what tricks they try to use to keep their users hooked to it.

This somehow reminds me of Lamebook, the site where you can find all the stupid and lame remarks of Facebook users.

Anyways, readers please comment! What is the lamest, stupidest and crappiest Facebook app you have ever come across?



Nog för att jag är ganska lättpåverkad av grupptryck, men kom igen. Som jag brukar säga: “Bara för att du är en karaktär betyder det inte att du har karaktär.”

Som vanligt är jag ganska sen med starten. Jag har försökt hålla mig borta så länge jag kunnat, men förr eller senare var det dags att hänga på ändå. Det har hela tiden varit förutspått. Detta helvetes beroende. Även om det bara handlar om några minuter åt gången så blir det ju flera gånger om dagen!

Självklart pratar jag om Farmville.

Man kan helt inte få nog. Man måste in och kolla till sin gård, djur och växter säkert 4 gånger om dagen!


Vi hamnade på läktaren på Örvallen hemma i Sundbyberg på Baseballmatchen mellan Korea och Nederländska Antillerna.

Måste ju erkänna att den bar inte lika händelserik som om man tittar på MLB på Viasat Sport eller liknande, men det var riktigt kul att se ! Det känns ganska stort att kvalen till Baseball VM hålls i Sundbyberg ! Av alla ställen !

Det är nästan så att man blir lite sugen på att själva ställa sig på plattan och svinga på !


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Recuento rápido del día

Este es un post recopilatorio de un montón de enlaces y cosas interesantes que me encontré hoy, tumbado en casa, incapaz de salir porque me habían suspendido de la escuela y no quería tentar más a la suerte, y para no armar un post de cada cosa, aquí va:

>Si eres como yo y vives en mexico donde todavía falta hasta octubre a que se estrene District 9, puedes bajarla de este post-> ENLACE .Comprobado que se ve re bien, audio original y con subtitulos en español neutro.

>descarga el nuevo disco filtrado de pearl jam aqui

>ve el sitio de neave y sus juegos y proyecto de weird television

>reseña e historia de la canción jesus blood has not failed me yet por @srpinto en su blog. muy recomendada.

>facebook lanzó un notificador de escritorio para que te avise (vaya redundancia) de lsa notificaciones que te lleguen en tu perfil sin tener la página abierta en el navegador. Sólo para MacOSX.

>aprende sobre las tipografías usadas en las páginas web más importantes (twitter, youtube, google, facebook, etc) en este enlace

>ya salió el segundo trailer de twilight new moon (esto solo lo hago por más visitas la verdad hahaha) aquí:

>mira este video donde @tyrexito nos muestra su último cuaderno de bocetos muy creativo el chamaco.

>ve el outro (clip final cuando acabas el juego) de The Beatles Rockband aqui

>y visita los demás post de On the Van nunca sabrás cuál será el próximo post causa de otra suspensión ;P


He's just not that into you...

I’m just sad…

Do you have any idea what it takes me (woman of 10 years of singledom) to finally let someone in to my heart? It’s brutal on the men that encounter me. Some can handle it. Some can’t. Some harden towards me, and most of the time when I’m finally “ready”, my window of opportunity with them has already passed. And, so I’m here tonight after I got my “feelings” hurt AGAIN. Sure it doesn’t help that one my fantastic and most joyous quarterly cycle is here… I’ve done some funky things. I’ve shut him out when I didn’t feel like I was getting what I want and deserve. I actually at one point went back to my ex that I thought I was in love with because AGAIN I wasn’t getting all that I needed. Then, I accidentally popped back into his life. And, you’re probably thinking, “What is this girl’s deal? She has clearly shunned him. What does she expect?” Well, funny you asked…

I’m a woman. I want what I want when I want it! Dang it! So, about 3 months ago, I arrived at the reality that I couldn’t get what I wanted and needed unless I was willing and able to give it. And on my clock (my clock specifically and NOT his), I decided that it was now time to give 100%, all the walls were coming down, all my eggs were gonna go in one big, stinkin’ basket… And I’ve done what I set out to do. I opened up. I showed my weaknesses. I was NOT alway Positive Polly. I clearly defined my intentions and my feelings. I became “vulnerability station”. And while I’m a giver and genuinely grasp that joy of being in the moment, I sometimes so very much hope and expect that at least a minuscule portion of those steps in the right direction are reciprocated.

It’s a terrible curse to expect people to be on the same level. (I’m working on that..) I’m here, drowning in the repetition and redundancy of begging for more from him, less surface, increased depth, the “real” him. And as ridiculous as it may sound, I got upset that even after the past 8 crazy months, he refused to even label us “committed” and much less “boyfriend/girlfriend”. Yes, I remember all the starts and stops I played on him. But I’ve been ready for a while now! The hardness had dissipated! I was open again, and that was beautiful…  :)

Then, I felt even more crazy when I saw his Facebook that I had asked to be invited to and was still not on (no pics of him and I) that had him and at least a 1/2 dozen cozied up women pictures. And I cringed! But it was really because I was hurt. I wanted to be special. I wanted to be the one he showed off. I want to be the light that guideth his patheth. JK (Well, really, I’m not.) I called him on it, and he was more defensive than I’ve ever seen him. And it just hurt more, and I masked it with anger and resentment.

And a month went by, and he left for a tropical vacation for 9 days of which I only heard from him twice… And he got home, and it was awkward. I felt disconnected. He’s not the type to open up. (Hello! Red flag!) Why am I even wasting on time with someone who doesn’t want to talk to me, or might not even be CAPABLE of it? It’s a mystery. Please, someone with reason and sanity and wisdom, I beg you- comment on this blog. No, REALLY. So, he posts pics from the trip, and they are all very tame, certainly not including scantily clad women. His buddy, however, goes a different route and posts the real pics. I see them tonight, ONLY because I was trying to post another blog entry to help his business and give him PR because he is struggling immensely financially. And I don’t ever even go to his Facebook. I haven’t been there since he got back from the trip.

Now not only are those pics up, but there is still NOTHING of me… The excuse before was that the pics of “us” were on a different computer. It’s been a month now, and it hasn’t been a priority. Frankly, between you and I, I wouldn’t have cared if ones of me were STILL not there until I saw the pictures of MORE women and him. And I just lost it. I don’t know if I’m justified. Is this just karma? I so care for him, but I just feel like a nag. I can’t win. I can’t get what I want. How long do I wait? Do I punish myself and stay here because I wish I had done things differently? Or do I draw the line because I have standards? My most wonderful grandmother has always said, “You will NEVER find the right one unless you get rid of the wrong one.”

Confused and sad and emotional I am… Advice? So after all that, my general take on his lackadaisical treatment towards me is the he is just NOT that into me…


Friday, September 11, 2009

Farmville Follies on Facebook

You know how sometimes you just sit at the computer with a cup of lukewarm coffee at hand, idly clicking on your Favorites and checking eMail every three minutes? “Oh look! New mail! Somebody likes me !!” It’s a stream of consciousness sort of thing: you’re neither creating nor destroying– you’re simply THERE, at one with a buzzing pile of silicon and pixels which have somehow been recreated into something that we think is vital. (I mean, you STILL need a phone to dial 911.)

Facebook, as I’ve mentioned in these pages, is a sort of addictive medium in which you can spy on your friends’ doings, mainly because they’ve bothered to post minutely about what they’re actually doing: “I’m making toast … trouble… lasagna. I’m home now… sleeping now… awake now. I’m tired… sleepy… comatose with ennui.”

It doesn’t stop there, however; to keep you even more firmly lashed to its moorings, Facebook has contracted with, the makers of Farmville, to offer its pastoral charms to the masses. Now you can be a farmer without ever having to step in anything gushy, or even leaving your city apartment.

I’m still trying to figure out the point of it all, but basically you start out with a piece of property that you plant crops on. Then you harvest and sell them for more than you paid. Then you buy MORE crops, and the process repeats itself. You can gain more farm coins and credits by buying into the $$$ offers that Farmville partners with, but so far I haven’t had to go that route. (Has anybody? I’d like to know!)

Yes. I’ve managed to plant fields of wheat and squash and artichokes, and have then been able to sell them all at a profit. Right now I’m waiting for my wheat to ripen so that I can sell it all and then invest in even MORE cotton than I’ve already got planted. I’ve always wanted to be Ashley Wilkes! (Scarlett O’Hara was in lust with him, but he probably had sour stomach and sties– it WAS 1861, after all. Who was healthy then? I ask you.)

The thing with Farmville is that your Facebook friends who are also involved with the game begin to send you things: trees… cows… chickens… and the occasional black sheep. The cows and chickens give milk and lay eggs, respectively, helping you to accumulate points so that you can buy even MORE animals and crops. It’s like a Ponzi scheme for the Ma and Pa Kettle set.

And there must be hidden tricks or something: my second cousin Lisa intimated something about harvesting crops even more wuickly by having your Farmer character stand on a bale of hay. So far I have not been able to make that happen. Maybe I have to press Alt or something? Who knows? As it is, when it is time to harvest, my little farmer avatar runs up and down the furrows frantically, magically turning ripened crops into coins… which I can then use to till fields… which I can then plant with even MORE crops. It’s endless. I actually wake up at 6 AM wondering if my crops have turned to mush, which is what happens when you forget to harvest.

It must satisfy something in my city-bred brain, because the closest I ever got to farm life was when I came home from school one day, looking for our dog Bow Wow. “Oh, we took him to a farm,” I was told. “He’ll be happier there.” Hmm. He’d seemed perfectly happy peeing on fire hydrants and chasing waterbugs down the alley… but who was I to question? I was only seven year sold. “We took him to a farm.” Yeah, right… you mean he BOUGHT the farm!

A word about the Farmville farmer avatars: you can design them to your liking, and I swear that each and every one of the 35 million– yes– players has manufactured an avatar in his or her wishful likeness: mine has a full shock of blond hair; a little pug nose; fetching ears; a puckered smile; and a wiggle in his walk. That’s on a good day. When I really have an attitude, and crops to get in before dark, my avatar has a beehive; Harlequin glasses; a mole; fishnet stockings; and a cigarette dangling from its mouth. “Get the damn chickens outta my way,” I snarl. “I got artichokes to bring in!”

And all so I can buy and sell more  artichokes.


Facebook: 65 million users connect through mobile devices

Reprinted from

By Mike Swift

Posted: 09/09/2009 05:31:39 PM PDT

Updated: 09/10/2009 08:17:04 AM PDT

Facebook says more than 65 million people around the world now regularly use a mobile device to access the social network, more than triple the number who connected through a smart-phone or other mobile device nine months ago.

That number of regular monthly mobile users likely makes the social networking giant one of the world’s most popular mobile Internet sites, Facebook and analysts said, and executives with the Palo Alto company said this week that mobile is emerging as a key to continuing the rapid growth of Facebook’s global footprint.

But just how Facebook will capitalize on that growth remains to be seen.

While the bulk of Facebook’s mobile users are in the U.S, Canada and Britain, executives said this week that the number of people connecting to Facebook Mobile is also growing rapidly in developing countries such as Indonesia, which has the fourth-largest number of Facebook Mobile users.

“We’re working with almost every country on the planet,” said Henri Moissinac, head of Facebook Mobile, “except North Korea.”

In the U.S., analysts say the growing popularity of the iPhone and other smart-phones is a big source of growth for Facebook Mobile. The company Tuesday released a version of Facebook for Google’s Android mobile operating system, having released a free iPhone application in the spring, as well as versions for BlackBerry and Nokia smart-phones.

Facebook Mobile launched in 2006, a simple mobile site in English with a few basic features, such as status updates and photo uploads. As recently as December 2008, Facebook’s two mobile sites — one for any mobile browser and one for smart-phones such as the iPhone — had about 20 million mobile users. Facebook’s mobile sites are now translated into more than 60 languages, and the company does business with 180 mobile phone operators worldwide.

What Facebook has yet to do, said Karsten Weide, an analyst who follows online advertising with the research firm IDC, is to demonstrate how the rapid growth in the number of its mobile and Web-only users will translate into the kind of advertising revenue that justifies recent valuation estimates as high as $10 billion.

“Facebook’s strategy is, we’ll get the eyeballs first; we’ll drown out everybody else, and then we’ll figure out how to monetize that,” Weide said. But in terms of realizing the kind of advertising revenue that would justify such large valuations from that strategy, “I’m skeptical,” Weide said.

Moissinac acknowledged that Facebook sees mobile at this point primarily as a means to attract new members, rather than a source of revenue. “The goal is to drive engagement,” he said. “We want Facebook to be in your life — it’s always on.”

Knowing exactly how Facebook Mobile compares to other mobile services is difficult, because analysts are still developing tools to measure mobile use. But Facebook said that if Facebook Mobile were a standard Web site, it would be the 31st largest on the Internet.

Moissinac said mobile users as a group are twice as engaged as Web-only users, spending more time sharing photos, writing on their friends’ walls or doing status updates.

As to why Facebook is so popular in Indonesia, an equatorial island archipelago in the Pacific that is the world’s largest Muslim country with 237 million people, Moissinac shrugged.

“The TV is crappy?” he said.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Technology Hates Me

I don’t think anyone knows what it feels like to be hated by technology.

Just a simple daily routine of those that suffer the despise of technology:

First you wake up in the morning to look at your blackberry and you’d have to press the unlock button a gazillion times until it actually opens. More struggles into checking things. You go downstairs and you look for your laptop’s charger. You get pissed at whoever misplaced it. finally, you find it hidden in somewhere you would’ve never thought of – just because it wants to annoy you (the charger – it hides in that place on purpose).

You turn on the laptop, and you go on Facebook. Facebook chat is open and people start talking and the browser freezes and you’d have to close all tabs – including those that you were using for purely study-purposes. You get pissed and you decide you don’t want to use Firefox anymore. But hey, you’ve already decided you didn’t want to use Internet Explorer or Safari because you had issues with them before anyway.

You download Google Chrome (thanking God there’s a new web browser you haven’t had a fight with already). Of course, you have issues installing it.

You then decide that Facebook might be too risky at first. You try to log in to your WordPress account (which you had trouble doing using Firefox) and, surprise! You can’t log in from Google Chrome either. You’ve had posts saved on your computer piling up, and you still can’t post them.

You get pissed, as usual, and decide I don’t want to study physics anymore! So you try to find ways to procrastinate, and you go on YouTube. Well, another surprise! Videos don’t work.

You think that this may be a sign you should go back to physics, so you go on Gmail to chat with your physics buddy and ask her questions of things you need to know. Ah well, you’ve already gotten used to this by now. Gmail chat is not working. Your mind brings your blog back to thought, and you think, hey, why not contact WordPress support? You look for it, and don’t find it. You decide you want to try Skype, but your friend says every time she adds you it says you’re unavailable.

You get pissed and you decide you need consultation from your geek friend, so you try to use your super-awesome Blackberry to bbm her, and ha! Your Blackberry stops working. No bbm, no internet browsing, no sending (or receiving) emails, no text messaging, not even calling.

You think of contacting STC, but ah well, you already know the end of that so you don’t even bother.

You just go on stupid Facebook again and write stuff on her wall.

You find out that your friend’s Facebook account was abused by her friend and she read all the things you wrote for her.

You curse your life and the day technology was born.

I know, being hated by technology sucks.


Update your status on Facebook when you fall in a well

Too much social media can be a bad thing. Two girls lost in a stormwater drain in Adelaide, Australia, updated their Facebook status instead of calling emergency services.

It’s not clear how much danger the 10- and 12-year old girls were in. Australia’s ABCNews describes them as both “lost” and “trapped”, but it’s possible that they felt no imminent danger. Nonetheless, the Metropolitan Fire Service expressed concern that the youngsters, equipped with phones, would raise the alarm on Facebook rather than calling 000, the Australian equivalent of 911.

The 10- and 12-year-old girls updated a Facebook status to say they were lost in a drain on Honeypot Road. Glenn Benham from the MFS says it was fortunate a young friend was online at the time and was able to call for help for them.

“It is a worry for us because it causes a delay on us being able to rescue the girls,” he said.

“If they were able to access Facebook from their mobile phones, they could have called 000, so the point being they could have called us directly and we could have got there quicker than relying on someone being online and replying to them and eventually having to call us via 000 anyway.”


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The New Generation of American Farmers

According to census data, there was a drop of over 350,000 farms in America between 1978 and 2002. From my own genealogical research, I know that most of my ancestors in the 19th century were farmers. In the present generation, however, not a single one (my mom even somehow managed to kill the tomato plant growing in her space-age upside-down Topsy Turvy contraption).

But now there is a resurgence of agriculture for the modern age – online!

That’s right, the farm of the 21st century exists as ones and zeros. Technological advances by a state-of-the-art laboratory called Zynga now allow you, the humble internet citizen to grow acres of ripe, delicious, fresh produce right in your Facebook profile. This highly sophisticated program is called Farmville, and using breakthroughs in nanotechnology and matter-energy conversion, you can turn your spare time into virtual strawberries and cabbages – and your money into barns and peach trees!

Our forefathers would be proud of our cunning ingenuity.


The new one - Liam

Hrm. Liam.

Met you at a bar, I was actually on a “date” with Brian and I started dancing with you and secretly bought you a drink. We’ve been on two dates now in 2 weeks, and I’m not sure I like that. Sure, I am busy with the others, but youre supposed to be calling me incessently with a strong desire to see me soon. Is it you playing hard to get, or are you uninterested? I prefer not to think that you are uninterested, because Im not used to that. No one is uninterested in me, so therefore, youre my new project. Im going to make sure you fall hard for me, now I just have to figure out how.

We’ve got a date coming up this Friday, HOW do I get you to be smitten? I’ve looked at your Facebook thouroughly, yet I still cant figure you out. You’re not even that hot, so Im still shocked that youre not chasing me. I mean, youre cute, but…Ive certainly done better. You drive a Honda for God sakes. A HONDA. I shouldnt be milling about this, but yet I find that I constantly do.

Fuck, I need to hurry up and get back to work SOON – or things like this will consume me. Ive seen the new men that I will be working with, and they are all gorgeous. Perhaps I need to start being too busy around you, not reply to texts so rapidly. Yes. Go out with a few guy friends, post pictures on Facebook ….

Its all coming together now. Mind you, I have a date with Brian on Thursday, a day before I see you. I had to cancel on him today and he claimed that I would be “punished” on Friday because I “owe him big.” Hrm. I like that….I think its time I fuck his brains out. Maybe leave something secretly behind for his girlfriend to see. Maybe


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cuantas veces al día dices: "me voy a conectar"

Hoy elaborando mi tesis y leyendo un libro de mercadeo de Kotler… acerca de la era del internet se me ocurrió esto y yo misma me pregunte: cuantas veces pienso: “me voy a conectar”… jajajaja.. mmm si me lo respondí…

Es impresionante el impacto que las redes sociales actualmente tienen en la sociedad, y cuanto nosotros los jóvenes (y algunos no tan jóvenes jeje) hacemos uso de estas redes como facebook, twitter, blogs, msn, entre otros.. Pero cuanto tiempo invertimos en esto… (mm?? jaja) aunque la palabra “invertir” no esta bien utilizada que una “inversión” trae un beneficio o provecho” y estar “enredado” no siempre trae provecho precisamente (jajaja)..

ahora te pregunto:

En el msn…

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: “Me voy a conectar”

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: “Decile que se conecte”,  ”No esta conectad@” , “A la conectate”,  ”En la tarde me conecto”, “hay te conectas”

En Fb..

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: ”Le voy a poner un comment”

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: ” l@ voy a tagear”, ” contestame”, “ya viste su perfil..”, ” ya viste el comment que te puse..”, “ya viste lo que publico..”, “mira tu inbox”, “voy a subir una foto… ó, a la subi las fotos del sábado..”, “ya viste el video que subió”…

En twitter…

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: “mandale un twtt”, mandale un dm”,

- Cuantas veces al día escribes: ” @ “, “#”, “RT”

En el correo…

- Cuantas veces al día piensas, dices o escribes: “revisa tu correo”, “te mande un correo…”, ” ya revisaste tu correo??”, ” ya viste el mail que te mande?”

Ahora te impresionas verdad… jajaja

Te cuento que esta infinidad de información que compartimos diariamente utilizando esta forma de comunicación  genera tráfico en nuestros perfiles en nuestras diversas redes sociales… y como yo diria, es: “E-marketing para tu persona” Así es como nos mercadeamos…. jajajajaja..

Siguete mercadeando y enredandote => pero utilizalo provechosamente y no te envicies jajajajaja…


FACEBOOK...cuando lo pelabola va mas alla de lo comprensible!


Obeserven al individuo de arriba…no les parece algo asi como una ignorancia ironica??? que carajos hace un tipo que creo es mas negro que yo haciendole homenaje a los nazis, es que acaso en las escuelas y liceos ya no estan enseñando nada???ha cambiado tanto el sistema desde que sali del liceo??? CSM es que acaso no pueden usar el internet para otra vaina que no sea aplastarse en la pc y mantener solo la pagina del facebus abierta para ver que hace fulanito o menganito???…pelabolismo del bueno señores del bueno.

Para todos es muy conocida la pagina del facebook, es una pagina chevere que te permite estar en contacto con tus amigo o familiares lejanos o compañeros de trabajo, hasta se puede conocer a traves de el personas interesantes de otros paises inclusive por que no al amor de tu vida, algo asi como un msn mas avanzado pues, puedes compartir fotos con la gente para que familiares y amigos se enteren de tu reunion o de la fiesta a la que no fueron, el acto de graduacion de alguien y un largo etc.

Ok fino hasta ahi, el que la invento se la comio y esta nandando en reales, pero que pasa cuando las personas que estan sin nada que hacer agarran el facebook como diario personal???para “matar el aburrimiento” porque no tienen nada que hacer o simplemente para ladillar a los demas…triste.

Dicen que la lengua es castigo del cuerpo y la verdad es que yo tambien uso el facebook para pasar el rato, pero a diferencia de algunas personas las cosas que hago trato de mantenerlas ocultas para no molestarle tanto la vista a los demas…por que saben uds que da una arrechera enorme??? que cuando abras tu facebook encontrar que todo tu inicio y digo TODO TU INICIO lo cope las estupideces que hace algun contacto que tengas agregado. Uds diran pero que tanto hacen???…bueno comenzare por los estados, DIOS MIO malditos estados, el facebook puede pasar facilmente como los clasificados del periodico, esa vaina parece una venta de garage, tambien estan los que adoptan el facebook como diario y como un amigo para desahogarse…se supone que un diario es algo privado donde escribes tus pensamientos y problemas…he leido frases como “dios mio ya no es lo que solia ser, no te puedo olvidar, me siento demasiado mal”, pero las personas son extrañas porque al ver que no les comentan el estado vuelven a colocar lo mismo EN GRANDE y con caritas, y nunca falta el webon(a) que le alimenta el ego a fulanit@ y va y le comenta la vaina y ni hablar de los que empiezan en orden cronologico, “alistandome pa la disco”, “me sigo alistando pa la disco”, “esperando a mi prima pa ir a la disco”, “saliendito”, “que ladilla aun no salgo”, “me fui a beber en la disco, acabadera de trapos total”, “llegando de la disco”, “pasando la pea…bebi que jode” MALDITASEA A NADIE LE INTERESA!!!!!!!!

Facilmente podria borrar a los contactos pelabolas, pero al parecer es una epidemia que afecta a la mayoria…digna de un estudio de la national geographic, como se propagan los desgraciados.

El estado es una de tantas cosas con la que pelan bola, pero si llegamos al extremo de lo pelabola estamos hablando entonces de las aplicaciones…EL GCDSM yo me llego a encontrar con el sucio VAGO que hace esas aplicaciones y por dios que lo guindo del cuello con un alambre de puas oxidado pa que se muera dos veces, ahorcado y de tetanos. Santo dios bendito las aplicaciones que hay en el facebook  van desde, y pongan cuidao cuantas lineas ocupan la cantidad de aplicaciones: preguntale un consejo al gnomo buena onda, la galleta de la fortuna, la galleta del infortunio (para que carajos tu quieres una galleta del infortunio MALDITO ANORMAL!!!!), la galleta de la mala onda, preguntale a la bola de cristal, preguntale al oraculo, preguntale a la bruja, averigua tu fecha de muerte,  de que color tienes tu aura, quien es tu amigo del dia, quien es tu enemigo del dia (que vas a salir a matarlo???),  el secreto-la ley de atraccion, preguntale un consejo a osmel sousa, preguntale un consejo a doña gumercinda, preguntale un consejo a juanga, preguntale a un consejo a chavez, preguntale un consejo a manuel rosales, preguntale un consejo a pikachu (pa que la rata amarilla asexual esa te conteste “pika pika pikachu pi pi pika” WTF!!!!!!), preguntale una frase ar conde (esa si da risa jajaja), preguntale un consejo a dave…AHHHHHHHHH malditasea voy a crear uno que diga “PREGUNTALE UN CONSEJO AL CTM!!!!!” de pana si no creo ese voy a crear un test (ah se me olvidaban los tests, pero si me pongo a nombrarlos el wordpress me cierra el blog por el exceso de caracteres jajaja) que diga “DE QUE COLOR ES SU ALMA SEGUN EL GRADO DE FETIDEZ QUE TIENE UD CUANDO SE LANZA UN PEO A LAS 5am DESPUES DE HABER COMIDO LA NOCHE ANTERIOR UN PLATO DE CARAOTAS FRITAS!!!!!!.

En el facebook deberian de montar un estudio fotografico o por lo menos hacer unos cursitos de fotografia, porque que habilidad tienen las personas para hacerle tantas mariqueras a una foto DIOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSS (ver anexo de foto al principio jajajajaja csm que marico), coño una vaina es tener fotos donde salgas con tus panas, con la familia, jodiendo y tal con unas curditas en la disco ok no problem, pero hay casos de casos y cosas de cosas, el EGO que tienen algunas personas es enorme, hasta creo que tienen el autoestima por las nubes, he llegado a ver en un solo contacto como 5 albums de fotos donde la atraccion principal es…adivinen, EXACTO el o la pelabola de turno. Fotos de diferentes angulos (fotografos en potencia, el TIMES los debe estar buscando), con el pelo de medio lado, en el espejo, contra el espejo, contra la pared, en pose malota, hasta parecen sordo mudos de la cantidad de poses que hacen con las manos, el simbolo de la paz, los cuernos, poses extrañas de los raperitos y tukkis que salen ahi parecieran que tuvieran artritis prematura, un dia de estos voy a salir en pelotas haciendo el signo de ADIDAS en forma breakdance malditasea.

Mejor lo dejamos hasta aqui por que creo que el wordpress me va a cerrar el bloga jajaja, saludos perr@s y dejen lo pelabola!!!!!

P.D: en el proximo post del pelabolismo del face “malditasea, otra etiqueta mas” y “las mil y un notificaciones”


Monday, September 7, 2009

Virtually a Rock Band

A couple years ago, I ventured into one of my many virtual lives – but this was my first virtual rock band…

A little bit of history here for those of you who didn’t know me until this century (those of you who knew me previously and/or wish you didn’t – skip to the end!) – I’ve been living a virtual life since about 1990. I might’ve been in Junior High, but it was also a time of email and bulletin board systems (BBSs). For those of you who never ventured into what was then even decades-old-technology or you are only recently starting your adventure into “social networking” (a term that those of us from way-back would’ve just replaced with “goon”), you’ve got some catching up to do.

Daily doses of Facebook and relentless, annoying tweets will not replace the psychological evolution that inspired a generation (or two) of geeks who truly embraced the concept that looks are indeed not everything and, as it is in 2009, asynchronous communication didn’t refer to the postal service nor was a chat something you had at the local Starbucks. We weren’t the most attractive bunch, but we were confident, friendly, brilliant, and attractive – behind our monitors.

Now formalized through structured online dating, our meetings occurred in the most basic form – Saturday night at “the park.” While the internet is now available at our fingertips from anywhere on Earth, back then we breathed deeply waiting to type “atdt (#)” and log into a chat room where our friends embraced us regardless of our awkwardness – for online, we were powerful. We perfected emoticons and some of us still think in terms of “actions”. If I ever said to you, “Sigh” or “ga here,” it’s because my brain still reverts to a 2400 baud delight. (As an aside, “GA” stood for “generic action” and was a tweet long before twitter ever got here.)

While I’ve surely talked about this before, the most fun I’ve had in a virtual life (FarmVille definitely doesn’t compare) is Rock Band. If you haven’t experienced Rock Band, you’re missing out. It’s a great family activity and brings out the performer in everyone. I’ve enjoyed many an hour at the hands of this game and, yes, probably could’ve learned how to play guitar for real. But the game is, after all, generally less frustrating, cheaper, and more satisfying in a shorter time. The latter especially speaks to my aging mind, which was warped by an early introduction to technology and the inability to delay gratification. Rock Band can be a social or individual activity and I would highly recommend it for families – for those of you in Utah, beware that the clothes are not necessarily the most Utah-appropriate. However, I make no apologies for my somewhat-risqué and highly tattooed rocker (clearly she does NOT represent my alter ego, Jezebel).

And, here we are again back to my point – Inspired by the game and in the mood for tongue-in-cheek stupidity, the lyrics below were composed about a year ago when the game was newer and I had more time to waste. Props to the goons.

Virtually a Rock Band

Waiting all day, just putting’ in my time.

Can’t wait to get out, got to get my gear online.

The closing bell rings and I’m already on the road.

Crazy on the streets, my blood starts to flow.

Walked into the room and she’s waiting there for me.

Shiny black guitar, she’s even cord free.

I grab her by the neck, swing the strap around mine.

The thrill of excitement shoots down my spine.

Ready for the tour? I hear my manager say.

Got to look sharp if the fans are gonna pay.

Change up my hair, add a few tats.

Upgrade my gear and review my stats.

Metallica, Coheed, and Paramore.

These covers are made for racking a score.

The solo comes up and I start to flash red.

The fans are booing; I’m losing my cred!


I play the buttons on my Gibson.

You pound the drums; the Xbox sings.

With the hours we’ve invested.

Could have learned the real thing.

I yell to my bandmates, hit the right notes!

They try to help while watching their throats.

I fret the quick ones and hold out a wail.

Savior, thank you; the band almost failed!

I’m rocking the club and my energy is climbing.

Lifted up her neck I’m quickly overdriving.

My pulse is racing and I’m feeling the beat.

Pounding in my head and tapping in my feet.


I play the buttons on my Gibson.

You pound the drums; the Xbox sings.

With the hours we’ve invested.

Could have learned the real thing.

The big finish comes and we try to hit them all.

The guitar is grooving when a drumstick falls!

At the last moment, the final cord appears

A triple, on expert – the greatest of fears!

I hit it, no problem, I play it extra cool.

My bandmates know not to mess with this fool.

We earn some cash and a bunch of new fans.

Soon we’re off to Boston, in our fancy new van!


I play the buttons on my Gibson.

You pound the drums; the Xbox sings.

With the hours we’ve invested.

Could have learned the real thing.
